Warm, soft and adorable baby bunnies
My neighbors have a litter of baby bunnies. We are WILD to talk them into giving us one. I will try to post a pic in the next couple of days. They are SO CUTE. Mama is a Hotot and daddy is black. They have one strawberry blonde, one soft grey and 3 Hotots, and one is cinnamon Hotot, which is the one I am going to try to talk them out of. We have not had a bunny around in about a year, perhaps it is time to have a soft furry thing again.
I have thought of a cat, but we keep prize budgies. Cats, bless them, like to pester smaller birds. Dogs, they are not too hot with small birds either, but I don't think I can deal with the shedding and the mud mess. This whole town is a huge mud puddle about 10 months of the year and with kids, I have enough. A rabbit is probably a good solution for us right now. I don't believe in trying to train cats and dogs to leave birds alone. I am afraid that I don't believe in hitting pets or children EVER. You can't get mad at them for doing what comes naturally for them, it isn't right.
Anyway, these are so precious. I'll let you know if, no scratch that WHEN we get one!
Hope you get your bunny! I always wanted a bunny but I had a little dog that was many years ago a rattter (his breed) and when I showed him a little bunny...he thought dinner! :o
I still always look at the bunnies in stores and wish I could have one.
They're cute, smart, and VEGEN -- the perfect addition to a veg*n family.
Can't wait for the pics!!
We've had bunnies over the years, but I'm not familiar with the name "Hotot." Describe, please...
One of the funniest things I will ever see was when I was a child our dog Soci, a big German Shepard, sniffing around one of the flower beds and then bam she was charged by a bunny. Socie tried to get away but the bunny just kept comming after her. At first I thought OMG, this rabbit is rabid, but upon further investigation It was a mom protecting her young. Poor Socie didn't know what hit. The funny thing is she had never tried to hurt another living thing she would try to 'mother' the kittens and baby chicks at our house. Poor dog never knew what hit her but she stayed away from that flower bed from then on.
I miss our bunnies. We had Bunzai & Unit. They were both males, both fixed. It took about 2 years before they became best friends. In the summer, when I was home, they would spend most of the day in the yard with the ducks. It was such a wonderful scene. The neighbor girls loved to watch them all from their bedroom window.
They lived long & healthy lives.
Get a bunny, Dragonfly! Word of warning -- I have seen rabbit food that has beef fat in it. :o ::) Go figure.
When I was a girl we had 4 bunnies (black and white)
Salt- the dad
Pepper- the mom
Sugar-the baby
Onion-the other baby
My older sis used to make me feel soooo guilty about feeding the bunnies (she was a lazy one).
They were in a hut outside and she would say "Oh those poor bunnies are going to die without their water (it would freeze up)
and off I would go and put on boots and feed them :)
but she also left cheese wrappers behind the fridge (guess was too difficult to use the trash can :o )
my mom was very upset when she found hundreds of empty cheese wrappers (kraft orange processed stuff...gross!)
good thing I was lactose intolerant and refused all dairy products when I was a kid!
i just got a bunny!
he's a "dwarf rabbit"
he is named, "Sir Winston Churchill"
he loves hay, will pick it out of his food mixture
he "begs" for food when i'm eating my fruit salad, and i'll share a berry with him
he likes to "hide" in my lap when i'm sitting down, and sometimes i forget he's there, and smoosh him... :'(
i go to the health food store and ask them for the "scrap" greens and they gladly hand them over for the Sir....
bunnies are the best!
Actually, we have had a lot of bunnies over years. We know a lot about them. YOu can give bunnies apples, peaches, pears, grapes (they LOVE grapes), raisins, rye crisp crackers, kale is a special favorite, broccoli, cauliflower and fresh green beans. My oldest daughter is convinced they bunnies are found of my cornbread stuffing and every one we have ever had will eat it.
We learned a hard lesson about overfeeding a rabbit and we are very careful. Rabbits really cannot tolerate lettuce well, especially iceberg. It upsets their digestive system and causes problems. I don't let ours have any veggies from the nightshade family (green peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, garlic or onion), and they are not allowed avocado or mushrooms. That is precautionary because I worry over the pets a great deal. The birds are welcome to nightshades and my stuffing is their special treat, so it is mixed bag. My IRN parrot loves carrots, only second to green beans. She likes to sit on top of the bunny cage to eat her carrots and lets them drop in for the rabbit (in the past). No carrot is ever wasted at my house!
If you have a rabbit, and you give them more than rather small amounts of fruit, you have to cut back their pellets. Bunnies can't regurgitate, but they sort of need to be cud chewers because of their grassy diets. Instead, they eat their cecal droppings. Yes, rabbits eat some of the droppings. The cecal droppings are more like cud is to a cow. THey are partially fermented in the gut and keep the rabbit healthy by providing additional vitamins. A rabbit who is too fat can't reach back to retrieve these. Then they are malnourished and get they can develop "wet tail." So, if your rabbit is active and you can its ribs, it is healthy. If you can't easily feel the ribs under the fur, your rabbit needs to lose a few ounces.
We had a chocolate colored dwarf growing up. He lived 9 years, a fairly long life for a bunny and had gray hair on his nose by then.
Now, my oldest girl is my rabbit child. She had about 250 stuffed rabbits and an equal number of small figurines. Her birthday is in March, near Easter, which is why the huge numbers, that and everyone who ever met her has given her a rabbit something. We name our rabbits after coffee... Starbux, Latte, Sumatra, Sanani, Creamy Coffee, and Cappuccino. We are about out of names so I have suggested "Percolator" or Perky for short.
Salt, Pepper, Sugar and Onion are very fun rabbit names too. Our rabbit growing up? (Dad named every pet.) "Bunny" and the cat was "Cat" and dog was "Dog" and the guppies were "Fish." Sorta sad and I am trying to help us make up for lost time.
One of the funniest things I will ever see was when I was a child our dog Soci, a big German Shepard, sniffing around one of the flower beds and then bam she was charged by a bunny. Socie tried to get away but the bunny just kept comming after her. At first I thought OMG, this rabbit is rabid, but upon further investigation It was a mom protecting her young. Poor Socie didn't know what hit. The funny thing is she had never tried to hurt another living thing she would try to 'mother' the kittens and baby chicks at our house. Poor dog never knew what hit her but she stayed away from that flower bed from then on.
Bunny was a fan of NIGHT OF THE LEPUS, I guess.
very cute. 8) 8)
found this on google!

How cute!!! I had bunnies when I first moved out of my parents house because they would never let me have one......I had a dwarf lopear and a tan one named "Butterscotch". I can't remember the dwarf lopear's name because I didn't have him very long. I didn't have very good luck with them, so I just stick with cats and dogs now.
Hey Ladydragonfly, I have an idea for a name, how about Kona? That's a type of coffee....haha, I really liked the name "Creamy Coffee"
I was trying to post a photo of my little man "Uzi", but my stolen wireless signal isn't strong enough at the moment... He's 3 years now (he's a rex/lop mix) and has been my best friend, great company, and like was said above, a great vegetarian addition to the family. He eats all fresh veggies and fruits. Anyone thinking of getting bunnies should keep in mind that as adorable as they are, they are NOT cuddly. They will sit beside you and let you pet them, they will love being brushed, but they do not love to be snuggled up for too long... So keep this in mind so that you won't be disappointed when you try to snuggle your little pal and he/she wiggles away. Also, most cities either have a rabbit sanctuary or rabbit rescue that you can find a needy pet at. Also craigslist.org in your city will often have people selling or giving away pets who need a new home, so keep this in mind when "shopping" for a bunny.
Okay, I'm done with the preaching and now I'm going to cuteoverload.com to look at bunny pics. I am such a geek!