All-Encompassing Multi-Variate Semen Poll (Adult)
Posted by KissMeKate on Jun 01, 2009 · Member since Aug 2007 · 7322 posts
For all the ladies and bros who have experience in such.
Feel free to elaborate. ;)
Also, feel free to consider vegetarians as well as vegans.
eta: Doesn't matter if you have no basis for comparison--then choose the "vegan don't necessarily taste better" option.
what if you've never been with a vegan? i have no basis to judge..
I've neve rbeen lucky enough to be with a vegan either, but I just realized I answered the poll like I had
what if you've never been with a vegan? i have no basis to judge..
Then you pick the "don't necessarily" option.
I've neve rbeen lucky enough to be with a vegan either, but I just realized I answered the poll like I had
meh - i wouldnt say you'd be lucky to be with a vegan.. ive met some vegan guys that you'd be luckier if you didnt date them.
we need secondbase to make another surprise visit to vegweb!
Yes! He'd be our expert witness.
What about the it's-vegan/not-vegan with I-swallow-but-I-haven't-tried-both-so-I-don't-know option?
I've never tasted vegan semen, but I have a vegan buddy coming over tonight for dinner, wine and movie. I'll come back tomorrow and let you know if I have more input on the subject
Yes! He'd be our expert witness.
What about the it's-vegan/not-vegan with I-swallow-but-I-haven't-tried-both-so-I-don't-know option?
If you don't know, choose "not necessarily taste better." I suspect most of us fall in that category.
I've never tasted vegan semen, but I have a vegan buddy coming over tonight for dinner, wine and movie. I'll come back tomorrow and let you know if I have more input on the subject
I miss you. :-*
I've never tasted vegan semen, but I have a vegan buddy coming over tonight for dinner, wine and movie. I'll come back tomorrow and let you know if I have more input on the subject
haha i feel like this should also be reposted in the moratorium thread..
I've never tasted vegan semen, but I have a vegan buddy coming over tonight for dinner, wine and movie. I'll come back tomorrow and let you know if I have more input on the subject
haha i feel like this should also be reposted in the moratorium thread..
eta: I love how there are so many disclaimers/instructions.
eta: I love how there are so many disclaimers/instructions.
Hush, this thing is the embodiment of simplicity.
I also didn't want it to be exclusive to straight girls/gay males, so I put in the last options. I could have put more options but that's plenty.
eta: I love how there are so many disclaimers/instructions.
Hush, this thing is the embodiment of simplicity.
I also didn't want it to be exclusive to straight girls/gay males, so I put in the last options. I could have put more options but that's plenty.
U. I meant all the directions to choose the "doesn't necessarily..."
That was the same direction three times. People don't read directions! :order!: not expecting to see this on vw.....y'all are demoralizing the boards!
gah! :-X
i hope upon discovering this that admin removes this thread and poll....i think it crosses the line a bit far. general body fluids and animal vs. plant protein analysis is one thing to ponder and discuss, but this?
it's unfortunate that people doing a search for pornographic material on the web could be led to this thread because of the wordage.... i'm not underage but there are many young persons who navigate this site....I guess it just doesn't seem right to have this on the boards, and it is not really of 'news and debate material''s x-rated 'adult' like you specified. i hope you (or yvette) take it down >:(
i hope in future you refrain from posting such explicit material, thank you
this type of discussion is better suited to private messaging or the blogs on vw, rather than on the boards. it's not pertinent to any of the board 'categories' and i don't think there will be an 'adult' category anytime soon to accommodate it ::)
i would imagine (many) other vegwebbers find it offensive and disrespectful (not to mention distasteful) in addition to myself as I don't even consider myself prudish, but i also think that due to your frequent posting, they might think twice about voicing this affront.....
Oh lord. Well, ppk has many, many times the membership we do, and this is nothing compared to most of what they discuss there. And it hasn't yet hurt their following.
We have a thread about sex toys on the front page. That's not even relevant to veganism, but it hasn't caused problems. This topic is pertinent to veganism and is clearly something vegans think about--that's why I made it.
Whether any of the content here is "demoralizing" or "disrespectful" is another topic for debate entirely. But if you think so, then you shouldn't participate. I find other topics of discussion here "distasteful" and downright annoying (general bitching and moaning about personal problems, which has naught to do with veganism and is better kept to people's livejournals), so I don't participate there.
Yes! He'd be our expert witness.
What about the it's-vegan/not-vegan with I-swallow-but-I-haven't-tried-both-so-I-don't-know option?
If you don't know, choose "not necessarily taste better." I suspect most of us fall in that category.
I've never tasted vegan semen, but I have a vegan buddy coming over tonight for dinner, wine and movie. I'll come back tomorrow and let you know if I have more input on the subject
I miss you. :-*
I miss you tooooooo
Andy tastes the same now as he did when he was major difference....still slimey and gag-worthy
Andy tastes the same now as he did when he was major difference....still slimey and gag-worthy
Excellent! We finally have a direct comparison. not expecting to see this on vw.....y'all are demoralizing the boards!
gah! :-X
i hope upon discovering this that admin removes this thread and poll....i think it crosses the line a bit far. general body fluids and animal vs. plant protein analysis is one thing to ponder and discuss, but this?
it's unfortunate that people doing a search for pornographic material on the web could be led to this thread because of the wordage.... i'm not underage but there are many young persons who navigate this site....I guess it just doesn't seem right to have this on the boards, and it is not really of 'news and debate material''s x-rated 'adult' like you specified. i hope you (or yvette) take it down >:(
i hope in future you refrain from posting such explicit material, thank you
this type of discussion is better suited to private messaging or the blogs on vw, rather than on the boards. it's not pertinent to any of the board 'categories' and i don't think there will be an 'adult' category anytime soon to accommodate it ::)
i would imagine (many) other vegwebbers find it offensive and disrespectful (not to mention distasteful) in addition to myself as I don't even consider myself prudish, but i also think that due to your frequent posting, they might think twice about voicing this affront.....
there is an adult disclaimer so people that find this offensive shouldn't even open this thread.
there is an adult disclaimer so people that find this offensive shouldn't even open this thread.
Now we're thinking! There's using the old noggin!
Didn't we just have this discussion? We decided that we wouldn't make diversions for sex talk in other seemingly-G-rated threads like cooking and stuff. This thread is aptly labeled. Again, if you don't like it, then you have the right to not open it and/or leave. Also, speak for yourself, not other vegwebbers who you think will take offense. The rest of us are going to enjoy the thread, thanks.
I'm more concerned with the fact that people take offense to body fluids and fairly universal sexual acts. How is that offensive? I'll grant distasteful, if it appears without warning, but disrespectful? Demoralizing? I take more offense to the notion that anything we are discussing here is demoralizing. That's strange to me.