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The Cove

There's a movie coming out about the dolphin industry in Japan.
It looks like it could make an impact on people!
What I find odd is how shocked everyone is about what happens since I've known for awhile.  But I'm glad now it is getting its coverage. 

Another movie I should watch but won't be able to.


I want to see that. The day its really close to me i told my friend i'd do something with her... last week i said i would and went to a concert instead.. so i dont want to ditch her. Ughhhhhhhh.
I dont think any of my friends would drive me 45 minutes to see it the next week even if i payed for them.


awesome. I've heard Sharkwater is also quite good.


I like it! :)


Did you go to see it? I want to soo bad!!!


There's a movie coming out about the dolphin industry in Japan.
It looks like it could make an impact on people!
What I find odd is how shocked everyone is about what happens since I've known for awhile.  But I'm glad now it is getting its coverage. 

Yeah, the dolphin issue has been around since the late 60s. But it gets revived every few years. I wonder if that means nothing has changed?


Just watched this last night. It is shocking, however I know people who are shocked by it, but who also continue to eat a meat based diet. Why are people more concerned about dolphins than cows, pigs, etc....? At *least* these dolphins live their lives in the wild and not in captivity.....until their brutal and disturbing murder at the end. How about our animal friends who never see the light of day?

I'm just thinking of some meat eaters on my FB who couldn't believe this is happening.

I'm glad this has been brought to the attention of the public. Perhaps this can open the door for people on information about all types of animal cruelty, not just dolphins.

I'm also trying to find out if Ric O'barry is vegan. I can't seem to get anywhere. He is quoted on vegan pages, but not sure if he is. I hope so, or his work would seem hypocritical.

There are a few things at the end that show some progress has been made....dolphin meat being taken out of school lunch programs, guys in the IWC being fired, etc....


The producers of The Cove were also responsible for exposing a(n extremely overpriced) restaurant in Santa Monica for serving Sei whale.  Apparently it was kept in a cooler in the back of a black Mercedes in the parking lot.  Disgusting.  The restaurant has since closed its doors, I think, in no small part to the outpouring of rage directed towards them.  I don't think the outcome would've been the same had The Cove not gotten so much attention.


Wow, I knew that the place got in trouble but I didn't realize that they shut down. Fine by me though!


Wow, I knew that the place got in trouble but I didn't realize that they shut down. Fine by me though!

Yep!  It's nice to see that serious action, beyond getting slapped with a fine, was taken.  I mean, how damaging is a fine when you charge $600 for a dinner for four?

Now, how does one go abouts getting Animal shut down?




But yeah anyway, that's what I thought happened was that they got a fine. I'm glad to hear they were shut down completely. Is Animal the place that sells the lion burgers? Did you know that guy was in prison before for similiar problems?


I really didn't like places like Seaworld before I saw this movie, but this movie really sealed the deal.  My mom desperately wanted me to take my kid to seaworld with her this last weekend and was bribing me by saying she would pay for my ticket, etc....
I told her to watch THE COVE and she said she didn't want to watch anything to make her sad or not like seaworld, and tried to convince me it that I should just suck it up and go even though it goes against things I believe in. I think she thought I was being difficult.
She won't watch the movie, I won't go to Seaworld.
What is the difference?

I think she also thinks I wish I hadn't seen it so that I could just go and enjoy Seaworld without thinking about the ramifications of supporting a place like this. Love my mom, but she just doesn't get it!


Saw this advertised in the week even that was traumatic, will try and catch it on repeat


I watched this last night on TV.. : ( I have never really taken a close look at what happens to all those poor animals in sea parks, or anywhere else they're exploited. I'm glad it's being brought to people's attention.


I bought it a while back here in China. It seems to be in every DVD shop here. Right next to Food, Inc. Not sure what that means, but I found it interesting.

I really liked it. It totally bummed me out. However, I am glad I saw it. And I am even more glad that I am a vegetarian after watching it. Even my omni BF had serious second thoughts about eating least for a few days...

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