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fixed up my VegFriends profile...

So I'm not really new, but I may have skipped that really important introduce yourself step when I started posting... so today I updated my profile...  everyone should update their profile on occasion, right?  My name is Nina and I like veg food. 

Oh yeah, sorry my screen name sucks so bad.  I created it when I really was hungry and now I'm stuck with it! 

That's cool you updated your profile! I should do that sometimes soon actually. And don't worry about your name. I think it's kinda neat! LOL! There's another thread on here about how vegans here are all into food! Your name would fit right now! LOL


Right about now your screen name sounds like me!  ;)

Your post reminded me that I needed to fill out my profile - I've been registered for a few months now, but never really got around to it. So today I made time! Thanks!  :)


I hear you on the screen name!! If I had had my brain about me when I signed on I would now be "orinoco womble" and I feel sad that I can't change it. But, ah well, the yabbit carries on!


what i want to know is what does your shirt say?

and if you want to live somewhere warm, move to austin!  we can hang out! yeahhh.


what i want to know is what does your shirt say?

and if you want to live somewhere warm, move to austin!   we can hang out! yeahhh.

Of Death, which interestingly enough is a Texas band :) and I did used to live in Texas, Dennison Texas.  I wouldn't reccomend that as a place to live for vegetarians though.  The only reason I haven't moved to a warmer climate yet is because I need a job first.  So if anyone knows a place highring video editors...
Of Death's myspace:


Welcome Nina!

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