Food bill per week
Posted by NLveganmama on Jan 28, 2010 · Member since Jan 2010 · 380 posts
Just wondering what everyone spends per week on food per person. Have you gotten more frugal in the economic downturn? What are your best tips in getting the most for your money?
I would seriously like to meet whoever it is that's spending less than five dollars a week on food. That's about... eight tins of Tesco value kidney beans, or three jars of peanut butter. That's straight-up not enough. Maybe if you bought massively huge bulk bags of beans and rice - on a 'last the year' kind of scale...
Is this perhaps meant to be per day or something? I just don't see how this makes any sense. How much do you spend on eating out/processed foods? ???
The poll said per meal per person. I took that too mean what do I spend on one meal. For us, that number is quite low.
Anywhere from 40 - 60. It all depends. XD
If my friends want to go out and eat its usually more.
Um, I use less than 100 for two weeks for the three of us and we get our tummies filled and are well balanced. I let the budget be 140 for 2 weeks but usually don't come close to it. If I shop at the farmer's market, I spend even less.
You still have an inexpensive farmers market? Ours use to be this way until the yuppies started shopping at it. Now, it costs a small fortune just to buy a few pounds of fruit. Usually, I just buy at the local grocery store or roadside stands. They tend to sell even more local produce at an even better price.
I would seriously like to meet whoever it is that's spending less than five dollars a week on food. That's about... eight tins of Tesco value kidney beans, or three jars of peanut butter. That's straight-up not enough. Maybe if you bought massively huge bulk bags of beans and rice - on a 'last the year' kind of scale...
Is this perhaps meant to be per day or something? I just don't see how this makes any sense. How much do you spend on eating out/processed foods? ???
The poll said per meal per person. I took that too mean what do I spend on one meal. For us, that number is quite low.
it didn't use to say that - it was changed.
I only shop for myself, and usually spend betwee $20 - $40, depending on what I need that week. I also tend to cook in bulk and freeze things, and also stock up on canned/dried goods, so it really depends.
i m the only vegan in my house. i don't like to eat out so that's a savings. i buy a box of spinach and 3 packs of tofu a week, tomatoes and i found a local supplies of apples, becuase i eat 3 a day. breakfast and snack for me are a low GI meal relacement bar, that is so yummy it's like a treat. and popcorn everynight with nutritional yeast, again fairl cheap. the most expensive thing i buy would be veggie ground round and tofu dogs, but i try to wait until they are on sale.i must admit i spend $30 on frozen berries me my son and i. i don't eat boxed cereal or crackers, bread. i have a simple diet, but i really love what i eat and feel great.
the boys in my family like packaged food and meat and that tends to cost more. we have separate cupboards in the kitchen and we all have different meals at mealtimes.
But i'm not changing and i don't expect them too either, so this arrangement works well for us!
I like to budget about 100 dollars a week for the bf and me. Some weeks it's way less because all I'm getting is tofu and vegetables at the local store. Then there are the weeks that we make the trip to the co-op, and I spend perhaps 150 those weeks or so? It's usually because I'm buying things in bulk that I can't get locally (nutritional yeast, bulk pb, tofutti products, vital wheat gluten, organic anything, etc). But these items last for weeks. We usually eat out 1 meal a week, usually when we go rock climbing and go out with the group. I try to keep that under 25, 30 dollars.
I never know whether to include my running things in the food budget, like my Gus, Luna Moons, Nuun tablets, etc. I usually put those in the "recreation" category. This would also make my food bill go up a bit.
I make just about everything I can at home: seitan, bread, granola, cupcakes/desserts/cookies, dried beans and so on. I think this saves money, and frees up the budget to splurge on tons of nutritional yeast or some Tings/Veggie Booty occasionally. Plus, my homemade stuff is way better than storebought, if I do say so myself!
My budget is about $125.00 week for me myself, (but this includes toiletries, cleaning supplies and other things) which equals about $6.00 a meal, which is probably lower when you factor in toiletries, etc.
Sometimes more, sometimes less. I've decreased my budget from $150.00 a week to $125 due to a pay cut I took deliberately to get away from my office job to work as a floor nurse again.
As other expenses such as gas, heating, etc. rise, I'm finding myself trying to be more frugal in the grocery buying.
My budget is about $125.00 week for me myself, (but this includes toiletries, cleaning supplies and other things) which equals about $6.00 a meal, which is probably lower when you factor in toiletries, etc.
Sometimes more, sometimes less. I've decreased my budget from $150.00 a week to $125 due to a pay cut I took deliberately to get away from my office job to work as a floor nurse again.
As other expenses such as gas, heating, etc. rise, I'm finding myself trying to be more frugal in the grocery buying.
Hmmm, I hadn't thought about toiletries and other things like that.
I know what you mean about other bills. The heating bill has been atrocious, since we had a bought of single digit weather. I am over winter already!
a little trick I figured out to help watch the food spending is to separate out the food/non-food items with food items out first when checking out. Ask the clerk to hit sub-total when they reach the last of the food!
a little trick I figured out to help watch the food spending is to separate out the food/non-food items with food items out first when checking out. Ask the clerk to hit sub-total when they reach the last of the food!
That's a really good idea! Or even if they won't, then it would still be easier to add up yourself.
Okay,we are a vegan family of five,I work at trader Joe's, and have been keeping tabs on my food bill ever since we went vegan two years ago. Every other Thursday I spend 250 at trader Joe's plus the day to day about 100 a 900 @trader's. Then 120-150 @whole foods every two weeks, and about 40 every two weeks at the regular grocery store. Ours totals to about 1200-1300 a month in food! Or, t put it into perspective one and a half times our rent!!! Insane but its worth it:)
The poll is asking how much money is spent per person per meal. But the forum topic is: Food bill per week.
Kind of confusing....
Okay,we are a vegan family of five,I work at trader Joe's, and have been keeping tabs on my food bill ever since we went vegan two years ago. Every other Thursday I spend 250 at trader Joe's plus the day to day about 100 a 900 @trader's. Then 120-150 @whole foods every two weeks, and about 40 every two weeks at the regular grocery store. Ours totals to about 1200-1300 a month in food! Or, t put it into perspective one and a half times our rent!!! Insane but its worth it:)
Do you get a discount at Trader Joe's? I've always wondered this! If we had a Trader Joe's anywhere within reasonable distance, I'd love to work there part time just to get the discount (if there is one!).
Just looked at my activity and have under $200 for the month and most was from whole foods. (this included veggies for the rabbit). I try to pick up a few things every day or other day during my lunch break. I feel it saves time, fuel, trips etc this way. Other pet food is over $100/month. So satan's got my average daily spending at $6.66
I probably spend about $50/wk for myself. This isn't including going out to eat maybe 1x every week - 2 weeks.. and doesn't include beer :)
I try to make things from scratch as much as possible and buy in bulk. For instance, I get black beans and garbonzos from costco along with soy milk and tortilla chips... Shop at Asian stores because it's cheaper to get curries and rice.. even veggies are super cheap there! I buy oatmeal in bulk to eat in the mornings with bananas, make my own pizza crust, cornbread, pancakes, etc.
Also in SLC we have the awesome discount store that you can get ridiculous things from. Like $1 for a big tub of organic spinach! Or $2.50 for a $5 organic thing of cereal... This store gets things for cheap from other stores because they buy too much of something and it will go bad before it expires. So SOME things you have to watch closely... But for the most part.. you get awesome deals!
Okay,we are a vegan family of five,I work at trader Joe's, and have been keeping tabs on my food bill ever since we went vegan two years ago. Every other Thursday I spend 250 at trader Joe's plus the day to day about 100 a 900 @trader's. Then 120-150 @whole foods every two weeks, and about 40 every two weeks at the regular grocery store. Ours totals to about 1200-1300 a month in food! Or, t put it into perspective one and a half times our rent!!! Insane but its worth it:)
Do you get a discount at Trader Joe's? I've always wondered this! If we had a Trader Joe's anywhere within reasonable distance, I'd love to work there part time just to get the discount (if there is one!).
you get 10% off, plus there are usually some "damaged" goods (generally new products), plus free food in the break room.
I spend about ~300 a month for two people, so 75 a week, or 25 per meal per week (ok, breakfast is cheaper). I guess that's kind of cheap. I make most of my food from scratch, though, and I get a lot of my fresh stuff cheap. I always feel like I'm spending too much money on groceries, though... maybe that's just the cheapskate student in me.
I spend about $50/ week but that includes greens/veggies for my guinea pigs as well as for myself. I usually spend about $30 at the health food store and $20 at the fruit market/grocery store. If I make a trip to Whole Foods or eat out I will spend more.
On a recent financial aid application I noted I spend $250/mo actually is under $200 but they dont need to know that.
The contacted me to question wether that was a typo as it was 30% less that the national average which would be $325/mo, Is it any coincidence that I weigh exactly 30% less than an average american?
The contacted me to question wether that was a typo as it was 30% less that the national average which would be $325/mo, Is it any coincidence that I weigh exactly 30% less than an average american?
I love this.
Ha, I was talking to my brother on the weekend, supermarkets here give out petrol discount vouchers for spending over $200 and he was telling me how they always do shopping first then fill the car so they get the discount. I told him we never get any because we've never spent more than $100 in a week and he was inordinately shocked. More so, when I told him that's our spend across three or four different shops .
I'm more surprised at what the hell they're eating that the two of them can spend over $200 on food every week !