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Delicious discovery...

Have you guys ever had a dish with hearts of palm? Hearts of palm has always been that weird vegetable I pass in the canned veggie section in the grocery store and think "what the heck is that?". But I wonder no longer!! A couple weeks ago I ran across a post in My Vegan Cookbook ( that looked strangely alluring. A 3 ingredient barbeque sandwich... featuring hearts of palm! I decided I had to try it.

WOW! This is fabulous. I can't believe no one has ever tried using it as a meat substitute before. It's soooo good!  :)>>> If anyone needs a quick 10-min barbeque fix, this is the way to go. What else is hearts of palm used for? I've never seen it in a dish before.

Two years ago I was at a vegetarian restaurant in Italy that made empanadas with a filling made with hearts of palm.  It was very creamy and tasty.


hmm ive only had it from the salad bar before and in some rice/veggie salads.  never woulda thought to use it like that though, but i now that you mention it i can see it being really good.


Hearts of palm are wonderful! Sometimes I can find them in cans here, and in a salad they are great. Or just cut into rings with some lemon juice or your favourite mayo or dressing. For some reason I like taking them apart into layers before I eat them.


Mmmm, one of my favorite foods. I can eat an entire jar of hearts of palm plain in one sitting. But I've never thought to cook them like that! Will have to check it out...


I LOVE hearts of palm  ;)b The first time I had them was in a hearts of palm salad served over tandoori tofu. SO yummy and actually really good for you!


Today I have learnt what hearts of palm are!
I don't think we have them in the UK.


I've never had palm hearts.  I've also never had pulled pork, to my recollection, but the recipe looks good.


Really interesting...for some reason I always thought hearts of palm and artichoke hearts were the same thing!  I have never found a decent pork substitute so I'm looking forward to trying this.


Hmm... Somehow I've never noticed it at salad bars. And I've eaten at a lot of salad bars! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled.
Had leftovers tonight...mmmmm sooooo delicious. Great packed into a pita. I think this might start to make an appearance in my lunch box!  ;)b


NewShoes, Thank you for posting the link to this recipe! I made this for lunch today.  What a delicious and easy way to enjoy hearts of palm.  Like others have said, I would have never thought to use them this way. 

Sharway, I enjoy them straight out of the can as well.  Nice to know that I am not alone in this.    ;)b


Sharway, I enjoy them straight out of the can as well.  Nice to know that I am not alone in this.    ;)b

GRRRR, I bought myself a can for breakfast (I know, I'm insane) and then the little handy-tab on the can popped off! So now I've been taunted all day with these lovely hearts of palm but no way to open them... Maybe I'll make this BBQ recipe at home once I get my hands on a can-opener.


Today I have learnt what hearts of palm are!
I don't think we have them in the UK.

I was wrong.....I saw some hearts of palm in the supermarket today and had to buy them, just because I remembered this thread!!


Hmm...I've never had them before.  I'll have to try that recipe!


I had heart of palm last summer, straight from the tree at this camp thing i went to! It was very yummy raw, but the cooked ones... the guy making it lied to me and said it was not cooked with any meat, after i ate a little bit, i looked to make sure, pow, huge chunks of meat in the kettle thing. bleh....
Bad first cooked experience, i'll have to make some for myself  :)>>>
I know its crazy high in iron!! (i neglected to read everything before i posted this so idk if some one said that, if so, just reinforcing its greatness)


Hmm... Somehow I've never noticed it at salad bars. And I've eaten at a lot of salad bars! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled.
Had leftovers tonight...mmmmm sooooo delicious. Great packed into a pita. I think this might start to make an appearance in my lunch box!  ;)b

looks delicious!


Have you guys ever had a dish with hearts of palm? Hearts of palm has always been that weird vegetable I pass in the canned veggie section in the grocery store and think "what the heck is that?". But I wonder no longer!! A couple weeks ago I ran across a post in My Vegan Cookbook ( that looked strangely alluring. A 3 ingredient barbeque sandwich... featuring hearts of palm! I decided I had to try it.

I've been wanting to make this for months, and I finally did it! I splurged on the $3.99 can of palm. It's yummy, and very interesting! Mmm.


AllyChristine, yours looks amazing! I've been craving this stuff for weeks now, but I've been waiting for the hearts of palm at my local Kroger to go on sale. I might have to go ahead and splurge.. It's a perfect summertime dish and a great way to try out a new BBQ sauce recipe. I've been wanting to try one with a fruity twist... I seem to remember coming across an apricot BBQ sauce recipe or something along those lines the other day.


AllyChristine, yours looks amazing! I've been craving this stuff for weeks now, but I've been waiting for the hearts of palm at my local Kroger to go on sale. I might have to go ahead and splurge.. It's a perfect summertime dish and a great way to try out a new BBQ sauce recipe. I've been wanting to try one with a fruity twist... I seem to remember coming across an apricot BBQ sauce recipe or something along those lines the other day.

There's an apricot bbq sauce in Vcon-a version of the backyard bbq sauce. :)


this made me really freakin hungry. who knew? i had no idea you can make BBQ. i want some soooooooo bad.


There's an apricot bbq sauce in Vcon-a version of the backyard bbq sauce. :)

That's where I saw it! My officemate on campus just picked up what she has termed a "community" Vcon she's going to keep in our office for us to share. She's in the process of going veg, and I've been too cheap to pick it up myself. :) How nice, right? I was flipping through it last week, and I do remember that backyard bbq sauce catching my eye. As soon as I pick up some mollasses it's next on my list of new recipes to try!



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