The Goode Family - preview of new Fall show
Posted by TinTexas on May 22, 2008 · Member since Aug 2006 · 1216 posts
The Goode Family is a show about a vegan family that will be on ABC TV next Fall. The preview seemed positive but honest about how obsessive "we" can become. Until they started talking about the dog. Definitely a negative perspective there. I just hope that it's overall not a condemnation of the vegan lifestyle. That Mike Judge is behind it is worrisome. Anyone know what WOE (way of eating) he follows?
It appears to be an overall condemnation of the vegan lifestyle and treelover lifestyle. "guilty of beign a human on the planet". It was the guys explaination for people who choose veganism and take a gentle approach for the earth and our impact on her.
Uhhhhhhhh, I think that looks HORRID. It appears to me that they are using all of the stereotypes to make fun of this "hyper conscious family." This at least seems to be exactly what we wouldn't want... :-\
I think it looks funny. These half hour sitcom/comedy shows all take stereotypes of the way we live and blow them out of proportion. That's why pocket mulching is funny. All this is pointing to is that this type of lifestyle is something that is becoming more relatable. The way the makers describe it, whole food shopping, hybrid, reusable bag toting people and their nuances are the stars instead of the traditional ugly fat dad, cute tiny mom, and threeish bratty kids. As a social commentary, the existence of the show means that there are enough people that would recognize this family, if toned down, that its funny. And as for the dog, that's funny, too.
Hm. I don't know--it didn't look overly horrible--but I'm not sure how "good" it looks either--one thing I will say is that our community must be growning pretty large to be mainstreamed onto prime time television--hopefully they will show respect to the lifestyle and portray it accordingly--but come on people--we all know those "vegans that hang out at WHole Foods" Dang--I think I am one of those! I'll cross my fingers for it :)
I think any extreme is funny and we have to be good humored in the way we live. I don't know how many times I've made fun of my mom for recycling the foil wrappers from kisses, because it really is funny, but it doesn't make recycling any more noble or important. People do see that.
I think it looks potentially funny; I'll definitely give it a try. I'm with Ranu; we have to be willing to poke fun at ourselves. Otherwise, you can add 'no sense of humor' to our stereotype. (And yes, sometimes I feel guilty of being a human on the planet.) I'm sure that King of the Hill is not an accurate portrayal of everyone who lives in Texas, but it is pretty funny.
taking into consideration his style of comedy, bevis and butthead and king of the hill, i think this might go right along with it. i dont really like his other shows, but my boyfriend does, he thinks the show will be good... i dont know. ha.
im just excited to see vegans on tv, even if its a cartoon.
I couldn't watch the video past the midway point. It looks hideous and not very funny to me at all.
I couldn't watch the video past the midway point. It looks hideous and not very funny to me at all.
Yes. BUT this does NOT MEAN that we don't have a sense of humor...
btw, have 1234 posts! ;)
No, of course it doesn't mean we don't have a sense of humor. You all know I have a sense of humor from my 1234 other posts. :D
The way I see it, it's a double edged sword. If vegans don't like it, they perpetuate the stereotype that vegans don' t have a sense of humor. But the show itself perpetuates several other stereotypes and misconceptions that I think are more harmful in total. Like that vegans will sacrifice the well-being of a pet to fulfill some lofty ideal, for example. It portrays vegans as elite, white, misguided, skinny, unaccepting of other views (the mom), extreme, against the natural order of things, and holier-than-thou.
The message of the show seems to be: See how absurd life becomes when you try to be "good"! It's impossible, folks, so don't feel bad for not trying! I would characterize this show as a backlash against the "green" movement that's so trendy right now. It's saying, "Let's not get carried away here, people!"
Someone on another forum pointed out that this show reminded them of that offensive blog, "Stuff White People Like." They did an entry on veganism not too long ago. It's an attempt to illegitimize social awareness and activism by belittling them as fads than only privileged white people have the money and time to spend on. It's pointless and gives people an excuse not to care about these issues.
So yeah, more people would know what veganism is from this show. They'll think, "Yeah, vegans are those people who run around like crazies thinking that they're doing all this good in the world and that they're better than the rest of us for it." Meh, I am not a fan.
I'm not sure what to think about this new show. I think it's great that Veganism is *hopefully* being more accepted in everyday communities, but this show seems like it could easily take a negative turn against being Veg*n.
I'll watch it if I remember to, but I'm wary about the whole thing. We'll see what it's really like when it airs.
Mike Judge did "Idiocracy" too, but I haven't seen the previews of this show, so who knows. I'm curious as to how it will be, funny I hope.
I can't wait to see it. I think that any exposure is good exposure. Some people that aren't exposed to a particular idea, just might hear something that clicks or makes them think and triggers a positive change in their life.
BTW, I saw "idiocracy." The concept of the movie was hilarious and perhaps tapped into some reality.
It will probably be funny, but not positive. Seeing Mike Judge talk about it, he looked like it was more serious than satirical/humorous. King of the Hill is funny but the characters are somewhat sympathetic. This crew appears to be something to laugh at, strictly.
It will probably be funny, but not positive. Seeing Mike Judge talk about it, he looked like it was more serious than satirical/humorous. King of the Hill is funny but the characters are somewhat sympathetic. This crew appears to be something to laugh at, strictly.
I agree. If he had been more light-hearted, empathetic and comedic, the tone of this new show would have come off differently. Right now it looks to me like they've reduced vegans to a stereotype of a skinny, elitist, bleeding-heart liberal. My vegan and vegetarian friends are more compassionate, down-to-earth and ethnically-diverse than any of those cartoon characters.
It will probably be funny, but not positive. Seeing Mike Judge talk about it, he looked like it was more serious than satirical/humorous. King of the Hill is funny but the characters are somewhat sympathetic. This crew appears to be something to laugh at, strictly.
I also agree. Well put. I can't see anything positive about it, but we'll see.
So this is set to premiere next week. I told my family about it and they thought it was funny because it kind of sounds like it's about us (name and all, though the rest of my family isn't vegan). I am definitely nervous about how this family of vegans is going to be portrayed. I am going to watch it though. anyone else watching?
So maybe if this is a hit people will stop asking me if I eat fish.
now that i know it's about vegans i feel like it's my duty to watch it to see how "we're" portrayed.