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being a senior NVR

So today, we had a guidance rep come into our english class and spew information about college applications at us for an hour. Then our teacher proceeded to spew information about college essays at us for another half an hour. And I've spent the last hour and a half making a spreadsheet so that I can keep track of what I need to submit to what school and by when and how much freaking money they're going to suck from me when I do it.


Plus, I have a job, I'm involved in theatre, I have to be able to pass this year so that eventually, I can actually GET to college. And I have to like, have a life?

We've only been in school for 3 weeks and I'm already super stressed out. There's far too much pressure on us at this stage in the game. And, because I'm in the AP classes its like everything is a competition. They should practically give us daily quizzes on where everyone else in the class is applying since that's basically how we're supposed to judge the quality of the schools on OUR list. Ohy.

sorry, I just needed to get some of this off my chest before I rush off to do an hour of pre-calc homework.

ha ha - just wait until you GET to college. it'll make what you're going through right now seem like cake.

mmm. cake.


just think, it'll all be over in a couple months. then you can really have senioritis... and yeah, recycle essays.

i am excited i only have about 6 more months until i graduate college! and i decided to take time off so i don't have to worry about any kind of application for internships, jobs, or grad schools. woo-hoo.

and i agree with baypuppy, i am sure you will get in and be fine.

and the work isn't that much harder..

ha ha. just wait until you have to TEACH college. it is enough to make you wanna kick some drunken frat boys.

what?! you mean you didn't want to do that while IN college?


I remember being stressed out my senior year.  I think it's because everyone builds everything up, not because it's so bad.  I'm sure you've been told this, but don't get too sucked in by big name schools.  They're not so great if you're an undergrad.  And - if high tuition is an issue you might feel pressure to keep a major you don't really want.

In California there's a deal where different community colleges have contracts with state universities.  A friend wanted to be a doctor and filled out an agreement with a state university.  He did his first two years at the community college, and as long as he earned at least Bs and kept a 3.5 GPA (I think), he was automatically accepted to the medical program at the university.


just try to enjoy it while you can.  i remember by senior year i had gotten over the depression i dealt with in high school.  i finally had my own car, and got out of school every day at noon.  i was taking AP english and calculus, but this also means that after the exams in april you will have two breezy classes where you don't have to work on anything important.  don't do anything that you hate. 
ok i'm finished.  but congrats on being almost done


And then one of your teachers (who also coaches a sport) hits you with that Shinola about "your senior year is the best year of your life!" Oh really!! My response was, "Well if it's gonna be downhill from here, I'll just slit my wrists now and avoid the rush..."  :-X

The best year of my life to date has been this past year...can't really say why, but perhaps I've just learned to live in the moment.


Senior year will be great- don't let the first three weeks throw you.

I started Grad School three weeks ago and I wanted to drop out after the first day (Baypuppy, I don't know how TA's do it- teaching AND taking classes AND thesis stuff...  :-[) BUT everyone keeps telling me to  just wait and things will get more comfortable and it will be ok.  So, I say this to you:

Owalkerjillo, everything will be ok.  You will succeed AND you will have fun, too.

Just have faith, and don't cruise/give up before the miracle happens. ;)

It all sounds so trite, I know... but I swear, it will be ok.  (can you tell I needed severe reassurance and I'm trying to give you the same thing? sorry!)


thanks you guys :) I'm mostly just stressing tring to do a million things at once and I feel like every time my mom goes out she meets up with the parents of some other kid and has a list of 5 more schools I should "look into".

I finalized my list last night though and made my self a spreadsheet (althought baypuppy's folder idea sounds smart) with deadlines and fees and what colleges require what paperwork and essays and such.

So i'm feeling better. It's just a hassle. Goodness  :P


Boy things have changed in the last 25 yrs. In those days, if you applied and they sent you a letter, you were pretty much in. Or if you had good marks in certain areas they would come to you. Unless you lived in another state...and even then if you applied and paid you were usually accepted.

Of course in those days we didn't have "spreadsheets." In those days the electric typewriter with a one-page memory per key was new. And the tennis game was the only "computer game" for home use. And we thought it was cool! Pac Man and Space Invaders were new. And nobody over 12 really understood Donkey Kong.  ;D ;D


I finalized my list last night though and made my self a spreadsheet (althought baypuppy's folder idea sounds smart) with deadlines and fees and what colleges require what paperwork and essays and such.

(wait, this is puppy. i just typed this out and forgot i am logged in on cam's computer :))

this is good b/c you can see what you need in a glance (you know, 5 essays, 23 transcripts, etc). the folders are good for when you start getting things together. like then you can say "this is the Univeristy of Awesome folder and as you get the stuff they want (the paper ap, the transcipts, etc) you can keep them in there so stuff keeps together.

organization is fun!


Here is some simple advice that I wish I got as a senior: if you get a scholarship (especially a full scholarship) TAKE IT.  It will motivate you to do well in your college courses and save you a ton of money in the long run. I was stupid and turned down two full scholarships to go to a more "prestigious" school for full tuition. Yeah, um, don't do that.

And to add to that, take all of your AP exams, even if you don't want to. Graduating early is the best thing evar, and those extra free credits are worth a lot.


  Since you're in NH I'm wondering if Dartmouth is one of the schools you'll be applying to?

  It's a great school obviously. Hanover is a really nice town to live in as well.


  Since you're in NH I'm wondering if Dartmouth is one of the schools you'll be applying to?

  It's a great school obviously. Hanover is a really nice town to live in as well.

mmm it is a really good school and Hanover is a really cute town. I'm not applying there though, and to be honest I haven't even looked into it.

And thanks baypuppy. I am thinking that the folders will be an excellent idea and will definately use them as I get closer to deadlines.

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