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Dairy yuckiness?

So today is my birthday and all weekend people have been taking me out for milkshakes and ice cream. I'm ovo-lacto, but I use soymilk and I despise cheese. All three times after getting a dairy treat I've had to poo less than an hour after (TMI, sorry) and had really bad gas for the rest of the evening, plus a general yucky feeling in my stomach. I think that it's really strange. I'm wondering if it's actually the ice cream or its sugar that make me feel so ill. Does anyone have an opinion on what might be happening and how I might fix it?

TMI?  What does that mean?  


TMI= too musch information.

Baypuppy- I didn't think lactose intolerance was something that could be "developed" per say, though I'm very ignorant on the subject. The only real dairy that I have is stuff like margarine and butter.

I'll look that up.


Oh, yeah, I know.  I just mean, TMI around here?  I don't think so.  <cough>Divaclub<cough>sexyfluids<cough>poopshapers<cough>

And yeah, I think lactose intolerance can develop at any time.


Oh, yeah, the poopshapers.  That was a great link, BP.  And I hope you know I wasn't being judgy, or anything.  I love this site, and the openness here.  I was just saying that this community doesn't get uptight about anything.  That's all.


Happy Birthday  :)


Yes, Happy Birthday!    :D


i am almost positive it is lactose intolerance, but it probably isn't very severe.

MOST people develop lactose intolerance (hopefully you aren't when you are a baby otherwise you can't have mommies milk :)) and it is especially prevalent when you don't eat lactose for a while and then start again.


THanks you guys! :)


i am almost positive it is lactose intolerance, but it probably isn't very severe.

MOST people develop lactose intolerance (hopefully you aren't when you are a baby otherwise you can't have mommies milk :)) and it is especially prevalent when you don't eat lactose for a while and then start again.

I've read that humans lose the necessary enzyme to digest cow's milk between ages 1.5 - 4 years... specifically, we lose the ability to get any calcium from it.  ???  One more reason to avoid it, eh?


I agree with the developing lactose intollerence. I switched to soymilk full time after reading the China Study. The last time I had real ice cream, earlier this summer, I was in pain!!!! I swore never to eat icecream again. And I haven't, thank you, soy delicous. Anyhow, I still have a little cheese or butter here & there when I am out and seem ok with that.


i was in san fransisco over the summer.
and i wanted a smoothie really bad.
anyway, it probably had milk products in it, but i didn't ask.
i felt sick after i had it.


i am almost positive it is lactose intolerance, but it probably isn't very severe.

MOST people develop lactose intolerance (hopefully you aren't when you are a baby otherwise you can't have mommies milk :)) and it is especially prevalent when you don't eat lactose for a while and then start again.

I've read that humans lose the necessary enzyme to digest cow's milk between ages 1.5 - 4 years... specifically, we lose the ability to get any calcium from it.  ???  One more reason to avoid it, eh?

i doubt that is true because calcium isn't in any matrix or anything with lactose.


I saw my kid brother for the first time in a year last week and he was all hell bent on us getting a mocha shake like we used to on the pier (actually he kept trying to get me to "just try" his chicken sandwich, too, but I passed on that).  Anyway I drank the shake (I still do cheese from time-to-time, but that's about it for the dairy) and lets just say...I'm glad the guy next to me on the plane was asleep for most of the flight.  :o  I was up in the lav several times and my stomach was gurgling (protesting, I'm sure) loudly.  In retrospect, I'm lucky I didn't get nauseous.  I can't imagine that would have been fun.

Did you get the phlegmy tongue, too?  Yuk!


Happy Birthday!

Definately symptoms of lactose intolerance, which might have been there all along, you were just tolerant of the intolerance.  If that makes any sense.

Kind of like the same way beans cause gas, but we veg*ns get use to it and it doesn't bother us after a while.

Millions of people, especially Asians and African Americans are lactose intolerant.  Many just deal with the symptoms because dairy tastes good and the dairy industry convinces us we have to have in order to be healthy.


I once read that all humans are by nature lactose intolerant.  We develop an immunity to it as we continue to bombard our systems with dairy products.  It makes sense that we lose our immunity over time...might not be a bad thing.  I mean, cows have 3 are we supposed to digest their milk in the same way they do? 

I'm not an authority on this subject...just throwing it out there.


Very happy birthday.

Re: lactose intolerance... globally, most people ARE lactose intolerant, past infancy.  That's the normal state for humans.  Some people (mostly Caucasians and definitely a minority) retain a tolerance long past infancy due to genetic tendencies and/or culturing enzymes in their digestive tract to help (by continually consuming milk throughout adolescence and adulthood).  If you don't normally use it, it will affect you more than if you do.  Also, it makes even the most tolerant of people gassy and a little loose (and very often gives acne and allergies.)

Edit: oops, I am so redundant... sorry folks! :)  But I confirm all that.

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