Not impressed...
I can't believe this. I'm always in the middle of these kinds of things. I discovered (as well as a few coworkers of mine) on Thursday, that my roomate and another coworkers of ours, married (btw with a woman who also works in the same place as we do), are having an affair. I always had my doubts, but I thought it was just my imagination, so I never thought about asking her. The problem is, my roomate, when she's drunk, isn't really discreet, far from it and on Thursday, when we were out in a bar, just hanging out, the secret kind of got out. (The wife isn't in town at the moment btw, so I doubt that she knows anything.) So, on the next day, people were talking at work, of course. So, a couple of friend and I spoke with our roomate, who was telling us that she was really feeling bad about the whole situation, and that she wanted it to stop. (Apparently, she tried to stop it before, but he came back her, telling her that he loved her... ::)) We all told her the same thing, keep your damn mouth shut, don't talk to him anymore and at work and in public, act as if nothing had happened. That's what she said she would do...
But yesterday, she went to a comedy show in which the man in question is starring with some other coworkers (small place... I know). We told her not to go, that it wasn't a good idea. However, after the show, she tried to ignore the guy, but he stopped her (in front some other people who knew the whole story) and asked her if she was okay... She said yes, then she basically flew out of the place and came back home. She told me afterwards that she didn't feel like going out so she went to bed. However, when I woke up this morning, I saw that the door wasn't closed and I noticed that her coat wasn't there, either. I am so not impressed. I know that I am a friend and that I shouldn't judge, but right now, I feel really mad at her (maybe also because she called a party at our place tonight and she did nothing to prepare the house for it, and I know I will be the one "entertaining" the guests tonight).
I know the man's wife. She is a really good person, however, she has got quite a fiery temper. If she were to find out, we are pretty sure that the man would never get to see his children again (he's got two daughters, btw). I mean, i don't know anything about their marriage, and I don't want to know. I knew the man from back when I was in university, and I never trusted the guy. Funny and outgoing, but he has played so many women, it's unbelievable! We were all surprised when he decided to get married...
And now, he's also trying to put all of the blame on my roomate and she actually took the blame for everything, because she felt bad for him... I mean, he's got so much to lose in all of this... And she believes that she is in love with him, and I believe her actually. It's just that what she's doing right now is not good for her or her career. I've never been in her shoes as the "other woman", nor that I plan to be ever, but I really can't be the friend without an opinion right now... I just can't.
Sorry... I had to let it out somewhere with people who don't know the people in question.
Urgh, I hate being in the middle of things. To be honest, I don't think I could have handled that any better than you or your friends already have. If you try to give her good advice and she won't take it there doesn't seem to be much else do to. Love being blind and all. Obviously she is the one in the position to end things with him but if she can't be firm about that... I have no advice. I'm sorry. For what's it's worth I think you're very restrained for not strangling her ::)
Thanks, this thread was just my way to vent it all out. This roomate is a very good friend of mine and since she has broken with her ex, she's really looking for herself in any ways she can, and while that is just fine, she should have fun being single and all, but she should be more aware of the consequences of her actions...
Then again, I've never been in that kind of situation and I'm way too rational to do something like that. So, I don't really know what she's going through.
Why do people cheat? And why do single people get involved with people who cheat? I just dont get that. It's only gonna end bad either way.
It sucks that your stuck in the middle of all this. If she was just your friend, thats one thing. But since your co-workers and roomates... I dont know what else to say than good luck.
I think you're very restrained for not strangling her ::)
I agree with catski
Why do people cheat? And why do single people get involved with people who cheat? I just dont get that. It's only gonna end bad either way.
It sucks that your stuck in the middle of all this. If she was just your friend, thats one thing. But since your co-workers and roomates... I dont know what else to say than good luck.
I think you're very restrained for not strangling her ::)
I agree with catski
People cheat because they're not happy. The sexual release and excitement are just manifestations of feeling empty, not being understood, and having little to no emotional support in their lives. I guess the better question might be...why do people get into unhealthy relationships to begin with? We could probably discuss that one for weeks.
I've done the "strangling" thing before with another friend (yes, it happened before), and we got in a fight, and we only started talking again not long ago. So now, I know better, or at least, I choose my words first... anyways...
Mel, this is not your burden to carry. Do not pick it up. And do not allow your friend to put it on your shoulders. Listen if you must, but don't give a lot of advice (or any at all.) As you say, she is not rational at this point. I've been "the other woman" when I was young, single and stupid, and she's in "us against the world" mode right now. "But I luuuuuuurve him, you don't unnnerstaaaaaaaaan!"
Be kind, be a friend, be there to pick up the pieces when it all ends in tears...but don't be there in the middle of the fracas thinking you can "fix" it because you can't. Wear protective body armour so the guilt don't stick.
Mel, this is not your burden to carry. Do not pick it up. And do not allow your friend to put it on your shoulders. Listen if you must, but don't give a lot of advice (or any at all.) As you say, she is not rational at this point. I've been "the other woman" when I was young, single and stupid, and she's in "us against the world" mode right now. "But I luuuuuuurve him, you don't unnnerstaaaaaaaaan!"
Be kind, be a friend, be there to pick up the pieces when it all ends in tears...but don't be there in the middle of the fracas thinking you can "fix" it because you can't. Wear protective body armour so the guilt don't stick.
That sounds like great adivice to me! Well said.
Why do people cheat? And why do single people get involved with people who cheat? I just dont get that. It's only gonna end bad either way.
It sucks that your stuck in the middle of all this. If she was just your friend, thats one thing. But since your co-workers and roomates... I dont know what else to say than good luck.
I think you're very restrained for not strangling her ::)
I agree with catski
People cheat because they're not happy. The sexual release and excitement are just manifestations of feeling empty, not being understood, and having little to no emotional support in their lives. I guess the better question might be...why do people get into unhealthy relationships to begin with? We could probably discuss that one for weeks.
I never thought of it that way, but I think your right.
Some people cheat out of boredom, or because they think they're "missing" something, or because they like the feeling of "getting away with it." Remember the "boy stealer" in highschool, who hit on everyone else's date? For them, it's the unattainable person that is fascinating, and the minute they "get" them, they lose interest. For those who cheat, it's often the spice of doing something "naughty."
Oh how weird.... I was just reading the lastest post on this thread, and on the side, (in the Google adds) there was an add for 'meet married women'. What the heck? ???