New favorite things/foods ...
Posted by Kikilola on Mar 18, 2009 · Member since Apr 2006 · 445 posts
I thought I'd start a new thread to see what other peoples "new faves" were/are, you know, that new favourite pizza topping or new veggie you can't believe you've not loved before now! Who's with me?
Anyhoo, my new fave "thing" is a griddle pan, those pans that create a defined charcoal line across foods! Pan fried courgette - so simple but so good.
My new fave ingredient is, well, its a collection of veggies: antipasti. Why o why have I never had these in my cupboard/fridge. So easy to use by themselves or add to pasta for a quick lunch.
Come on, don't be shy ...
- K -
Steamed artichokes with lemon oil dressing. Yes, it's a pain scooping out the "choke" and I wish they had serrated grapefruit spoons here, which they don't, but these silly things are delicious.
Mint. I'm using it in a lot of savoury dishes, particularly salads. Just never thought of it.
ooo artichokes. i still cant figure out how to make them from the whole entire thing. i just get them in a can or jar. laaazy. but artichoke with lemon and oil sounds awesome!!
I'm currently obsessed with green cabbage (not a fan of red yet) and the Cabbage and Noodle Melt is amazing!
I am also getting quite addicted to visiting the spice store and this Indian grocery store that is nowhere near my house....they have Naan bread without milk in it!
hahaha this reminds me of oprahs favorite things. except its food. and vegan.
arrrrtichooookes for everyone!!!!!
Right now I'm totally loving whole wheat flatbread. I can get a huge piece for $2.50 - and I'm talking 2 feet long - from one of my local grocery stores. I've been using it for pizza, grilled sammies, french name it.
Brussels sprouts come in at a close second. I'm obsessed with those little things! They are so good roasted with a little olive oil and drizzled with maple syrup.
I thought of another one......chickpea salad sandwich, which I refer to as "Garbage Salad Sandwich" because I throw all kinds of crap in it....whatevers closest to me at the time. Delicious!
Cilantro. I hadn't tried it until recently because people always mention its "soapy" taste. Soapy? Try freaking delicious! Now I'm putting it in just about everything.
ooo artichokes. i still cant figure out how to make them from the whole entire thing. i just get them in a can or jar. laaazy. but artichoke with lemon and oil sounds awesome!!
just cut off the stem, trim the pointy leaves with scissors and boil in a pot for 45 min or so... til one of the leaves from the middle pulls out easy. melt some eb and dip your leaves in, then insert leave into mouth -inside part down/base end first- and then scrape the fleshy stuff off with your teeth as you pull the leaf out of your mouth. thats the most basic and it's great - you can get creative by adding some herbs and breadcrumbs to the top of the artichoke and let that cook into it, too.
my favorite of the day so far are these really good breakfast cookies i just made..
I love buying spices. I just bought garam masala. any recommendations for recipes?
I love buying spices. I just bought garam masala. any recommendations for recipes?
1/2 tbsp garam masala
2 scoops chocolate soy ice cream
1/2 c soymilk
blend. garam masala chocolate shake!!!
what? you asked for a recipe!
hmmmmm....thanks, I think!
Carob. Carob chips. Carob powder.
I gave up chocolate for Lent and am going a little nutso trying to find a good replacement.
Good carob recipes anyone?
I love buying spices. I just bought garam masala. any recommendations for recipes?
Chana Masala, of course.....I'm also very into indian food right now too.
Carob. Carob chips. Carob powder.
I gave up chocolate for Lent and am going a little nutso trying to find a good replacement.
Good carob recipes anyone?
I love carob.
Use it to replace cocoa or chocolate chips in any of your current favorite recipes. It will not taste like chocolate it will taste like carob, delicious in its own right. If you have expectations of it being just like chocolate you may be disappointed. I love it in carob chip cookies, brownies, hot creamy carob drink...yum. I may have to go bake something. ::)
coconut milk yogurt....yummy! it tastes like eating a cloud! :)>>>
aaavvvooocccaaadddoooo!!!!!!! i've always loved them, but lately i've been obsessed. oh! and dried pineapple!!!! :)>>>
Carob. Carob chips. Carob powder.
I gave up chocolate for Lent and am going a little nutso trying to find a good replacement.
Good carob recipes anyone?
I love carob.
Use it to replace cocoa or chocolate chips in any of your current favorite recipes. It will not taste like chocolate it will taste like carob, delicious in its own right. If you have expectations of it being just like chocolate you may be disappointed. I love it in carob chip cookies, brownies, hot creamy carob drink...yum. I may have to go bake something. ::)
Thank you for the suggestions. Do you have a favorite carob brownie or drink recipe? I tried a brownie recipe(not from Vegweb) and was pretty disappointed.
I love buying spices. I just bought garam masala. any recommendations for recipes?
1/2 tbsp garam masala
2 scoops chocolate soy ice cream
1/2 c soymilk
blend. garam masala chocolate shake!!!
what? you asked for a recipe!
ppc I'd like to know if you'd try this :o
if it was at an ice cream shop i'd try a sample.. but no i won't be making it anytime soon.
a friend of mine had some fancy curry chocolates though and loved them, so ya never know til you try i guess...
I love buying spices. I just bought garam masala. any recommendations for recipes?
Chana Masala, of course.....I'm also very into indian food right now too.
Any kind of dahl recipe. "Garam masala" like "curry powder" varies from brand to brand and chef to chef. I like a touch of my current garam in any stew I happen to be stewing.