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Goals...Our progress thread!

Well, I said I would start this thread today and I just sort of wanted to hide from the computer instead.
I reached some of my goals and not others. 
I did not drink any Diet Coke. (felt totally lethargic today) I am trying to cut out Aspartame, not caffeine.  I drank fruit juice instead.  I also drank lots of water but I always do.
I did eat more fruits and veggies.  More then I normally do at least. Had about 6 servings in total.
I did however smoke but instead of my normal 25 cigarettes a day, I had about 7.
Didn't exercise other than walking Cali.  Not even a long walk as she is really sore today.
I truly feel exhausted. Was my first day back at work after being off for two weeks.
None the less, it is a beginning......  There would be no point me saying I didn't smoke or that I exercised because that would be lying to all of you and to myself.

Hope you all did well today and welcome to all of you who joined the goals thread.  Some of my goals are going to be way harder than my other goals.
For the people trying to gain weight, you probably get all the time...must be nice!  I know friends that also have or had to gain weight and I often think it is easier to lose weight than to gain weight when that is your issue.  One of my friends could eat and eat and eat and wouldn't gain an ounce.  She was about 15 pounds underweight.

Good luck all!

P.S.  I did see the news story about soft drinks today and it was all over the news on TV tonight.

Congratulations on the diet coke, Di!  Don't kick yourself about the smoking.  Since you're doing so well with not drinking soda, you should focus on that success.  Maybe give your body a little more time to deal with the caffeine withdrawals before you tackle the smoking.  Good luck!


Bleh. It's raining, I can't walk the dogs in lightening/storm weather... I could go to the gym but I guess I'm choosing not to.

One of those days you want to go back to sleep and try again tomorrow.
Perhaps I will do just that.

Di, I think Yabbit is right- you're doing so well with the Diet Coke, focus on that goal for right now?  I understand that you don't want another birthday to go by and still be smoking but eh, it would be better to quit and make it stick than to try too many things at once and fail?  Maybe/ maybe not?  I have no business giving advice today; my head is in the clouds.
Good luck today everyone!


this is so supportive - everybody is doing well! Di - congratulations with the coke. my parents are addicted to the stuff too, and I know they'll never knock the habit. they've tried, but apparently it's REALLY hard. congrats!

I'm just so impressed and motivated...

how have I been doing? alright, considering. I'm getting my food stuff sorted out - I have an actual plan for myself, a plan that's tough for me, but doable. I didn't do yoga this morning because I have yoga class tonight. and, writing? yesterday I did plenty of research - while I was at work, and should have been working. oh well :)

things are looking good - keep it up everyone!

the hardest part is getting over that initial hurdle. once we develop new habits, old habits die hard.


Wow, congratulations everyone.  We're all making progress and that's the important thing, right?  To not be where we were a week ago?
I've had some successes and some failures (actually my failure will be this evening; I'm not even gonna try)
1) Been jogging twice this week (and I even hit the gym once and did yoga once, not originally goals, yay me!)
2) Steady smoking at around a half a pack a day.  I'm going to add a new goal for next week that I will not smoke before noon.
3) I planned to drink only two days this week, but I will be attending a function tonight that I suppose I could ginger ale-it, but I won't.  To be honest.  And that's what we're here for, right?  Plus there's a HUGE street festival with beer and bands and a whole lot of people all weekend and I'm planning to attend at least Saturday night; maybe Friday it depends on how much work I can get done between now and the time the good bands start. 

Good luck to everyone and good job!


Yeah!  No headache tonight.  Last night my headache so so bad that when I went to bed, it felt like lightening bolts were searing through my head.  I couldn't move.  I wanted to get up to take some Advil but the pain was so extreme.  I finally did get up and take two Advil.  I lay down again and broke out into a huge sweat and yet I was cold.  I finally fell asleep around 3:30am and had to get up at 6:00am.  My stomach was upset this morning and then it passed.  Nothing like being in pain while many critters are sound asleep on the bed apparently oblivious to what I was going through! :-)
You guys rock!  You are all doing so well.
This is a great thread.  Nothing like cheering people on.  Each and everyone of us is better than we were when we started on Monday!
Oh, my stomach feels less bloated since stopping the Diet Coke.  Probably because I am not drinking copious amounts of sodium.
Hey bag lady....yes you Anna....thanks for walking Cali.  Too bad you didn't live closer.  Then when I went away on a vacation, you could actually walk the real thing! hee hee hee.

On a funny note, I told my friend at work today about my headaches and I attributed them to giving up Diet Coke and the caffeine in it.  She said, 'Isn't your BF away this week?'  I answered yes and she said, "your headaches aren't from the coke...they are from your withdrawal from....well you know!  ;D ;D ;D  Things that make you go hmmmmmm?


I take it "well you know" means the same thing in the US it does in Europe?  :-[  ;) (Hint hint, nudge nudge, say no more!)

I didn't get out walking today but it's because we had THREE very  long walks yesterday, and didn't get home and to bed before 1.30 AM. So I guess the getting home after midnight walk counts as today's, in a way. I am totally whacked. The most energetic thing I've done to day is go to the LIDL for some shopping and teach about The Merchant of Venice, which thankfully I can do sitting down. I will do better tomorrow I promise. I'm just not used to being out there that late anymore!

The sweats and headache do sound like "cold turkey" symptoms for caffiene and the other chemical junk in Coke...the sweat helps you detox it out of your blood. If you smell like stale soda, then you know!  ;) The worst is over, honeybunch. Get em, (veg*n) tiger!


woo hoo! this goals thread was such a great idea. we're all working to change our lives, and we can!

how have I been doing? well...

1) food - ok. today I'm going to a bulk food and natural food store to stock up. I'm going to a music festival this weekend and want to make sure I have ENOUGH. maybe I'll try soy jerky.
2) yoga - had a class yesterday, but only had time for a few forward bends this morning.
3) writing - not so much. I've been busy getting ready for the music festival (it's at a camp ground, and I'll be pitching a tent and everything...)
4) early to bed - well... no. I was up late getting ready to camp...

even if you don't read through all my goals and just skip past that last part, simply writing them down is helpful for me! it helps me sort and categorize what I've done and what I plan to do.

keep it up team veg*n!


i accomplished none of my goals, but still had an awesome week

oh well


i accomplished none of my goals, but still had an awesome week

oh well



I take it "well you know" means the same thing in the US it does in Europe?  :-[  ;) (Hint hint, nudge nudge, say no more!

I am sure it does in the US but it certainly does here in Canada!  ::)


Well, I completed day 5 without any soft drinks.  More ASPARTAME!  I didn't have a headache last night so thought I had that beat.  This morning, I woke up with a killer headache.  If I hadn't had to go to work, I wouldn't have.  It went away after again, another 2 Advil.  I know it will pass but it has been wicked.  I didn't eat well today.  I had ww toast for breakfast with peanut butter.  My snack, a banana.  Lunch was an apple.  Mid afternoon snack, some peanuts.  That is all I ate today.  If I am not hungry, I don't want to eat just to say I ate.
I feel I am now ready to try and quit smoking.  Smoking is the one that has plagued me the most.  I still can't believe I started smoking again after 14 years of not smoking.  I have now been smoking about 9 months and it truly is a disgusting and foul habit.  I don't smoke during the day (work days) and don't even crave one during the day. 
Since quitting the Diet Coke, I have a funny taste in my mouth.  Probably toxins working their way out.
Even funnier, I have done a couple of juice fasts in the last few years.  My last one lasted 32 days.  I never had the headaches that I have been having.  I should have just done a juice fast to quit the Diet Coke.  It was from the last juice fast that I found out I am allergic to carrots.  Carrots played a huge role in my fast so I am at a loss as to what to substitute them with if and when I do another.  Sweet potatoes or yams juice well.  They could probably be substituted.
OK, I have rambled.  Good luck to everyone over the weekend!


I take it "well you know" means the same thing in the US it does in Europe?  :-[  ;) (Hint hint, nudge nudge, say no more!)

Well, my BF is back and he came over tonight.  So if I have a headache in the morning, it is definitely the caffeine and aspartame!  ;D ;D ;D

I thought I was done the headaches but this morning was another killer.  Surely the crap is out of my body.  Today is my 6th day Diet Coke free.

Funny, I was getting the headaches at night but the last two days, they have been in the morning. 

I found another 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke in my fridge tonight.  I opened it and poured it down the drain.  It is obviously poison if it is causing me this much grief.

My BF has no addictions and is very pleased I am working on mine.

Don't forget to walk Cali in the morning!


I'm on it, Di!!  ;D I have no classes Monday morning so no excuses! If you can do this, so can I.

That remark reminds me of when I first realised how heavy I had got, I was over 200 lbs and the dr told me to lose some weight prior to keyhole surgery for an ovarian cyst. I managed to lose about 20 lbs in 6 mos. At that time I was going to an aerobics class for "housewives" that met three times a week. Suddenly all the women were getting serious about losing. When I made some passing remark about it, one of them said, "Well, we figured--if YOU can do it, we can!"

I'm not sure whether she meant it as an encouragement or an insult. ???

In my case, Di, if you can manage without the Coke (and I know how hard that is!), I can manage to drag myself out of my lovely bed and walk Cali!! I was seriously addicted to Coke in college, which is where the serious weight problem it up is NOT easy.


well, i ate some sugary stuff today and had a couple cocktails.. but i did walk around a decent amount and i just got back from a 13 mile bike ride.. so i'm calling it even.  :) 

i think once i finish all the peanut butter i have i need to not buy it for awhile, for some reason it's so addictive right now.  for the past couple years i barely ate it and now i'm buying a jar every couple weeks.  it's so weird how you go through food phases... i guess i finally got over eating pb&j for school lunch everyday.


11:50pm, July 29th.... I QUIT SMOKING!

Yesterday morning was my last Diet Coke headache so I am ready to move forward and tackle this.  Glad none of you live close to me or work with me.  Let the bitchiness begin!  ;D

Today was 7 days Diet Coke free.  Haven't even had any soft drinks or coffee or caffeine the last 7 days.

I will drink coffee again but as I am not a big coffee drinker, the caffeine addiction will not happen again.

Good luck this week everyone with your goals!!!!!


Well done our Di!

From experience I can tell you, once you get the caffiene flushed out of your system it affects you even more than it used to in terms of the "rush." So be prepared. It'll be like you never had coffee before.

I weighed in this AM, no change which in itself is good (no gain) but also a warning not to get too complacent. I got out to walk Cali this AM at 8.15 because it's HOT out there. 29º C at 8 AM. And on the rise.

I am so proud of both of us. How's the little furbaby?


Good going, Di! You can do this. I know you can because you've done it before. Be strong.


Two doses of thyroid medication so far and things are looking up. After the first dose yesterday, I began to feel my muscles relax. I slept with NO OTC "help" of any excuses to pop allergy meds like Benadryl etc, no melatonin supplements  because I was afraid to mix one hormone with another until I find out what it's going to do.
I slept very well, and woke up feeling much more rested than usual. Dose two, and I didn't need that mid morning cup of tea to keep going.

And DH invented a tofu scramble for lunch, which I have duly submitted!
Does it get better? I can hope so.


so far so good I think... everyone is doing great!

it's been awhile since I posted on this thread... that's ok though. I've been pretty busy.

some good things: I sent off an article to be published (in a community paper - woo hoo! my name in print again!). I also emailed the toronto vegetarian association, congratulating them on their website and work etc. I was emailed back, and was offered some volunteer editing or writing work! awesome!



I'm having a so-so week.  The drinking thing (only two days a week) has been far more difficult than I gave it credit for (which, understandably concerns me).  I knew we did a lot (we are out almost every night for some reason or another, business, pleasure, or therapeutic  ;) ),  I just didn't realize how much drinking was done on each of these occasions.  Not just by us, but it's not been easy to just say "no thanks, I'll stick with water tonight, it's my turn to get the next round..."  Both of us spent years behind the bar and frankly are quite comfortable in front of one.    hmmmm

On a good note, I am smoking less.  I've got a little case that only holds ten.  I had planned on filling it in the morning, but most days, I don't finish my allotment.  Suppose it's time to knock it down a few more?

Still jogging about every other day, which is more-or-less where I want to be.  It does motivate me to do other things, like stretch and weights.

Hope all is well for everyone in their pursuit of happiness....



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