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Condoms- Am I the only one?


So now I'm in the dating pool again ;)b, I am being a responsible ( :-D ) adult, and using condoms every time. BUT I forgot how much they fucking sucked and how I'd need to do a salt water douche to keep myself 'clean'!! I don't know what it is about them.... Every time I use them, I wind up getting an mild infection, I've been tested for STI's through the roof, so I know it's not that. And it isn't a latex allergy (tested for that as Dad works with latex every day, so visiting him would really suck). Am I the only one who has this issue??? It seems worse with Trojans, but I get it with all brands. It is really uncomfortable, and I don't know what to do!!

It may be a reaction to the spermicide used on them, or the lubricant.  I have issues with both, it took me a while to pin down which, and my husb and I have had to try several diff brands of spermicide and lube before finding one that worked.  I would try different brands of condoms, some without spermicide added ( you can add your own, to the inside of condom to decrease reactions).

Also, it could be the douching.  That can majorly dry out your vaginal mucous membranes and throw off your PH so making you more likely to get an infection.  All my gynos have always told me NOT to douche, it really isn't necessary for vaginal health.


Yeah, before I started douching, it got worse with each day/activity. It really seems like the only way I can get any kind of relief. My midwife friend suggested I try it, so I feel comfortable/safe with the 'recipe'/preparation she gave me. I stay away from all spermicides, because I am so damn sensitive. But it is kinda nice to know I'm not the only one!


Have you tried the polyurethane ones? I has those.

I think they help eliminate/lessen the weirdo grossness afterward. With me at least. Theyre trojan though i think, so if its the lube they use that bothers you then idk if it will help at all.


I suspect it has to do with the lube.... but there are assorted treatments/coatings all condoms go through.... since it does seem to be across the board for me, It could be that....


Eek!  I have on idea.

BUT.  I used to get UTIs everyyyyy single time I had sex.  Now I never get them with my current partner.  You/this thread are making me wonder if it isn't because he uses non-lubricated ones.  We use separate KY or whatever.  Try non-lubricated ones?  Or poly ones like sarah suggested.


That happened to me, then i switched from latex to non latex (poly something...) anyways, apparently latex is not good for my naughty bits.

ETA I re-read your question and wanted to clarify.  I'm not allergic to latex either, but for some reason, it irritates me down there.  Have you tried non-latex condoms?


I think your issue is probably due to the lubricant on the condoms.  I had the same issue and did some research.  Most lubricants have glycerin in it.  Glycerin is a sugary substance.  Yeast naturally found in the vag + sugar = yeast infections (since yeast feeds on sugar).  I switched to a glycerin free lube and that took care of the issue.  Astroglide is a great product and glycerin free  ;)b


This is going to sound weird but take a probiotic capsule and put some of the contents inside you. Its easy to get a microbial imbalance down there and the probiotic will keep you populated with good bacteria. Douching can also cause an imbalance there too as well as hormonal birth control.


First guess: it's the lube.

Second guess: Are you "dry" down there? If so, irritation from the friction can causes issues like this.


try vegan condoms!! :D theres a link on


I'm not sure, but it could also be the sex. If you're doing it a bit differently then before. My microbiology prof used to tell us about how fecal (poo) microbes could be intrduced to the urethra during sex because of all the rubbing around down there. That could also happen to the vagina. The prof suggested getting up and having a 'good pee' after sex, to flush any nasties out of the urethra. A douch would serve the same purpose in the vag, provided the pH was balanced. The peeing advice helped me avoid 'honeymoon cystitis' with my partner when we first got together. Good luck


My partner and I used condoms at first, but since I'm on the pill, we don't. Condom-less copulation is so much better.


I think your issue is probably due to the lubricant on the condoms.  I had the same issue and did some research.  Most lubricants have glycerin in it.  Glycerin is a sugary substance.  Yeast naturally found in the vag + sugar = yeast infections (since yeast feeds on sugar).  I switched to a glycerin free lube and that took care of the issue.

... :o

I had something intelligent to say, but then i saw this...and now I need to go buy new lube!


My partner and I used condoms at first, but since I'm on the pill, we don't. Condom-less copulation is so much better.

I have to agree. Having sex with a condom is like washing your feet with your socks on. Effective in its way but less pleasant.


I have to agree. Having sex with a condom is like washing your feet with your socks on. Effective in its way but less pleasant.

Best analogy ever.

The emotional connection - especially during orgasm - without the barrier of a condom is much stronger as well, or at least it is for me anyway.


Not a condom fan either.
Total mood killer, and my fiancee could never get off with his sword sheathed.


I agree with y'all...condom-less is better, but I am WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too paranoid even with birth control.
I'll stick with my rubbery little friends just for some peace of mind.  :-\


I'm not sure if I'd stop using condoms if I was on birth control. I'd want to, but I'd be afraidddddd. Hah.


I have similar issues when I use condoms. It gets pretty raw and I bleed, I've tried a lot of different kinds, lubricated and non-lubricated, latex and non-latex (I obviously refuse to try lamb skin... eeeewwwwwww!) nothing seems to not irritate me. So I just gave them up all together.

I'm on the nuva ring, and my hubbie and I use the pull out method.

But if I was still in the dating world I wouldn't go without, I hope you can find something that works for you. Not only should you be concerned about pregnancy but STD's and condoms are really the only way to prevent them.

Have you looked into female condoms? I've never tried one myself, but they may be better?


female condoms have a higher fail rate, though. at least for pregnancy.



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