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help by telling me which recipes are best

we're going to have some cooked food at our wedding because it's cheaper and familiar and i prefer making people want to be vegan than freaking them out with crazy raw people. anyway, we're not having too much because of money and stuff but the menu is going to be like:

vegan egg nog
sparkling cider

variety of best tasting and local/funky stuff we have at the time

Finger foods:
Artichoke/spinach dip
Cranberry salsa
-crackers, veggies, and maybe chips/pita chips for dipping


That's it. But anyway, I need AMAZING recipe recommendations because I can't really sample things.
I was thinking:
thhf's favorite yellow cake
Frosting? Or should I get some store bought? I know a lot is vegan. Especially need recs for decorating.

I usually just make hummus by taste, since I can't do that are there any amazing recipes? This one? creamy hummus, restaurant style

For cranberry salsa cranberry salsa

For the artichoke dip spianch and artichoke dip sans the chopped tomatoes on top.

and what are the best veggies for dipping? i dip weird stuff like cucumbers, red peppers, celery.. I know a lot of people dip carrots, so I'll have those, but I'm trying think of things I'm forgetting. I know broccoli is popular... but gross.

I really like the creamy hummus restaurant style, it works AWESOME, and the spinach and artichoke dip is a winner. Can't comment on the other recipes as I haven't tried them , but this cake recipe is a never fail one for me (omnis love and request it) : though I make it with carob instead of cocoa and a bit less sugar.

Fruit and yummy stuff to dip sounds great, all in all it will be a delicious spread!


yeah, that hummus recipe is what I make all the time.  And I never taste as I'm going, so yeah, I think it's pretty fail safe. 

Theo, I'm going to try that cake with carob, we love carob flavour but I never remember to look for recipes to use it in! hehe, thanks! : )


I can't help you with the recipes because I haven't tried any of those.  For frosting, I find cream cheese frosting is hard to mess up.  The cream cheese keeps it thick but it doesn't dry out as easily as frostings that are just powdered sugar + margarine + milk.  Cream cheese frosting and yellow cake is a little unusual, but I think it'd be good.  And as far as decorations go, how about fresh fruit?  Strawberries, or any berries really, kiwifruit, pineapple, grapes, etc.  Unless you think it'd be fruit overkill with the fruit tray.  Or just get a few flowers (real or fake) and lay them on.  My sister in law had a very simple cake with just 2 or 3 fake lilies on it and it looked great.

Btw...what's weird about dipping cucumber, red peppers, or celery?  Those are all things I would expect to see on a veggie tray (yellow and orange peppers are great too, for adding color).  Also carrots, cherry tomatoes, snow peas or sugar snap peas, broccoli and/or cauliflower florets (not many of these because they're probably the least popular).  Some people also do mushrooms or zucchini but I don't really like either of those raw.

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