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Mister/ Misto Thingies

Does anyone have one of these?

It doesn't have to be a Misto, any brand that works.
I really want one to be able to spray my pans and minimize oil usage. I want a few, one for oilve oil and one for canola.
But the thing is many I have looked at have some pretty bad reviews.
Does yours work? Do you like it?

I got a Misto many years ago, and it never really seemed to work.  It always seemed clogged or something.  Maybe olive oil is too thick?  Sorry to tell you what you don't want to hear.  :(


I've been playing with the idea of getting a plain and simple plastic mist bottle for the same purpose.
Cheaper too.


I got a Misto many years ago, and it never really seemed to work.  It always seemed clogged or something.  Maybe olive oil is too thick?  Sorry to tell you what you don't want to hear.  :(

LOL it's exactly what I want to hear! I want to know before I have one sitting in my kitchen not working! :)

I've been playing with the idea of getting a plain and simple plastic mist bottle for the same purpose.
Cheaper too.

Will that work?? I thought there was some sort of presure needed that the misto created?  :-\


I have one (a different brand) that I bought from Williams Sonoma months ago. I love it and use it all the time. I actually posted a question on here asking what I could use b/c I refused to use cooking spray anymore until I could really figure out what the ingredient "propellant" was. ??? I think it was Bookmama that recommended that I get a mister.
I've had no clogging and I'd say that I use it several times a week. I'm thinking of getting another one to use for my high heat oils (safflower or grapeseed) to spray pans with.


I've been playing with the idea of getting a plain and simple plastic mist bottle for the same purpose.
Cheaper too.

Will that work?? I thought there was some sort of presure needed that the misto created?  :-\

Well if I pay 75c for it and it doesn't, I haven't lost much...if it works to mist plants I should think it would mist oil. Or even a metal plant-mister.

I keep my olive oil and other oil in those little metal oilcans, kind of like what the Tin Woodman used in the Oz movie. With all the major construction going on this summer, there has been so much dust in the air that the big one got covered in a sticky gum of oil and dust. I scrubbed away with Scotchbrite and dish soap, soaked it in bicarb and vinegar--nothing. It stuck like rubber cement. Ran it twice thru the dishwasher and it came up like a charm. That's scary!


I have one (a different brand) that I bought from Williams Sonoma months ago. I love it and use it all the time. I actually posted a question on here asking what I could use b/c I refused to use cooking spray anymore until I could really figure out what the ingredient "propellant" was. ??? I think it was Bookmama that recommended that I get a mister.
I've had no clogging and I'd say that I use it several times a week. I'm thinking of getting another one to use for my high heat oils (safflower or grapeseed) to spray pans with.

 I have two of the Williams-Sonoma ones. Never had a problem with either of them. They work fine.

 I've been getting into the habit of simply using a basting brush and putting a little olive oil right on the surface of food instead of spraying the pan. Works very well and you don't waste any oil.


i have a misto and haven't had any problems with it.  I got it for the same propellant reasons as davedrum, but i found that it's also great to spray olive oil onto popcorn (secondary motivation ::))-no soggy spots!


I have met Mr. Misto. It's a love/hate thing.

I love it when it works. Hate it when it just unleashes a stream of oil.

They're tempemental from my experience, but when they goof up it's more an incovenience than a dish ruining experience.


I have had several different types over the years, including the misto.  I hated it at the time, but in retrospect, I think it was user error.  I currently have a Pampered Chef and it is my favorite so far, BUT it is the first one that I think I've used properly.  Like vigilant20 said, don't over fill, and don't over pump.


I've been playing with the idea of getting a plain and simple plastic mist bottle for the same purpose.
Cheaper too.

Will that work?? I thought there was some sort of presure needed that the misto created?  :-\

Well if I pay 75c for it and it doesn't, I haven't lost much...if it works to mist plants I should think it would mist oil. Or even a metal plant-mister.

I suppose but I'd be worried about my $10 worth of olive oil that I'd have to funnel back into the original bottle if it didn't! ;)


We have a Misto also. It works just fine. We found, though, you have to pump it up enough to spray a "mist." If it doesn't spray right and gets clogged, running hot water on it does the trick for clogs. We had to do that only once after we got it. No problems after that. We use EVOO in it, by the way.


I too have a Misto. I recommend it strongly to all of my students. It is superb for baking, frying, phyllo, etc..I just keep an all-purpose oil in mine (usually sunflower)
I could not live without it!!!
Well, actually I could LIVE without it, but I would become despondent, depressed and stop washing my hair.


I currently have a Pampered Chef and it is my favorite so far, BUT it is the first one that I think I've used properly. 

I've got a Pampered Chef one that I use all the time too.


so when I read the title of this thread, I knew what you were talking about, but I also thought you were referring to a brand called "Mister (or Mr.) Misto."  :D

I've had a keen interest to buy one for a few months now (as part of my ever-growing effort to create less waste and conserve resources).  I stopped buying the canned cooking spray this summer, and have just been lightly coating my baking pans with just a drizzle of canola oil applied by I'm pretty sure I'm using more oil than I would if I had a misting appliance.

I recently bought a little travel spray bottle--a hairspray pump-style one--and I'm wondering if I should try putting oil in'd probably clog easily, but I could try it anyway...hmmm...


I got one of these today.  I just used it to cook some veggies and grease a pan.  So good so far! 


I got one of these today.  I just used it to cook some veggies and grease a pan.  So good so far! 

just wait until it gunks up  >:(

Yes.  I am anticipating that based on all the other responses.  I've decided to keep only a small amount of oil in it so that I can clean it frequently.  Hopefully that will help.


I have one and I love it. I haven't had any clogging issues or anything yet (now watch, now that I said so, I will)... but I also have heard bad reviews. 


I've used two types -- a rather good olive oil and a flavored grapeseed oil from Firestone Vineyard.  I'm quite surprised that mine hasn't gunked up.  I am very careful to keep it away from heat... could that make a difference? 


I have a Misto...and I dunno if mine is clogged (I've cleaned it, and it's the same), but I always get the stream thing. I actually kind of prefer this...I just spray less of it, and it's fine. I annoys me now if it sprays instead of streams...b/c I can't tell how much is coming out. Whatever..I've gotten my use out of it.  :D


I don't remember what brand I have (so that's not going to help anyone...sorry) but I'm just here to say that mine doesn't clog up, either. If I don't adequately pump it before spraying it'll sorta blob in smallish blobs rather than a good general mist, but pumping takes care of that. Bookpapa and I use ours all the time. CeltKat has the same kind we do and I've not heard her complain either.



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