The Goode Family - preview of new Fall show
Posted by TinTexas on May 22, 2008 · Member since Aug 2006 · 1216 posts
The Goode Family is a show about a vegan family that will be on ABC TV next Fall. The preview seemed positive but honest about how obsessive "we" can become. Until they started talking about the dog. Definitely a negative perspective there. I just hope that it's overall not a condemnation of the vegan lifestyle. That Mike Judge is behind it is worrisome. Anyone know what WOE (way of eating) he follows?
huh. I just watched the preview as well. it doesn't sound like the show's creators are very well-intentioned, (especially with the dog!), but I think that's probably due to them not knowing all that much about being vegan. If that's the case, I think they're going to run out of material before too long...but maybe it'll be better than I expect. who knows. at least there are vegans on tv.
Wow, I'm a little upset about this allready. I'm guessing it'll last about 6 shows, and then people will realize that making fun of others who actually care about something besides themselves isn't that funny.
This is the first I've heard about this......not too excited about it, but it kinda reminds me of "Living with Ed" (the show on the Green Channel with Ed Begley Jr.) in cartoon form.....I'll definitely watch it, but I seriously doubt that it'll even see it to 6 episodes....maybe 3 or 4.
The characters look quite Family Guy. He should have mixed it up a bit. If it doesn't last some of it will be on the uncreative animation.
i saw a commercial the other night that had the dad running home with a giant bag of elephant dung.. he was like "they're just GIVING it away at the circus!!"
uh.. i can't think of any vegans that frequent the circus.. even if it was just to pick up shit for free..
I'm going to reserve judgment here. Mike Judge is a brilliant satirist. Look at everything from Beavis & Butt Head, Office Space to Idiocracy.
I think the show deserves a chance before vegans poo-poo it. It may surprise you with both warmth and insight. Mike Judge tends to be good at that.
I'm hoping for the best.
I'm going to reserve judgment here. Mike Judge is a brilliant satirist. Look at everything from Beavis & Butt Head, Office Space to Idiocracy.
I think the show deserves a chance before vegans poo-poo it. It may surprise you with both warmth and insight. Mike Judge tends to be good at that.
I'm hoping for the best.
I hope you're right! :)
So... what did everyone think? Did anyone watch the pilot episode? I actually found it amusing. That's my sense of humor though... always has been. I don't take offense easily (when it comes to the media and things of that nature). I think it's just one of those all in good fun. I mean, look who made it... look how he portrayed Texans? Do you honestly think their weren't people who took offense to that show? I dunno if this show will last or not, but it was entertaining enough that I'll watch it Friday when the second episode airs.
theres a thread in the chit chat section about all the episodes that have aired.
the parodies were over-the-top and the jokes were tired...(i am sure we all had a fixed notion of what would be addressed throughout the show: euro scooters, references to something organic, a i-have-some-sort-of-connection-to-my-non-african-african heritage, etc etc.) thats all it seemed to me. not that i was offended...just got bored and was put to sleep.
which is goode (no pun intended) because fri night im ready to slep it as a lullaby and not as a laugh-in and you won't be disappointed.