Where'd it go?? (NVR)
Posted by yabbitgirl on Sep 16, 2007 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
I clicked on my Post Secret bookmark this AM and got a blank blog put up by someone named Nicole. WHAT?? The old one was there at 9.30 AM CET, with last weeks cards up. I thought PS was run by Frank Warren?
What is going on here?
It's still gone when I try to access it but I get a page that says "page not found". :(
I hope it comes back!
I clicked on my Post Secret bookmark this AM and got a blank blog
??? Huh? What's a Post Secret?
It seems to be there now...
Humboldt, postsecret is a blog to which people send postcards with secrets about themselves; the blogger chooses a set every week and posts them online. It's www.postsecret.com. There's also a book or two now.
Whew!! Thanks, all.
It really is sad that people feel they have to express deep secrets on an open website, however anonymously. And sadder still that I've gotten so addicted to reading other peoples deep secrets that not being able to access the site almost spoiled my day! ::)