Compliments: In Which We Flatter Shamelessly.
Posted by KissMeKate on Jun 11, 2009 · Member since Aug 2007 · 7322 posts
To play, you have to compliment three other vegwebbers. That's the only rule. There is no penalty for taking extra turns.
hanashi - your posts make me laugh out loud on a regular basis lately! ;D
little2ant - your relentless struggle to become a successful black woman one day is inspiring. SHHHHHHHH! 8-)
secondbase - umm, you came back. And you brought all your awesome with you. :-*
We had a thread like this a while back and I thought it was time for a reincarnation.
Compliment! Go go go!
cakes - for the tour of your dorm room
I loved that.
Hespedal, I heart you for being so wacky and adorable! Your bike ride *still* inspires me-- and now it's a goal for me!
Laurenlovesgoodies, I have a secret crush on you... just 'cuz!
PK, I miss you and your insanity. ;)b I'm sad we won't see each other this month.
Sharway-I was just thinking about you earlier, I miss you around here! Shar. I like saying Shar (in my head).
Awwww, AC, you're so sweet! Ha, the truth is it used to always drive me crazy when people called me "Shar." I was like- it's "S- Har, don't you get it?!" Now I love it :D
AC-- I adore your tattoo. I've been thinking about a V for a while, and I think you've inspired me for my next one!
llg - for being a badass mechanic
pk - for your treehouse, but I should take you off the appreciation list for abandoning chat :P
blackrabbit :iloveyou: - for being my VW are amazingly smart and have my heart....
AC - vegan extraordinaire! I aspire to be like you.
KMK - I am envious of your debating're quite intelligent
PPC, Hanashi, lubi, CK, SB - you make me laugh on a regular basis...thank you!
HH - for being the only other person who hates Titanic as much as I do
underSARAH - you remind me of myself at 18 and it makes me smile (but you seem much smarter)
Cali - I still believe we may be long lost sisters....I missed you while you were gone
Storm - you're so helpful and always seem so cheerful
I have been thinking about this thread and realized there are so many of you that have inspired me in one way or another and for what ever reason ( I'm old :o) I only remember the names of people whose posts I have most recently read...I think of other names later when I am no where near a computer! So, with that being said...I love you all!!! :)>>> :)>>> Seriously, the names of the mega posters are easy to remember but all vegwebbers are truly dear to my heart. Whether it is your awesome recipes, great reviews, heartfelt advise or just wonderful you-ness, this reply goes to every single vegwebber that I have ever interacted with in one way or another. Even to the few that have been here in the past and posted mean and nastiness...I wish them well and hope they find happiness because they are vegan for a reason and must harbor goodness somewhere in their hearts behind the nastiness.
I think I ma beginning to sound rather hippie-esque so I will leave it at that. :)
Carry on ;)b
Dear Erinmonster,
hahah HH you know I love you! *hugs*
ErinM - I do think you are correct in that! When is the family reunion.
THHF - You said that so well and exactly how I was feeling. You are awesome.
True story: I woke up in the middle of the night, heart racing and slightly sweaty. I tried to figure out what was going through my slumbering brain and it was that I forgot to add vhz to this thread. I. am. such. a. nerd.
vhz - for being our sexiest veg*n and caring so much about the kids you nanny
erinm - Yes! A fellow Titanic hater does require a special shoutout. Down with Titanic! erm...
keda - who doesn't even post here, but takes the most amazing food porn, ever
tb - for being observant and saving the dog's life
True story: I woke up in the middle of the night, heart racing and slightly sweaty. I tried to figure out what was going through my slumbering brain and it was that I forgot to add vhz to this thread. I. am. such. a. nerd.
that made me laugh because it doesn't seem odd or unusual at all! .nerd +1.
I have been thinking about this thread and realized there are so many of you that have inspired me in one way or another and for what ever reason ( I'm old :o) I only remember the names of people whose posts I have most recently read...I think of other names later when I am no where near a computer! So, with that being said...I love you all!!! :)>>> :)>>> Seriously, the names of the mega posters are easy to remember but all vegwebbers are truly dear to my heart. Whether it is your awesome recipes, great reviews, heartfelt advise or just wonderful you-ness, this reply goes to every single vegwebber that I have ever interacted with in one way or another. Even to the few that have been here in the past and posted mean and nastiness...I wish them well and hope they find happiness because they are vegan for a reason and must harbor goodness somewhere in their hearts behind the nastiness.
I think I ma beginning to sound rather hippie-esque so I will leave it at that. :)
Carry on ;)b
And AC, just because I don't post everyday doesn't mean I'm not around. At one point, I was one of your bffs, but somebody much more interesting than me came along and stole that position.
Erin, that's very sweet! Thank you. You are a beautiful person, and I hope you know that! : )
You know who I just thought of...dhb! That guy....
And AC, just because I don't post everyday doesn't mean I'm not around. At one point, I was one of your bffs, but somebody much more interesting than me came along and stole that position.
Welllll, visibly around. We are bffs. I dunno what I was saying, I just worry about you when I don't see you! I'll miss you in August, too, but I'll I wish you an amazing time!!!! ^-^
What THHF said.
Adding an honorary VWer: Di's dog Cali. For being my inspiration during her fight with mange and debilitating effects of her early life, and inspiring me to get the medical help and advice I needed. And to keep on keeping on.
And of course to Di for giving Cali another chance at a normal doggy life. ("Normal" in this case meaning "possibly the most pampered, beloved dog in Canada"...but then Cali deserves it. :)>>>)
Cali the person: Menu planner extraordinare, and the person who gave us diehard VWers a place to post during the drought.
Heli: For making me laugh out loud many mornings when I am short on sleep. Priceless. It's well worth wiping tea off the monitor screen.
Blackrabbit: For so many things.
PiP: for all our imaginary slumber parties in the chat room last summer. Where are you and Violin??
Violin: for making me think and put words to those thoughts, even though you're MIA on the boards. I know you're busy living. But thank you.
HH: The woman I wish was my mother. Yes, I know you're too young. But yet and still.
AIS: The guy I wish was my dad. Or at least my bro. You bleedin' rock, mate.
I was gonna start naming people, but it's just too hard. We are a big disfunctional family and I don't want to leave anyone out!!!
me - because i'm special
myself - because i'm a good person
I - because, gosh darnit - people like me
on a serious note, i agree w/lubmiiller, it's so hard to single out any one, or two or twenty people (especially given that i'm still relatively new to this forum site) - i appreciate every person's unique input and there's so much to learn from everyone here - i just appreciate everyone equally
I was gonna start naming people, but it's just too hard. We are a big disfunctional family and I don't want to leave anyone out!!!
me - because i'm special
myself - because i'm a good person
I - because, gosh darnit - people like me
loves this!
hesp-Did I flatter you, yet? Your bike riding has always been inspiring to me, and I think you're a fun person.
br-Hey, we might not agree for the most part, but I appreciate that you are open in debate, and you do not personally attack others.
HH: The woman I wish was my mother. Yes, I know you're too young. But yet and still.
Wait? Seriously? I've had a long-standing desire to be your Ethel.
teade - for taking a spot with erinm and me in our anti-Titanic stance.
Webmistress Laura--for dealing with a big mess and trying to make vegweb even better. :)
Aww, hh and yabbit would make a good Lucy and Ethel.