Economy affecting pets
I just heard something on the news that breaks my heart.... The animal population at the animal shelter in my town has doubled since last year at this time. Apparently because of high foreclosure rates and people just not being able to afford there pets anymore, they are taking them to the shelter and giving them up :'( So the shelter is offering 'blue light pet adoption specials'. Reduced adoption rates with more bells and whistles in an effor to compensate. That just breaks my heart. All those poor animals being abandoned. I mean I do understand times are hard right now, but I know I could not give up my babies that easily. I guess maybe that's easier to say sitting on the outside looking in rather than actually being in that situation.... It's just so sad though.
There was an article here (Tampa) a few months back about the same thing. I know that many people are falling on hard times and having financial troubles, but pets are family....they're not "disposable". Personally, I'd sell off my stuff before I'd give up my fur babies. To me, dropping my pets off at a shelter would be equivalent to dropping my daughter off at child services and saying "sorry, I just can't afford her anymore". I'd go hungry to feed my kitties if I had to.
I feel the exact same way! ;)b Giving up a pet would be like throwing away a family member for me. That's why I just don't understand it. I use to volunteer at an animal shelter and the pets that get dropped off are so depressed and confused. I would go home crying all the time.
Lots of people have pets because they were so cute and fun as babies. Then the bad people loose intrist and pets become something to just take care of . I have had my dogs since baby puppy and love them more every year. ( even though the vet bill are thousands of dollers.) I would live on the streets with my dogs if I had to you are rite about the fact they are family members, but, I have to disagree, my children do come first before the dogs.
Disagree with what? I don't see anyone saying their children aren't first priority, I certainly didn't. What I said is it would be equivalent, to me, to giving up a child. That's exactly what it would feel like because they are part of my fur family.
My pets are on equal plain with my family....I mean I love my pets as much as my husband, my dad, my sister....I look at them all the same. My dear family. A lot of people dont agree with that, they thing pets should be secondary to family and friends, but I don't think there is anything wrong with them being equal. I don't have children though so I can't comment on that.
I am not sure if I see my cats as "equal" to my family. If someone had a gun and told me to choose which one was to die, my mom or my cat, I would have to say my cat. But luckily that will never happen. To give up a pet just because you are paying a little more for gas or groceries, that is utterly stupid. I would go back to living off a diet of ramen noodles and frozen veggies before I got rid of my cats! Nobody would ever love them as much as I do. And I would be plagued with the thought for the rest of my life, of them shivering in a cage, terrified, wondering why "mommy" abandoned them. No, I couldn't live with that, no way! My babies are my babies, they NEED me, and I need them.
I am not sure if I see my cats as "equal" to my family. If someone had a gun and told me to choose which one was to die, my mom or my cat, I would have to say my cat. But luckily that will never happen.
Ya, I get what you are saying. Given that scenerio I would choose the cat too.... I'm more speaking in terms of just everyday life I guess, not life or death situations.
Our five cats are the main reason why I'm staying with my husband. I could never decide which ones would come live with me and which would go with him. He can barely take care of himself. :-D
I heard about this on the news a few weeks ago. It's so sad! And unfortunately, people aren't just dropping their pets at shelters because gas and food cost too much. No, from what I heard, it's because their houses are foreclosed, and they have no where to live. The people can sometimes find places to go - a family member's or friends, but often they're forced to give up their family members, and it's hard for them. It's so, so sad.
I've also heard stories of people just abandoning their houses, and the pets inside. And since pets are considered property, and there's a period of time (something that has to do with property laws) where nobody can touch abandoned property, these pets are left to starve - but on the news there were stories of realtors and helpful neighbours who fed abandoned pets through windows and doggy doors until the period of time ran up.
Yeah, that's what hurts me...people who have been foreclosed on, or can't pay the rent and just "do a flit"--disappear in the night leaving the pets alone in the house or apt with no food or water. I suppose they think, "Oh the landlord will come in and take care of them" but it does seem pretty harsh, particularly when the person skips town to avoid bills etc. and the landlord may not know they've actually gone until several weeks have passed.
I have talked seriously to my friends here about that lifetime promise you make when you adopt a pet...and get stares of incomprehension. How many people I know who say "We had a (dog/cat/whatever) but we had to give it away." Usually "had to" translates as "it was in the way of our summer vacation plans" or "it became a nuisance to look after" or "I couldn't be bothered to train it so it became bored and destructive." >:( >:(
I've also heard stories of people just abandoning their houses, and the pets inside. And since pets are considered property, and there's a period of time (something that has to do with property laws) where nobody can touch abandoned property, these pets are left to starve - but on the news there were stories of realtors and helpful neighbours who fed abandoned pets through windows and doggy doors until the period of time ran up.
ya, the fact that pets are treated as property under the law make so angry! I mean it's a living animal with feelings, not a damn chair! One of my husbands friends was going thru a divorce and so despite the fact neither him or his ex wife were living in there old house, neither one of them could remove the pets until marital property had been settled and the divorce was final. Those poor animals were there alone for like 6 months. The friend would go feed them and love on them but the animals were still very frightened and lonely.
I'm of the camp that I would live in the streets before putting my companions in a shelter. Giving up a pet must be heartwrenching for people and I wouldn't presume that people are disposing of them.
Many people are forced to move away from their homes they have been forced into bankrupty into, to other towns, or in with families where the pets can't come with them.