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Organizing a screening of "Earthlings" on campus- Good idea/Bad idea?

I am trying to organize a screening of "Earthlings" to show on campus and bring to light some of the issues with eating meat besides meat just being disgusting.  After some thinking I figured that showing "Earthlings" was probably the most dramatic method to illustrate how animals are tortured and exploited in today's society.  As I was filling out the application to have the event I had some second guesses as to whether this is a good idea.  I myself cannot watch the whole film and began to think it might be too much to throw on people at once because it is such a graphic film.  I'm just looking for some suggestions from those who have seen the film as to what they think about showing the film to a bunch of college students who likely won't know much about the film beforehand.

eh, i'd do it, but maybe i just think it's something that shouldn't be ignored. it's happening, why not open your eyes to it? not YOU of course, but the general 'you.'

though, i have had people who *ahem* haven't wanted to accept what is going on no matter what. for instance, i had someone watch meet your meat and they said 'wow, that was very exaggerated'.... uh, no, it wasn't. if anything it is probably better than actual conditions.

ok, i am tired, my point is: people who want to accept it will, people who don't will ignore it. showing it will just help those that want to accept it 'see the light.' ha.


i think its a good idea

graphic as hell, but thats reality and hopefully itll remove some peoples heads from the sand....and their asses


The animal group at my school shows that film frequently on campus and there hasn't been a major uproar or anything. The film is usually well-attended too, with about 100-200 people showing up. The group has also shown Peaceable Kingdom and Mad Cowboy in the past, if you're looking for ideas. But Earthlings is definitely the biggest as far as demonstrating animal rights concerns, and plus, you can promote to the student body that Joaquin Phoenix does the narration and Moby does the score.

Good luck!


my animal rights group saw it,  the first time i saw it was at the screening.  we had more people there than at several of the other films because we had talked with professors and made this extra credit or mandatory for several classes.  we had vegan bread and cookies and the door stayed open so that people could leave if it was too much for them, surprisingly several people stuck around and had awesome things to say when we had a little discussion/cry session.  i would do it again in a heartbeat if only i were still in college.  i think its a superb idea.


Thanks everyone!  I decided to go through with it!  Last night I had a dream of advertising it as "Where do your Uggs come from?" and every girl who wears those hideous pieces of footwear was there to watch it.  After the film ended they all stopped wearing their Uggs and black spandex pants because they didn't realize all the death involved in making a stupid boot, and I never had to look at one more pair of Uggs ever again.  Oh, and all the sheep were freed and open to graze their life away in some pasture without being slaughtered and made into a boot!


Thanks everyone!  I decided to go through with it!  Last night I had a dream of advertising it as "Where do your Uggs come from?" and every girl who wears those hideous pieces of footwear was there to watch it.  After the film ended they all stopped wearing their Uggs and black spandex pants because they didn't realize all the death involved in making a stupid boot, and I never had to look at one more pair of Uggs ever again.  Oh, and all the sheep were freed and open to graze their life away in some pasture without being slaughtered and made into a boot!

ppffhahahahaa!!!  that's an awesome dream.


Thanks everyone!  I decided to go through with it!  Last night I had a dream of advertising it as "Where do your Uggs come from?" and every girl who wears those hideous pieces of footwear was there to watch it.  After the film ended they all stopped wearing their Uggs and black spandex pants because they didn't realize all the death involved in making a stupid boot, and I never had to look at one more pair of Uggs ever again.  Oh, and all the sheep were freed and open to graze their life away in some pasture without being slaughtered and made into a boot!

I wish I had that dream and that reality! Ugg boots are FRICKIN' EVERYWHERE around here and it's not even all that cold (well yeah, it's cold, but wear pants and a sweater, losers). And aside from all the cruelty involved, they're so ugly. I don't know anyone who looks good in them. I am very proud of my roommate though - she bought some Ugg-style boots at Charlotte Russe, but they are 100% polyester. And you know what? Not only are they as snug and warm as Ugg Boots, but they actually look cute.

I am doing a presentation on the fur, leather, and wool industries (wish me luck!) and I made a point to mention Ugg boots in the wool/sheep section. It'll be a wonderful day when I never have to see another pair of those monstrosities.


Thanks everyone!  I decided to go through with it!  Last night I had a dream of advertising it as "Where do your Uggs come from?" and every girl who wears those hideous pieces of footwear was there to watch it.  After the film ended they all stopped wearing their Uggs and black spandex pants because they didn't realize all the death involved in making a stupid boot, and I never had to look at one more pair of Uggs ever again.  Oh, and all the sheep were freed and open to graze their life away in some pasture without being slaughtered and made into a boot!

Ahhh, that's great.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I'm glad you are going through with it!  It might be the little slap of reality that people who are curious about animal issues need to commit themselves fully to the idea that those industries are wrong.  Raising awareness is always a good thing, in my book.  It's hard for people to rationalize their behavior in the face of such blatant evidence.  Good luck with it!


My campus AR group shows "Witness"--it's not as in your face as earthlings and has a really good story--it does get a little graphic at the end concerning the trapping and raising of animals for fur--but it's not too bad! We get a lot of converts when we show it--last month we had about 50 people come out for it and we gained about 15 mew memebers and everyone who saw it said they would never by fur and a lot of them picked up info about going veg!

So do it! Show a film--it can really change peoples lives!!!

Good luck :)


Our Honors College Council showed this film (the pres. is a vegetarian) and our vegetarian club was going to, but we decided on Our Daily Bread instead since the aforementioned group had recently held a showing. 

On that note, Our Daily Bread is also worth watching.  It's less "in your face" also, but the lack of narration really makes you pay attention and think about the images you're seeing.

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