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NVR - I had to turn the furnace today

I had to turn on the furnace today because it literally went from high 80s yesterday to low 50s today. :'( I'm not quite ready for that kinda change. Just needed to vent.

Sorry tanevab, I have to agree with Vigilant20 on this one. I'm SO HAPPY to finally be able to turn off all of my fans and be comfortable (i.e. not sweaty and gross) in all rooms of my apartment! Also to be able to cook/bake again without turning my kitchen into a sauna! BLISS. I love this time of year!

Of course, I'm a freak and will probably have the windows at least cracked (and no heat on) until the first frost/snow....

;D ;D ;D ;D


It's really pretty here right now but I actually don't like that it's been in the mid 70's. I can't wait for the cooler weather. :)  I find it hard to decorate for Halloween if I'm still in shorts. LOL

I can't wait till I can wear my fall sweaters. :)  In CO it's the same thing. 80 one day, 50 the next but the nights are always pretty cool...literally. I still have my window open in the upstairs bedroom and actually froze my butt off last night. I didn't think I could get too cold.  :o


Chicago, right?  I'm in the western suburbs-- FREEZING!!!

Also turned on the heat!  I do not like the cold weather, but I DO like winter clothes!  And boots and gloves and mittens and hats and scarves. 

But I prefer 90s to this.


Sorry tanevab, I have to agree with Vigilant20 on this one. I'm SO HAPPY to finally be able to turn off all of my fans and be comfortable (i.e. not sweaty and gross) in all rooms of my apartment! Also to be able to cook/bake again without turning my kitchen into a sauna! BLISS. I love this time of year!

Of course, I'm a freak and will probably have the windows at least cracked (and no heat on) until the first frost/snow....

;D ;D ;D ;D

Ditto ditto ditto to all of that! :D


Ugh!  I envy  you!  It is still in the low 90's here with it only getting down to about 70 at night.  I  hate the  heat. 


I have been sick with a head cold for the better part of a week, and it is SO NICE to finally have cool autumn weather, instead of the suffocating heat we'd been having. Then again, having a fever will cause me to turn on the A/C after getting out of a cool shower. So, yeah, I'm not really the sane majority on this matter.


Um, yeah, so I grew up in Los Angeles, so if everywhere I go was just about 75 all the time... I'd be ok with that.  ;D

Of course, I could deal with maybe, uh, 60 degrees and some rain now and then.

Actually, when I spent a year in New York I started liking the cold-enough-to-snow weather, but everything inbetween that and 75... meh.


I really just wish it were sunny. Our house is in a very shady naturally cool area so whatever it gets down to at night is pretty much what the house stays at all day long. We rarely have to use the air in the summer unless it gets above 95 (about 80) in the house. So this morning when I woke up it was 48 in the house and doesn't go much above that w/o help. I actually like things a little on the cool side 73 during the day 50s at night, perfect bonfire weather. I just wasn't ready for a 30some degree shift overnight. I wouldn't have left my windows open for one thing.


we've also getting those big weather jumps. it was 85 last weekend and in the 50s this week. YIKES. what are we doing to our planet!!

Same here! It was 85 degrees & humid last Friday & over the weekend... And today it's 49 & raining! I'm not complaining about the weather now, though, because that humid crap was not cutting it for me. ;D I love the fall more than anything! However, I'd still be happy with 50s & 60s; not 40s! There will be plenty of that this winter! ;)


I had to turn on the furnace today because it literally went from high 80s yesterday to low 50s today. :'( I'm not quite ready for that kinda change. Just needed to vent.

We're that way in Michigan today too.  My twin got home from work and turned our furnace on.  20 minutes later I'm yelling downstairs "Are you trying to kill me?".  It was so hot!  I love to sleep when it's cold and had my windows open.


I'm in Florida where summer is still in full force, in the upper 80's and 90's, but I think that cold front is going to make it down here and give us a much needed end to the long summer and we can turn the air conditioner off, at least in the evening.  This weekend it's going to be in the mid to low 80's and lows in the 60's.  I love spring!


I actually wore a sweat shirt for the beginning of the day today. Which is a shock, because I work in a machine shop. I am looking forward to the cooler weather, because of work. It was refreshing today to have it cooler in there.


Today is the first day I have closed windows without the air conditioning being on, since May. I actually put on my first long-sleeved shirt today, too. The fall-winter clothes are definitely coming out of storage over the next week or so.

What in the US is called "Indian summer" we call "quince summer" as it helps the quinces ripen on the trees. We just had it, it's over and the yabbit is happy! Soup weather!


Soup weather, indeed!!  I'm happy that for the past couple of nights, I've had windows open and woke up COLD!!!

I love autumn!


I'm sitting here on my first friday off in a long time wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and my DH's long PJ bottoms, and I'm still chilly. I agree with Yabbit. I am going to bring out my big puffy sweat shirts today, and make some chili .... ah, fall is here  ;)


Yeah, I've made a couple nice batches of soup and stew already :)


Right now it's 56 deg. and it looks like it should be 7 pm outside and it's only a little after 1 pm. I love those sorts of days. And it's supposed to be 45 deg tomorrow and rainy. (Yay!!) I love when it gets this way. The trees have been changing and the leaves are falling. Love that! Really makes me want to get my Halloween decorations out now!! :)  Can't do it when it's 80 deg in October. This is a nice fall season here :)

However, night before last I froze my butt off and last night Marcus turned the heat up. I put an extra blanket on the bed and wound up sleeping on top of it the whole time. I really wanted to be able to experience the cooler air and sleep under another blanket but....dang!! I wound up sleeping over the covers almost the whole time.

Today, right now, there is a thunderstorm. I can't wait for snow! :)


I was able to turn off the air conditioner for a bit this AM and open the windows.  But it's in the mid-80s and rising so the windows are closed and the air conditioner is back on.  8)


you guys all suck.

even in the summer, lest im dripping w/ sweat, im always cold. soon as the sun goes down, out comes the fleece.
i slept w/ 2 blankets on ALL summer long, there were literally 4-5 days in there that i didnt sleep under my comforter.
im frigid.  :-\

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