"I'd be tempted to have a juice bath"
Posted by eric christian on Oct 25, 2008 · Member since Mar 2006 · 1501 posts
I don't mean this in a weird way but it occurred to me, if I had that amount of juice, I'd be tempted to have a juice bath. Just once. Again, I feel the need to stress I don't mean this in a weird way.
And shall get done good sir!
Its all up to you vegwebbers to elect the flavor
And to make it interesting, I will make it weird by turning into a photoshoot.
And polls close Nov 04! So Rock that vote
You good ladies are sas sas sassy :)>>>
morning kmk
Good morning, let's talk about a bathtub full of jizz!
Good grief. :P
what a dirty mind you have!!!!! :o
oh well, I guess the scantily clad babes would have jizz...I mean protein drink all over them too
Hey. sog pointed out the double entendre. I just took it a step further. ;)
"Protein drink." Hehe. There's so much more I could say here, but I'll stop.
This would be great advertisment for Odwalla!
Scantly clad babes could be masturbating while they shower me with the super protein.
Scantly clad babes could be masturbating while they shower me with the super protein.
you can use your carrot wrench.
we got some horny vegans up in here!
Scantly clad babes could be masturbating while they shower me with the super protein.
you can use your carrot wrench.
I-I--uhhh *faints*
*revives for a moment to say:*
there is no "wrench" in "carrot_w e n c h," though I am not opposed to the suggestion.. ^-^
*faints again*
Scantly clad babes could be masturbating while they shower me with the super protein.
you can use your carrot wrench.
I-I--uhhh *faints*
*revives for a moment to say:*
there is no "wrench" in "carrot_w e n c h," though I am not opposed to the suggestion.. ^-^
*faints again*
i know i know...could not help myself.
i'll go sit in the corner now.
Just wow.
Love it.
I saw some Super Protein odwalla at the store today and felt absolutely wicked. ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
Gooooo blueberry!! (That's GO blueberry, not goo).
I've never had the Odwalla juice, just their bars. The "super protein" soy bar was nasty. I unwrapped a "super food" bar last week and the top half was green and the bottom was brown. And the green was a weird dark green in a "is that supposed to be green?" kinda way. But I ate it anyway because I hate wasting food and it too was nasty.
Sooo...when is this happening? It is really happening, right? Is it going to clog up the drain? ???
I cant believe i go away for a bit and i miss all this!
and i vote for a calendar too!! ;)b
how do i set up a calendar?
its happening! i need to decide on scantly clad lady logistics
and ask my friend to photograph, no big deal.
Love it.
I saw some Super Protein odwalla at the store today and felt absolutely wicked. ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
After this photo shoot many will never be clean again.
I don't even think I can drink odwalla again.
At least, not in public....
I don't even think I can drink odwalla again.
At least, not in public....
i must admit I have not had any today...
I've never had it.....
If you know what I mean...
Well, I just mean I've never had Odwalla.
See, if only it were the other way around, and odwalla took the place of youknowwhat. That would be fun.
This thread is in my top 5 favorites.
I've never had it.....
If you know what I mean...
You should be in the calendar then.
What? ???
You should be in the calendar then.
I should.