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eww, gag me...literally

So, we always have Alejandro's brand tortillas at work.They are vegan... so I just ate one. Then I went back to get a second one and noticed the label was blue (a different brand) so i read the ingredients and it contained beef lard and milk among other freakish things. So I started puking...and interstingly I threw up the nori I eat like 14 hours ago for breakfast...freaky, no?

Sickening beef fat was in my body though :-X Like...all I can think of is those PETA videos Ive seen of horrified animals going to slaughter and then somebody ripped his paddings off to make my disgusting bread that i puked up.... :'(

aw, don't worry too much about it zealia.
i know it is gross to think about, but just try not to :'(. what's done is done.


weird that you threw up your nori, and nori for breakfast?  in what form?

but i agree, try not to worry about it too much, i ate a buttery flapjack/granola bar the oter week and it totally grossed me out b ut i made me stop thinking about it and remember about how i DONT eat those products way more than I DO eat them, and tht a slip up like that is forgivable.  as a veggie/vegan you do a load for the animals anyways so i think you can give yourself a break, just think about all the good things you do all the rest of the time.    :)    hope this helps.


yeah...the nori was in some left over Chinese! :D I'm silly like that...

but I still feel disgusted. I can accept it on the level of slip ups but Its still kinda disturbing  :-X


Really hate it when stuff like that happens!
You just kind of feel duped, ey?



ugh! i feel your pain! you just feel sooo disgusting... :'( :P >:(  when i had that sort of stuff happen, i feel "tainted" ....

but, yeah, dont beat yourself up about it.


I always gauge these things by intent. Clearly beef lard was NOT your intention. You're still ok with me. :)


I would freak out too... eek. but it happens - so no worries.

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