21st invites - the present issue!
Posted by theodamus on Jun 27, 2009 · Member since Oct 2008 · 2960 posts
Hey folks,
So as you know I'm a youngun and it's my 21st birthday coming up.
I'm currently working on the invitation with my Mum, and have hit a snag - the issue of what to say about presents!
Most people attending the party are having to travel so I want to put on the invite that no presents are required/expected, but I also know that on occasions like this instructions like that go largely ignored, so my issue is this:
How do I say in a few words: "You don't have to bring me a present but if you do please make sure it's vegan/animal/environment friendly" without sounding like a demanding tosspot?
hm, i would probably just say: i have all that i need and would just love your presence rather than presents! thanks!
That's what I want to say, it's just that I know from experience at a lot of 21sts (it's been 21st season among my friends for several years now) that some people always ignore that. So I don't want to end up with loads of milk chocolate or flash cheese or animal-filled bath and body products...etc...
I don't want presents, but the presence of you and alcohol should be so substantial that I won't remember you were there anyway.
Your presence in sharing this event with me is present enough for me. However, if you feel so inclined, I request you keep in mind and respect my animal (by)product free lifestyle.
Hanashi, you're so good with words. Seriously.
"If you must bring a present, bring bottles or flowers, or potted plants.
Or make a charitable donation in my name to:------------.
I mean that, now!"
(since "please respect my wishes" causes more fights than solves problems.)
I see nothing wrong with how you worded it in your original post. No need to sugar coat it.
It will get people thinking....although most will probably throw in the towel and bring nothing.
"Tosspot"?? That's a new word to me.
"Tosspot" originally meant a drunk; someone who is always tossing a pot of ale up to their mouth.
This has been abbreviated in the UK to "tosser", to mean "useless person, usually a loudmouth or braggart". See also "total waste of space."
yabbit you're so clever - I always assumed that tosspot meant wanker and that tosser = wanker. I have learnt something today.
I always assumed that tosspot meant wanker and that tosser = wanker.
It does.