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"I'd be tempted to have a juice bath"

I don't mean this in a weird way but it occurred to me, if I had that amount of juice, I'd be tempted to have a juice bath. Just once. Again, I feel the need to stress I don't mean this in a weird way.

And shall get done good sir!
Its all up to you vegwebbers to elect the flavor
And to make it interesting, I will make it weird by turning into a photoshoot.

And polls close Nov 04!  So Rock that vote

I have a cafepress store...I can make the calender! ;)b Probably can't actually use odwella's name though...without their permission. ::)


Off the top of my head, I can think of two ways to setup a calendar.

Firstly, you could try a piece of software like Bob Books -

Alternatively, you try a website like - it'll allow you to design pages by the month and printing them should be cheaper than the BB option.

I'm sorry, but this post made me laugh.  It is the one serious post among a long stretch of ridiculous ones.


so, I came up with some ideas.......
I think one pic should be of AC and KMK together since they are having a baby together, and one pic of CW in the tub with her 2 crushes(I think these may be her crushes).  It would have the good boy on one side and the bad boy on the other......not that the bad boy is really bad, just that he may have the bad boy look........if you know who I'm talking about....


Yeah, but who ever wants to get the "good" boy?  Or "good" girl for that matter?



No software templates! If this is to be a real shoot with artistic direction and a unique-ish concept, we simply MUST employ original, from-scratch layouts!!
Now, I have volunteered my design services, but I won't step on any toes if someone else wants to create the layout...Quark and InDesign are two good programs to use, but again, NO templates!

I'll be perfectly content if I'm only used as a model in this shoot.
and I happen to think that Lubi's idea is just splendid.  :smileside:



No software templates! If this is to be a real shoot with artistic direction and a unique-ish concept, we simply MUST employ original, from-scratch layouts!!
Now, I have volunteered my design services, but I won't step on any toes if someone else wants to create the layout...Quark and InDesign are two good programs to use, but again, NO templates!

I'll be perfectly content if I'm only used as a model in this shoot.
and I happen to think that Lubi's idea is just splendid.  :smileside:

CW, you are the graphic designer, you should be in charge of all that.....
and I'm glad you like my idea!


Off the top of my head, I can think of two ways to setup a calendar.

Firstly, you could try a piece of software like Bob Books -

Alternatively, you try a website like - it'll allow you to design pages by the month and printing them should be cheaper than the BB option.

I'm sorry, but this post made me laugh.  It is the one serious post among a long stretch of ridiculous ones.

And it's so earnest.


so, I came up with some ideas.......
I think one pic should be of AC and KMK together since they are having a baby together, and one pic of CW in the tub with her 2 crushes(I think these may be her crushes).  It would have the good boy on one side and the bad boy on the other......not that the bad boy is really bad, just that he may have the bad boy look........if you know who I'm talking about....

I think Eric should fly us all to him....for this to happen. Definitely.


Off the top of my head, I can think of two ways to setup a calendar.

Firstly, you could try a piece of software like Bob Books -

Alternatively, you try a website like - it'll allow you to design pages by the month and printing them should be cheaper than the BB option.

I'm sorry, but this post made me laugh.  It is the one serious post among a long stretch of ridiculous ones.

And it's so earnest.

well, yeah....
I mean, I disagree with the idea of using templates (see above), but I'm totally on the same page as far as actual planning. All of my posts have been serious.

I think Eric should fly us all to him....for this to happen. Definitely.

sounds fine to me. or, someone, somewhere, could arrange our flights to the Protein Drink long as this happens, man. oh yeah.


so, I came up with some ideas.......
I think one pic should be of AC and KMK together since they are having a baby together, and one pic of CW in the tub with her 2 crushes(I think these may be her crushes).  It would have the good boy on one side and the bad boy on the other......not that the bad boy is really bad, just that he may have the bad boy look........if you know who I'm talking about....

1) we need a group girl tub photo.
2) I want to be in a boy-on-boy photo (takers?)
3) This calendar needs to happen!


any of the above positions would be great, thank you.



1) we need a group girl tub photo.
2) I want to be in a boy-on-boy photo (takers?)
3) This calendar needs to happen!

Yes, Yes, and YES!
...wish I could help You out on item 2, but I'm all for it happening...

By the way....

My "feminist" conscience is still a bit confused as to why I support such a project. However, as of late, I have been convincing her that such artistic photo shoots needn't be seen as sexually degrading. I'm all about the aesthetic, here...just as scarification and tattoos are not so much about the pain and blood as they are about the overall beauty of the process and product (IMO).
So, even if We have sexually suggestive ideas going around, this could be executed in a very tasteful manner. I'm sure that Odwalla wouldn't want to be another "sex sells" advertising sell-out, I think this is a great idea, even for those of Us who are conscious of gender equality and respectful treatment of women and Our bodies.

*steps down from soapbox*


any of the above positions would be great, thank you.


giggle *snort*
and I totally didn't mean it that way.....but I'm glad there was a good innuendo to be found there, too.


it can be fun and sexy without exploiting anyone ;)b


so, I came up with some ideas.......
I think one pic should be of AC and KMK together since they are having a baby together, and one pic of CW in the tub with her 2 crushes(I think these may be her crushes).  It would have the good boy on one side and the bad boy on the other......not that the bad boy is really bad, just that he may have the bad boy look........if you know who I'm talking about....

I think Eric should fly us all to him....for this to happen. Definitely.

When did I become Daddy Warbucks?

Fantastic ideas being tossed around!


I think Eric should fly us all to him....for this to happen. Definitely.

When did I become Daddy Warbucks?

Fantastic ideas being tossed around!

Well..I else are we going to get us girls together in a tub? And sb and fc in a tub? Wait. We couldddddd do different juice colors for a couple of the different pictures.

Oh, man.


oh man this thread blew up!



I bought a bottle of Super Food today in honor of this thread.  :)>>>


Ok, so the bath is really happening..but is the calendar really happening? I'm sad if the calendar is not really happening...

CK wants to write the jingle to advertise the calendar.


And sb and fc in a tub?

Can you say, KMK's wet dream?



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