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Brighter Eyes?

Has anyone noticed if their eyes are brighter and whiter after going vegan? I know this sounds like a weird question, but I went out this past weekend and took photos of my friends and I. I was looking at them a little more closely today, and I noticed that while my eyes were bright and white, theirs were red and dull looking (I'm the only veg/vegan in the group). I'm just curious if anyone else has ever noticed that?

I haven't personally noticed that, though it makes perfect sense. My Aunt studied iridology and in her charts it pinpoints where certain veins in the white of the eyes will be when there are issues with a certain body part. So,  being vegan is healthier, in turn, it probably clears up underlying problems which makes things brighter in prospect and the whites of your eyes. Wow, what a run on sentence...


Hmmmm...waht an interesting query you pose-I think I'll start to investigate this!


Yeah, this photo is a really good example (ignore my goofy look) But you can totally tell my eyes are a bright and crisp while my two friends are more red and dull.


This is an interesting query.  I have always wanted my eyes to be brighter in pictures.  I have a really nice bule color (if i do say so myself) that people often comment on, but the whites just don't seem bright enough.  Maybe that's more incentive to clean up my diet...and kick out the cheese!


I've read that with a raw foods diet one of the early things people notice is that their eyesight gets very crisp and clear, so maybe there is a similar (maybe less though ???) effect with just going vegan.    I haven't paid that much attention to mine to notice if so.     


I've read that with a raw foods diet one of the early things people notice is that their eyesight gets very crisp and clear, so maybe there is a similar (maybe less though ???) effect with just going vegan.     I haven't paid that much attention to mine to notice if so.       

Yes, I've read that too. I try to eat at least 80% raw a day, so maybe that's it? I didn't really pay attention to my eyes either until I took the photos. You really can see a difference. That's what I find so shocking.


If they don't use natural eyemakeup, that could be part of the redness too...mascara can be really hard on your eyes. I don't use any makeup at all and everyone tells me what wonderful skin I have...yeah, because I eat healthy and my pores aren't covered up with gunk!!


I do believe you are on to something... and while I'm sure does do that (it makes skin clearer etc... right?) in the pic your friends are at one angle and you are facing the camera straight on, that could account for the difference in the pic.


my mother used to see a homeopath (i think)  who did iris diagnosis,
and he advised her to quit all dairy products, as it makes the iris foggy, as well as the rest of the eye.

dairy (as you probably know) clogs you up with mucus, so my guesses are that less mucus would = brighter eyes.


This is reallly interesting.  Chicyuna, did you look at old photos of yourself and notice this difference before you were vegan?  Your eyes do look a lot brighter in that pic!


This is reallly interesting.  Chicyuna, did you look at old photos of yourself and notice this difference before you were vegan?  Your eyes do look a lot brighter in that pic!

You know what? This may be a little silly, but you'd think that'd be the first thing I would do! LOL! I haven't actually checked it out yet.. I should, just to see.

I know someone had mentioned perhaps it was just the way my face was angled (towards the camera), but if you look in my profile, there's a picture of my beau and I, and we're both facing the camera the same way, yet my eyes still look brighter. I guess I'm just a little in awe about the whole thing. I mean, I've read about stories where people's eyes become more clearer and healthier on a vegan/raw food diet, but I didn't really think it would be that dramatic!


Haha funny story.  As soon as I got home yesterday from work, although I'm not vegan, I went up to my omni roomate and said "Come here!  Let me see your eyes!"  and after he was weirded out he let me see his eyes.  They were not white clean at all...then i went to check mine, and mine were slightly clearer, but I think maybe it was the kitchen lighting that made his not as clear, hmmmmm, hehe I'm going to start checking everyones eyes now  :D


I've had several people tell me my eyes are so white and my skin is so clear since I've been vegan.  Woo hoo!


I've had several people tell me my eyes are so white and my skin is so clear since I've been vegan.  Woo hoo!

Yes, lots of people have commented on my skin as well. Wow.. it's GREAT to be vegan! LOL!


I've been told the same thing. Yippee! And my weekly headaches have vanished.

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