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Michigan & Canadian Thanksgiving.... NVR

Well I woke up this morning sick as a dog so Cali and I didn't go to Michigan.  Plan on heading out in 3 hours.  I slept all day.  Got my sorry a** out of bed at 5:00PM.  Hope tomorrow is a go as I haven't eaten anything today.

Well I woke up this morning sick as a dog so Cali and I didn't go to Michigan.  Plan on heading out in 3 hours.  I slept all day.  Got my sorry a** out of bed at 5:00PM.  Hope tomorrow is a go as I haven't eaten anything today.

Ohhh Di. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs


Well I woke up this morning sick as a dog so Cali and I didn't go to Michigan.  Plan on heading out in 3 hours.  I slept all day.  Got my sorry a** out of bed at 5:00PM.  Hope tomorrow is a go as I haven't eaten anything today.

Ohhh Di. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs

You are so sweet and BTW, I love your picture!  You are as sweet as you are beautiful!


Poor Di!! But you just keep fighting on...that's our Di.
Sweetheart would chirp at you to cheer you up if he could reach.
(((Di and Cali)))


Ahhh poor Di. And you were so much looking forward to going to Michigan. :(
Take care of yourself & get better quick.  :)


You are so sweet and BTW, I love your picture!  You are as sweet as you are beautiful!

BLUSH  Thanks.


my dear! good luck and I hope you feel better.

I'm sending you positive vibes!


I hope you're feeling better, Di.


:'( Awwwww! Poor Di! Well, maybe you can come out next weekend, it's really hot here this weekend anyways--I think by next weekend it will have cooled down  :)

I hope you and Cali feel better!!!!!


feel better soon, di!  :)


Thanks everyone!  Cali and I went to Michigan Sunday morning and we are now home.  We had a blast.  I think I must of eaten something bad on Friday as by Sunday morning, I was fine.

It was stinking hot.  Just how I love it!

Arriving around 12:30PM on Sunday.  My friends have a huge fenced backyard.  Cali was so excited.  She played with the two standard poodles non stop all afternoon.  I think I mentioned before that she is in love with Rocket, the male.  She humped him in May when she first met them. 

They played rough and she got a scratch on her back but is non the worse for wear.  She tried humping poor Rocket again, licked his private parts and gave him a French kiss.  His mouth was open and she slipped her tongue in.  I have to talk to her about proper backyard etiquette!

Cali looks a lot like a Dingo so it was funny to see a semi bald dingo playing with two beautifully trimmed (puppy cut) standard poodles.

My friends, made an amazing mushroom  pie for dinner and we had fresh tomatoes from their garden.  Lunch the next day was amazing too.  A salad with spinach, onions, feta cheese, sun dried tomatoes, olives, artichokes, and orzo pasta.  I have asked them to email me the recipes.

Yesterday, we went to a state park and walked the dogs about 4 1/2 miles.  They should be on a leash but as no one was there, they were off leash.  Cali hasn't exercised much since getting sick but she ran and ran and played.

Then we heard a splash at the little lake.  We were watching a swan in the the distance so I didn't notice Cali disappearing for a moment.  She came back all happy with wet legs and a wet belly.

Her hair grew even more this weekend.

My big weekend of shopping was a tub of Earth Balance, some Earth Balance buttery sticks, three packages of Smart Bacon, five boxes of riblets, two packages of Soyriso and two packages of Gimme Lean sausage.  I also got two containers of spreadable sharp cheddar cheese with Merlot.  I  know, I still eat cheese, and I tried this in May and have never seen it here. 

Got a bottle of rum for $12.99.  Same bottle here with all our taxes would have been close to $24.00.  Right now, the Canadian dollar is stronger than the US dollar so it was a real bonus.

Considering my friends aren't vegetarian, they certainly go out of their way to prepare nice meals for me.  They eat them too and don't eat meat when I am there unless we go to a restaurant. 

I think Cali already misses the dogs.  Now for the rest of my vacation, I have to clean and de-clutter!

Once again, thanks everyone!



Glad that Cali and you were able to enjoy your weekend!


And the pond water didn't do any harm? GREAT NEWS!! Good old Cali--she is so coool.
And you are too. I'm glad you had a lovely time. You needed one!
I hope things are better all round now you've had a much-needed break.

(((DI and CALI)))


Great to hear, Di!  :)


Glad that Cali and you were able to enjoy your weekend!

Thank you!!!!!


Great to hear, Di!   :)

Thanks so much!


And the pond water didn't do any harm? GREAT NEWS!! Good old Cali--she is so coool.
And you are too. I'm glad you had a lovely time. You needed one!
I hope things are better all round now you've had a much-needed break.

(((DI and CALI))) adverse reactions to the pond.  In fact, she looks better than ever!!!!She is a cool dog.  We have no idea if she went in on her own or thought the bull rushes were grass and fell in.  Good old Cali just does her own thing when she is leash free.  She has wild abandonment and an immense joy of life.
She has been fasting since 7:00pm tonight as she has to go for a blood test at 11:30am to check her thyroid.  The test is to determine if she is on the right dose of meds or if they have to be lowered or raised.
Wish your doctor cared as much about you as Cali's vet cares about her! 
I took some pictures of her, Orbit and Rocket this weekend.  Once I get them developed, I will email some to you.  I will have them put them on a disk as well.
Now, if I can only teach her to be a 'proper' lady around Rocket.  He is the only dog she goes ga ga over.  She has only met him twice but she is smitten!  Rocket is a rescue poodle.  They are truly cute together.  Cali really does look like a dingo.  Once all her hair grows back, she will look half fox, half dingo.  I figure in about a month, she will have a full coat of hair. 
Thanks for the hugs my friend!



Aww post the new pics here when they're ready Di! I want to see too!


Aww post the new pics here when they're ready Di! I want to see too!

I can't because last time I tried, it said the files were too large.  I would if I could!

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