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Batch Cooking

I need ideas for batch cooking recipes that I can make and freeze either in a family sized batch or in individual servings.  What things do you cook that way?

Chili again! Soup and stir-fry. Rice and other grain dishes.


I'd say any sort of veggie soup, just cook and add pasta whenever you thaw it out. Also, black bean burgers!


Pot Pie.


things I always make double or triple batches of so I can freeze some are chilli, bolognaise, veggie curries, seitan curries, dhal, soup, seitan, seitan sausages.
Can't think of any others, sorry.


things I always make double or triple batches of so I can freeze some are chilli, bolognaise, veggie curries, seitan curries, dhal, soup, seitan, seitan sausages.
Can't think of any others, sorry.

Those are some good ones!  I always make bigger batches of seitan to freeze. Extra sauces ( like homemade enchilada sauce) and beans are the only things I can think to add. Some people do freeze their burritos/chimichangas with success but I've never tried that. 


Soups, stews, quiche, bread, muffins, cookies or cookie dough, curry, beans, pasta dishes, pizza.


oh yeah...vegan lasagne.  And cheesy bean and cheese enchiladas


To add to the above suggestions, hummous for snacks, perogies, pasta sauces, baked beans.


and of course beans (as HM said).  And refried beans.

And bean burgers, and TVP burgers, falafel, pakora.

I may think of some more at some point.  I like this thread.


It would also be nice if there were one more recipe Subcategory, or link or whatever, to recipes that users have tested and know that they freeze well. For batch cookers and busy people it would be a good thing.


Homemade bread--slice it, then freeze the slices and pull out what you need.

Veggie burgers--I've frozen them pre- and post-cooking, and both cook up just fine. Oh, I do falafels this way too.

I make big batches of dried beans in my crock pot and freeze down in 2 and 4 cup containers.

Rice and other grains.

Chili! And ginger carrot soup, split pea soup.

Baked cookies and brownies.


Thank you all so much for your ideas and advice.  I'm such a n00b at this I have a billion questions, and you all have been so great.

This weekend I have made a huge batch of rice, froze it in family meal sized containers, a batch of chili split up into several small meal batches, my first attempt at seitan, which I've never even eaten before is now in the crockpot, black beans are in a second crockpot (mine is high enough to boil water, so I'm not worried about the hazard thing, though the info was interesting for sure!) and for dinner I'm  making a double, possibly triple batch of mac n cheeze, depending on if I have enough ingredients on hand for a triple batch, to freeze the rest.  So I'm feeling pretty good, having base stock of things to start with.  This will really help me stay on track.  Soup and enchiladas this week, I hope...


Hey FYI I left the seitan in the crock for 7 hours when I made it this time instead of 6 and I thought it was better. It's great to use in stirfrys! Fry it up in a little oil until lightly browned then add your favorite veggies then add sauce... Dinner in like 15 minutes!


Thanks, Amy; I just left a comment on your blog!  Can you freeze this, and how (in the broth?) Do you eat it in steaks, or cubed like tofu, or strips?  Thanks so much for your help!


Thanks, Amy; I just left a comment on your blog!  Can you freeze this, and how (in the broth?) Do you eat it in steaks, or cubed like tofu, or strips?  Thanks so much for your help!

I freeze my seitan in different manners. I'll freeze some that is ground up, freeze it in strips, cubes, and cutlets (I cover all of these in water, to help in the freezing/thawing process). I freeze it in about 2 cup increments, about how much I'll use in a recipe.


I would listen to VR's advice as I always eat it up before I need to freeze it.


oh, I just wrap my seitan in cling film or in plastic bags....what ever I've got hanging around.  But I'm no seitan expert only having made it for the first time about a month or so ago (although since then I've made it about 6 times!)


Do not freeze potatoes. They suck


I was just researching vegan once a month cooking and I found this site:

Some of the recipes come from vegweb and some from the PPK.  The Mexican Gumbo is ultra-delish!  I made it last night.  My DH is making the Ratatouille tonight, hopefully there will be enough leftover to freeze.  I have one of those Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer machines so I can be extra sure that they don't get freezer burn.  Now I don't have to have the Amy's frozen things for lunch.  I'm so tired of the few that the grocery store still carries.  They only have a couple that are non-dairy vegan.  Dairy really upsets my sinuses.


I would listen to VR's advice as I always eat it up before I need to freeze it.

That's why I double or triple the recipe, if I can!

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