Do you call yourself "vegan" or "a vegan?"
Posted by lotus42 on Mar 09, 2009 · Member since Mar 2007 · 3081 posts
Ok, so this is just a silly question I've been thinking about. When referring to your lifestyle, do you say "I'm vegan" or "I'm A vegan?" I think I usually say "I'm vegan." No article.
This girl at work (the hfs, no less) always gives me shit about being "a vegan." It kinda grates on me when she says it. I don't know...maybe because I'm not sure if she's joking or if she's really trying to get to me. Whatevs.
So. How do you define yourself?
I usually say "strict vegetarian", since some people (e.g., older relatives) don't even know what vegan means!
i'm an in the closet vegan
I usually say "strict vegetarian", since some people (e.g., older relatives) don't even know what vegan means!
Half the people I meet/ work with don't know what a vegetarian is... So, I usually tell people "I don't eat meat or anything that comes from animals."
Around ppl who know what the word means, I say "I'm vegan."
"I am a vegan" sounds bizarre-- like I'm part of a cult, IMO. And, as other posters noted, it implies a dichotomy, which is not a good thing.
I refer to myself as "A really good vegetarian."
People around here just call vegans the hardcore vegetarians ;D
But there were so many great examples of this on my trip, being around Ag kids not many of them know about vegans or think anyone actually is. And about 5 times i overheard people talking about me, saying "shes a vegan" It made me so mad!! But at least on this trip no one hounded me for it, only the female chaperone and one student asked me questions, but in a i'm proud of you kind of way.