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Goals...Our progress thread!

Well, I said I would start this thread today and I just sort of wanted to hide from the computer instead.
I reached some of my goals and not others. 
I did not drink any Diet Coke. (felt totally lethargic today) I am trying to cut out Aspartame, not caffeine.  I drank fruit juice instead.  I also drank lots of water but I always do.
I did eat more fruits and veggies.  More then I normally do at least. Had about 6 servings in total.
I did however smoke but instead of my normal 25 cigarettes a day, I had about 7.
Didn't exercise other than walking Cali.  Not even a long walk as she is really sore today.
I truly feel exhausted. Was my first day back at work after being off for two weeks.
None the less, it is a beginning......  There would be no point me saying I didn't smoke or that I exercised because that would be lying to all of you and to myself.

Hope you all did well today and welcome to all of you who joined the goals thread.  Some of my goals are going to be way harder than my other goals.
For the people trying to gain weight, you probably get all the time...must be nice!  I know friends that also have or had to gain weight and I often think it is easier to lose weight than to gain weight when that is your issue.  One of my friends could eat and eat and eat and wouldn't gain an ounce.  She was about 15 pounds underweight.

Good luck all!

P.S.  I did see the news story about soft drinks today and it was all over the news on TV tonight.

Hahaha! Guess we are  :)


The pressure is on Cheezes!  ;D  We need to have a goal month, like, "I will make an appointment and keep it sometime during the month of September.  I will if you will.


The pressure is on Cheezes!   ;D  We need to have a goal month, like, "I will make an appointment and keep it sometime during the month of September.  I will if you will.

Count me in, girls. I didn't go last yr because I didn't make any money over the summer and a private exam doesn't come cheap. But This September I must go. And, sigh...I'll ask for a letter requesting the boob smash too. I'm old enough now under our protocols here...just lots of red tape.
September is Uterine Health Month on here, I guess.  ;)


Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet) Journal

Recipe I followed (the amount lasted for two days):
12.5 cups of spring water
1 1/4 cup fresh squeezed organic lemon juice
1 1/4 cup grade B organic maple syrup
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

8 organic lemons per batch x $0.59 each x 5 batches = $23.60
grade B maple syrup = $9.99
cayenne pepper = $2.59
spring water = around $8.00

Total for 10 days:  $44.18
Cost per Day:  $4.42

Day 1.  I normally don't eat at a set time so it's easy for me to go a day without eating for a day.  The next day, though, I usually feel starved.  I've drunk 2/3 of the lemonade mixture so far.  I've deviated from the strict cleansing and have been alternating the lemonade with Bernard Jensen's Chlorophyll with Mint.  I don't think it will throw anything off.

Day 2.  I'm surprised that I don't feel hungry yet.  When I think I might I take a swig of lemonade and the heat of the cayenne does the trick.  It's 5:30p and I'm beginning to get hungry, so maybe tomorrow will be the big Day 3 Hunger afterall.  Or maybe it's because I've only drunk 1/6 of the lemonade alloted for today.

Day 3.  I feel a bit buzzed today.  adamcrisis mentioned feeling buzzed on day three when he fasted for four days on a dare, so I guess it's normal.  I thought Day 3 was supposed to be the big hunger day, but so far no worries.  Tomorrow is my first workday of the week.  I'm a bit more of a scheduled eater there, so I hope I don't get bad hunger pains.

Day 4.   I called it.  I was hungry today at work.  I was drinking a part of one Nalgene's worth of lemonade a day, but I brought two bottles knowing this might come up.  I heard that there is a day of hunger before your metabolism shuts down, so hopefully this is it and tomorrow I'll be able to focus more directly on work.

Day 5.   I thought I might drink more each day, so I made the full daily amount and kept it in the fridge.  When I took a sip at work today, it was beginning to ferment, so I tossed it and drank water instead.  I wasn't hungry, which was a good thing, but I have fuzzy thinking.  I worked all day, but got little done.

Day 6.  Yesterday I didn't drink any lemonade as it was fermenting.  I figured out that the majority of the first batch of lemons I bought were old, so maybe it wasn't the lemonade's residency time in my refrigerator, but bad lemons.  I felt fuzzy yesterday and too dizzy to drive to work this morning.  I've just made another batch of 'ade, using the full amount of maple syrup.  My goal is to double my consumption to six servings today (two Nalgenes).  To do that I filled them up and then only added cayenne pepper to one bottle.  The other is pure summertime goodness lemonade.  After drinking some juice this morning, I feel much better and will be at work just in time to attend a going away party.  Nice how I plan these things.  Later in the day:  I drank the Nalgene of the straight lemonade within two hours and feel tons better.

Day 7.   I had more energy this morning than I've had in months.  I woke up to shining sun and singing birds.  Then, at work, the only minty, caffeine-free tea  had was Yogi's Egyptian Licorice Mint.  Oh No!  I think the licorice supports the digestive system, 'cause today I was hungry.  Also, I had a craving for a McDonalds Cheeseburger Happy Meal (don't know why - I didn't eat fast food even back when I ate meat).  Afterwards, I went to the bathroom and my pee was really hot (glad this isn't a site where a person could give TMI).

Day 8.   Yay!  No cravings today!  I have this whole thing down now.  I make the lemonade in a one gallon glass apple juice jar.  The only thing I have to measure is the maple syrup.  I fill the jug with spring water to just above the label, add the juice juice 8 lemons (which is just over the correct amount), add the maple syrup, and add the cayenne pepper until if floats on top in the correct density.

Day 9.  Smooth sailing.  Weekends are way easier than workdays.

Day 10.   I didn't have a bm this morning.  During this process I've had one each morning upon waking after being verticle for a bit and that's it.  Other than that, it was another smooth day.  I'm finally getting the hang of this at the end.  Well, I guess that's where I would get the hang of it.  I ever did manage to drink one and a half 32-oz. Nalgene's worth a day.

Transition Day 1.  Today is two cups of orange juice in addition to lemonade day.  I fresh-squeezed some organic oranges.  It was really good juice.  I was surprised by how "thick" OJ tastes after drinking lemonade for 10 days.  Well, I also had a lot of pulp in there, but I only remember OJ tasting liquidy.  I don't miss food - I'm not hungry - but I miss eating.  At work, there are two cubicles per walled-in office space.  My cubicle mate eats his lunches at his desk earlier than I take lunch and the delicious smell gets trapped in our space.  Being so close to eating myself makes it smells especially good and I get cravings.  I've found a cup of hot mint tea helps, so I have something warm in my stomach.

Transition Day 2.  Today is another day of two cups of OJ in addition to lemonade.  Another easy day.  I'm not hungry, but knowing I'll be eating tomorrow has caused cravings, so I'm drinking tea to warm my stomach.  Also, it's occurred to me that I haven't had a bm since Thursday.  I read that meat eaters can have soup, so I decided it wouldn't hurt anything if I had some tomato soup.  I had just a bit, but I feel loads better - no more cravings.

Transition Day 3.  Today is fresh fruit for lunch and a salad for dinner day.  Totally easy day.  My period started today, so the severe cravings over the past few days may be related to that and not to the cleanse.  I don't know how different I feel, but my GI thing is gone, so goal acheived.  Oh, and I had a bm today!  Yay!  Being vegan, it's really odd not to have them.

Back to eating normal.   Once I had that tomato soup on Transition Day 2 all of my cravings went away, so eating normal again isn't that big of a deal.  I'm noticing the texture of food more than I had before and my portion sizes are a lot smaller.  I believe my GI thing ended, which was my goal of the cleanse, so I feel happy I made the decision to do it.


This weekend, I am going to reevaluate the goals I made and make some changes.  I will post my new goals sometime this weekend.  Being housebound with Cali when I am not at work, I feel I can make some changes.  A couple of threads have truly inspired me lately regarding food.  As of Sunday night, I will be 4 weeks Diet Coke free.  Still haven't had any form of soft drink or coffee since I quit the Diet Coke. 
I still will work on the goals I posted but now know I have a couple more.

Have a great weekend everyone!



This weekend I reevaluated my goals.  I have been Diet Coke Free for 4 weeks and have added more fruits and veggies but not enough.

New Goals and some old ones.

Quit smoking
Eat even more fruits and veggies
Get more sleep.  I usually only get 3 or 4 hours a night.  Will try to go to bed at midnight or 1:00am which will give me 5 or 6 hours a night (starting tomorrow as it is past 2 now).
Have a healthy breakfast
Eat more beans
Start trying recipes (I hate cooking and don't use recipes)
Start exercising (both aerobic and weight bearing) 
Start to learn how to cook and actually try to enjoy it ( I ordered the Kitchen Aid Food Processor that was on The Canadian Shopping Channel)
Take some 'ME' time if only to read for a few minutes or take a bubble bath
Start truly taking care of myself.  Maybe my friend being on life support made me realize that I should care more about myself.  Of course, this incorporates the eating more beans, oh and tofu and learning how to cook so I eat more nutritionally.  I have never cooked tofu.
Take at least 1/2 hour a day to de-clutter and clean.

I know it sounds like a lot but many are related.  The cooking thing is difficult while my kitchen is being worked on but I will try at least a couple of nights a week until it is finished.
From Suggestions on the board and I think it was to Laurabs, I ordered:

I also ordered:


Not that I don't have many veggie cookbooks but these ones struck my fancy right now.  As well, all of my books are packed in boxes on my balcony while my place gets renovated.

Lastly, lately I haven't cared how I look.  I want to start caring again. 

Hope everyone is obtaining their goals and doing well. Don't forget to check in once and awhile so we can cheer you on and know how you are doing.  Goals can change so post them.

Yabbitgirl, are you still walking Cali?  I wish I knew how to post pictures so you could all see how she looks right now although the pictures are somewhat depressing.  None the less, I am not giving up on her and if it kills me, I AM going to get her healthy!

Good luck everyone on the upcoming week!



My goals:

Go to India to study

When I get back, go back to school to get my masters


I've been avoiding this thread - mostly because I haven't followed through very well with my goals.
1) writing - I've made contacts (some GREAT contacts), but haven't done much writing
2) yoga - for some reason, I just don't bring myself to do it in the morning
3) food - not too bad, but not too good either
4) sleep - hmmm. I still need more

ah well, that's life isn't it? we all need to keep up the good work, and keep cheering each other on!

oh, and diver di - those cookbooks look great! good luck :)


I've been avoiding this thread - mostly because I haven't followed through very well with my goals.

Hehe, ditto!

But I did it.  As of today, August 24, 2007, on what would have been my Papa's birthday....I quit smoking.  I'm done, I've got a patch stuck to my hip, I've been surprisingly calm and I've only chewed one nail (the pinky) off.  I'm re-reading that d**n Allen Carr quit smoking book and all is well in the nutdragon household.  Oh, to add to it, I have HAD to swear off of drinking for a least a little while.  How long?  We'll see.
So I'm gonna focus on this one alone for a while and get it mastered (although I have a tandem goal of not putting on any weight during the process, so I'll have to up the exercise anyway).

Good luck to everybody!


Congratulations Nutdragon!  It has been 21 days for me and I will tell you what you already know...the first few days are the hardest.  I don't know you and I know very little about you, but based on what I've read, I think you will be successful!  To me, you come off as someone who truely wants to quit, and that's what it takes. 

Good Luck!  Your Papa would be so proud of you!  :)



Nutdragon - Good on ya.  Maybe the quit smoking book won't be so bad this time.

I find reading a book that supports my effort helps a lot.  Take today.  I'm on Day 7 of a 10 day lemonade diet detox.  I was craving all sorts of food I didn't eat even when I was an omni:  fried chicken, barbequed to a crisp steak, MdDs cheeseburger Happy Meals, sub sandwiches with extra mayo.  I've never liked mayo.  The only thing keeping me from breaking the fast is that I have to ease out of it for a few days before I can eat regularly, so there's no possibility of instant gratification.  I'm on my way now to re-read the Master Cleanse booklet.  Hopefully Stanley Burrow's enthusiasm for the subject will help.


Thanks for your support, ladies! 

Lotus, I hadn't realized that you had officially quit, congrats!  I'm following...

HH, a good friend of mine just did the lemonade fast (I presume it's the same one, there was lots of Cayenne pepper involved...).  She showed up to a BBQ with her nalgene bottle and had everyone describe in detail what they were eating and what it tasted like. 

I'm gonna go do some deep stretching before the day really gets started to put myself in a good mindset.
Take care,


Yeah, I suppose I have completely quit!  I've just been telling people, "I haven't had a cigarette in ____ days."  Haha.  It kinda feels good to say "I've quit."  I think I'm over the hump enough to say it.  (Sorry...I'm so weird.)

Stretching and yoga have helped me a lot.

More good vibes to you Nutdragon! 


I just saw that old 1960 movie "The Time Machine" in which the evil Morlocks are feeding upon the pixie Eloi. I couldn't help but feel something relative to our own feeding upon animals. I'm vegan again, starting right now......except for chocholate.


Yeah, I suppose I have completely quit!  I've just been telling people, "I haven't had a cigarette in ____ days."  Haha.  It kinda feels good to say "I've quit."  I think I'm over the hump enough to say it.  (Sorry...I'm so weird.)

I know how that is.  I said that when I went vegan.  One morning I woke up and knew I was done eating animal for good, but I told people, "I'm still vegan today."  I wasn't ready to make an unqualified statement.

I'm vegan again, starting right now......except for chocholate.

Chocolate isn't that big of a deal to work around.  Look for chocolate at your HFS.  Mine carried Sjaaks Chocolates brand.  It's organic chocolate with vegan varieties:  dark chocolate, chocolate with almonds, and chocolate with caramel.  I'm not a big chocolate fan, but I've tried it and it's really good and I get it as small token gifts for co-workers.


Congrats Nutdragon and Lotus42!!!!!!!  Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!



How are you all doing with your goals?

Have any of you re-evalutated yours and made changes to them?

Have certain people (not to mention names) made their medical appointments yet?  ::)

Good luck this upcoming week! 



::)  I will when yabbitgirl and cheezes do.  Seriously, I need a deadline to get motivated.  Like if we make a pact to call for the appointment no later than September 15 or something.


DiverDi, I had a bit of a setback with the OTC meds lately, but I've pinpointed where the stress is coming from (an obnoxious student) but it will be gone for good as of Friday 9 PM. I don't think the problem student will return, and I'm not that desperate.
So DH has been plying me with linden tea and helping me get my groove back. With few to no students in Sept I can get more exercise, helped along by the cooler temps.
And yes, I'll have to make an appt with the GYN soon. I'll post when I've got it but she's closed till Sept 1.


::)  I will when yabbitgirl and cheezes do.  Seriously, I need a deadline to get motivated.  Like if we make a pact to call for the appointment no later than September 15 or something.

Call right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to jump on this thread so late. I've been trying to loose some weight since ummm two weeks ago? I think I'm doing ok, I MAY have lost a pound, but I'm not real sure if that's accurate. I have noticed a pair of pants that were tight on me are a little looser.  :)



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