"I'd be tempted to have a juice bath"
Posted by eric christian on Oct 25, 2008 · Member since Mar 2006 · 1501 posts
I don't mean this in a weird way but it occurred to me, if I had that amount of juice, I'd be tempted to have a juice bath. Just once. Again, I feel the need to stress I don't mean this in a weird way.
And shall get done good sir!
Its all up to you vegwebbers to elect the flavor
And to make it interesting, I will make it weird by turning into a photoshoot.
And polls close Nov 04! So Rock that vote
Well, Kannas I had never heard of odwalla up until yesterday but bathing in it is great. I would be tepted to be one of the scantily clad vegwebbers, but don't think I can really afford a plane ticket to the states :(
I spent quite some time deciding which juice to vote for and eventually voted blueberry - because it might make you turn purple and I am evil!
Can't wait for the pics of the bathing (even if it's just because I want to see more of your amazing scarification/tattoos!)
ladies please post your scantly clad outfits here... 8-)
Ha! Don't tempt me.
yeah, seriously dude.
If I had my Halloween costume finished, this would be me:
I am so stoked that this is actually happening.
I voted for the protein one....I'm thinking that it will make for a beautiful shoot--think of the neutral, pale color of the liquid being broken up by spots of vibrant color, ink, scars, and red hair. THAT will look sweet.
um so when are you moving in? can you wear that outfit more often?
I didn't vote for superfood because it's green. Seeing someone in a green bath makes me want to throw up. Did anyone see Gummo?
Hehe, "Nourishing the body whole!" They want you to bathe in this stuff!
Lubimiller suggested turning these photographs into a calendar :) Can you be creative enough to cover January through to December?
How many flavors does odwalla have?
I will only bathe in recovered juice.
Need to put my foot down on waste.
I didn't vote for superfood because it's green. Seeing someone in a green bath makes me want to throw up. Did anyone see Gummo?
gummo was sooooo messed up.
I didn't vote for superfood because it's green. Seeing someone in a green bath makes me want to throw up. Did anyone see Gummo?
gummo was sooooo messed up.
Yeah it was. The only thing I ask is that you don't eat spaghetti in the tub! (I still have nightmares about that scene!)
I didn't vote for superfood because it's green. Seeing someone in a green bath makes me want to throw up. Did anyone see Gummo?
gummo was sooooo messed up.
Yeah it was. The only thing I ask is that you don't eat spaghetti in the tub! (I still have nightmares about that scene!)
Promise I would like to retain some sex appeal, as odd as this project may become.
http://images.birthdayinabox.com/BIABthumb/Straw.jpg PARTY!!
http://images.birthdayinabox.com/BIABthumb/Straw.jpg PARTY!!
ohh those look like the tickle.
Exactly ^-^
This thread rules...
I voted for the protein one. Because it's white and could easy have a double meaning. :P
I love your scars.
I voted for the protein one. Because it's white and could easy have a double meaning. :P
Grossssssssssssss. :P
You good ladies are sas sas sassy :)>>>
morning kmk
You good ladies are sas sas sassy :)>>>
morning kmk
Good morning, let's talk about a bathtub full of jizz!
Good grief. :P
If I hadn't just woken up, maybe I'd have some cheeky reply to the comments about my Leia costume and/or the upcoming photo shoot....but I'm sleepy.
So I'll sum up my thoughts with this:
You good ladies are sas sas sassy :)>>>
morning kmk
Good morning, let's talk about a bathtub full of jizz!
Good grief. :P
what a dirty mind you have!!!!! :o
oh well, I guess the scantily clad babes would have jizz...I mean protein drink all over them too
You good ladies are sas sas sassy :)>>>
morning kmk
Good morning, let's talk about a bathtub full of jizz!
Good grief. :P
what a dirty mind you have!!!!! :o
oh well, I guess the scantily clad babes would have jizz...I mean protein drink all over them too
Hey. sog pointed out the double entendre. I just took it a step further. ;)
"Protein drink." Hehe. There's so much more I could say here, but I'll stop.
You good ladies are sas sas sassy :)>>>
morning kmk
Good morning, let's talk about a bathtub full of jizz!
Good grief. :P
what a dirty mind you have!!!!! :o
oh well, I guess the scantily clad babes would have jizz...I mean protein drink all over them too
Hey. sog pointed out the double entendre. I just took it a step further. ;)
"Protein drink." Hehe. There's so much more I could say here, but I'll stop.
Scantly clad babes could be masturbating while they shower me with the super protein.