Fly-bys on the board...
Has anyone noticed... that every once in awhile our little vegweb board seems to get... well how to put this... gung-ho new members who mention that they "have been vegan for X years" in every post... and the poster replies to posts but never knows any of the original posters background and says something totally "off"... like, "Try nutritional yeast!" and proceeds to explain exactly what it is to another long time vegan... and they are a little... I dunno... uppity... but then in a week or two they disappear never to be heard from again...
Does this makes sense?
Anyway, maybe I'm mean, but I'm glad those kind of people don't stick around and just sort of fly-by...
I'm proud of vegwebbers that we don't harbor and environment for that kind of stuff but aren't cliqueish and accept new people and get to know them. Yay for us!
I don't mean to be bratty, but I do think you are cliquish.
It is hard to break in. Did you ever notice how many views there are of posts compared with how many people actually post? Last night when I logged on there were something like 250 people logged on--there are a lot of members of this site. I personally feel there is a definitely a little club on this board and most of you share the same outlook on various issues and don't value as much the input that others offer. Just my opinion.
I agree it is hard to break in... but I thought that was do to the sheer number of posts! I get dizzy trying to catch up if I'm gone for a few days. I don't think it's hard to join a discussion... sure you might need to do a little more background work as a new person and read someone's profile before responding to their their post... but that's how it goes and eventually you remember things and "get to know" people... you don't have a profile jkl, but i do remember you saying you hate veganlunchbox and a story you told about when you brought a cake to a vegan birthday party and people freaked out because they thought there was sugar in the cake (that was you right??)
It's not like we have private parties off the board... most of us don't even private message (I hardly do... I guess I wouldn't know about anyone else) my point is it all happens here and anyone is free to say anything... I don't know how you can tell what input is valued and what isn't.
yeah - it is hard to break into the board. but that only makes sense. I'm pretty new here too, but since frequenting the board, posting threads, asking and answering some questions, I feel included in this community. I feel supported at vegweb - even if it's only online/virtual support!
I don't mean to be bratty, but I do think you are cliquish.
It is hard to break in. Did you ever notice how many views there are of posts compared with how many people actually post? Last night when I logged on there were something like 250 people logged on--there are a lot of members of this site. I personally feel there is a definitely a little club on this board and most of you share the same outlook on various issues and don't value as much the input that others offer. Just my opinion.
I haven't experienced any of that yet. I'm like an old man here compared to "probably" most of the users. Yet, I have found everyone to be very welcoming and friendly. I've posted on other sites where there truly is a clique and no matter what you post there is going to be an argument,(take for example, "the sky sure was blue this morning") followed by the whole community coming against you and calling you ignorant. Because everyone knows that the sky was more azure than true blue. ;)
It's hard to make friends in real life, it takes effort.
Why would it be any different on the boards?
One has to participate to be a part of.
Did you ever notice how many views there are of posts compared with how many people actually post?
I always thought the number was due to people like me. I often reread my posts multiple times to make sure they're coherent. ::)
Ditto. ;D
And LadyDragonfly, I for one do read your posts. They are usually so well thought out and composed, I'm left with nothing constructive to add or say.
As a relatively new poster, I haven't found things to be clique-ish. Sure, there are established people here, but that's the same with any community, on-line or otherwise. To be honest, it's one of the more open and welcoming communities I've seen in a while, and I'm rather enjoying myself here.
I don't really see this board as cliquish. I was a wallflower here for months, but you know what...that is on me! I'm the one who didn't make the effort, until recently. I'm the one who didn't post a profile, until recently. If you're not a people person, and I'm not, it can be a little scary trying to "break in" and quite frankly I'm still in the break in phase, but I've found everyone here to be very nice, even when I say something careless (like I did yesterday :-X).
I've found everyone here to be very nice, even when I say something careless (like I did yesterday :-X).
Do you know how many times I put my foot in my mouth in real life? LOL
It happens.
ummm ok I'm just putting in my two cents just because I usually don't......I read posts a lot & don't say anything because I have nothing important to add......I usually just ignore fly bys( I LOVE that name!), they are not worth my time.....and Lady Dragonfly, I alwasy think your posts are very helpful....that is all, now I'm going to go back to reading a lot & posting a little only when I feel I have something to add to the conversation.
I don't mean to be bratty, but I do think you are cliquish.
It is hard to break in. Did you ever notice how many views there are of posts compared with how many people actually post? Last night when I logged on there were something like 250 people logged on--there are a lot of members of this site. I personally feel there is a definitely a little club on this board and most of you share the same outlook on various issues and don't value as much the input that others offer. Just my opinion.
I haven't experienced any of that yet. I'm like an old man here compared to "probably" most of the users. Yet, I have found everyone to be very welcoming and friendly. I've posted on other sites where there truly is a clique and no matter what you post there is going to be an argument,(take for example, "the sky sure was blue this morning") followed by the whole community coming against you and calling you ignorant. Because everyone knows that the sky was more azure than true blue. ;)
Yeah I don't agree with the Clique thing at all. I'm pretty new to this site and i feel like everyone has been incredibly accepting...sure yeah i had some catching up to do, but I think it's just a matter of getting in there and posting your opinions and helpful hints! Don't be shy, it's only the internet...we don't see you in person :)
I don't mean to be bratty, but I do think you are cliquish.
It is hard to break in. Did you ever notice how many views there are of posts compared with how many people actually post? Last night when I logged on there were something like 250 people logged on--there are a lot of members of this site. I personally feel there is a definitely a little club on this board and most of you share the same outlook on various issues and don't value as much the input that others offer. Just my opinion.
I guess calling others "cliquish" is good way to make friends. Name calling does not help one fit in. I came to this board back in November and found it to be just the opposite. There are many posts where people don't agree with one the end...most of those posts fade away and people move on. I'm sure I rub many the wrong way here, even piss some off with my posts....I'm positive of it. I'm at times opinionated, but I do try to open my mind to other's points of views. It does not mean that in the end I'll agree or follow....I will listen. If I never did that I would not be vegan. If you asked me 10 years ago if I would never eat meat or dairy again I would have fell on the floor laughing at the very thought of it. But it DID happen.
There are many that are new here that have seemed to "jump right in" to this so-called "club" you state that we have going on here. How is is that some seemed comfortable joining right in? Many of the newbies might not agree with everything posted....but they do contribute. That's what this board is about. If people don't have opposing views how is one to learn? I've personally learned a great deal here from this board....picked up some friends along the way as well. It is what you make of it.
It's hard to make friends in real life, it takes effort.
Why would it be any different on the boards?
One has to participate to be a part of.
Exactly! If you want others to get to know you then just jump right in and post! :)
For the record . . . . . jennifer hughes in HER original post used the term "cliquish" I was just responding to that term.
First of all, I think this thread is a good example of what I was talking about. I didn't mean to offend anyone, and I certainly wasn't trying to be hostile. I was simply voicing MY OPINION and I don't think I was particularly belligerent. But everyone really piled on. Davedrum, you are the worst offender. You raise the tenor of the exchange and really bring it into the personal arena.
This is a board on an internet website. I always thought it was here so that people can share ideas and perspectives. I have a perspective that is quite different than that of a lot of people on this board, partly due to my profession and life experiences.
If you want this to be a board where someone posts and everyone else says "amen" or "you can say that again" -- that is fine, but I don't think that is a very vibrant board. But if you want a board where people can freely exchange ideas, then I think we need to get a bit of a grip here and just take the comments for what they are.
Oh dear, my career choices are following me here! I have to spell, be grammatically correct and otherwise anal and in risk of sucking up the furniture. I read typo so fluently, but goodness I can't loosen up!!! I can't even type short hand into the cellphone. I appreciate the vote of confidence here and I guess I just cover all the bases before I finish. I am bad sometimes.
I am fine. Call this job stress. I took a nice, new job in my line of work. It is an increase in pay, and so with the job I have had for a very long time, I cut back. THen, the new job had no work till this week and I felt rather screwed. Now that there is work it is fine. I came to find out they are switching our typing platforms at my good old job and I can't work on that platform. I had to quit a couple of days ago and I am having "issues" giving up work and the doctor's voices who are like old friends. I took another PT p.r.n. job that will be wonderful too. I have spent 2 yrs looking for PT jobs that support my special typing software and I had so much difficulty with that. Here I have magically found 2 that do and they both hired me. I was raised to be negative and to believe that when something good happens to you, you clearly can't actually deserve it and it is only a matter of time until the world $ hits on you which you have coming. So this is all SO good I am waiting for the dung pile to fly my way! This is defeatest thinking and I don't operate this way as a rule, but there are times when I can't seem to shake it as well as I'd like.
I am running extremely tired, I am down to a low level of prednisone and having a few issues. I am so upset over needing to go gluten free (which I have done and it makes 100% of a difference). I don't like the idea that this is 2 autoimmune disorders AT ONCE, I am angry. I am angry that I have to get my head around the idea that I won't ever be a normal healthy person again and that maintaining health adequate to do the things I need to do is taking so much of my time and thought processes. I like to do whatever I want to, eat what I want to, not what I don't, not have to think about pills or supplements, not have to sleep 6 to 8 hours a night or practically die the next day...all of this is TMI.
I also worked 15 hours at the keyboard yesterday, 14 of them straight except for potty breaks. I am a super witch today with a capital B and if I could drink (gluten free is it not) I'd go and have a double something strong this evening after work. Alas, no I'll be sipping tea instead.
jkl - Professions here range from artists to scientists, so I am now totally curious about your profession. Thearapist?
I don't think people flame people for their ideas like they do on other boards. Case in point: I recently posted my frustration about the Supreme Court and I was beat down quite soundly because people insisted that it was about my wishing ill on someone else. At the same time, there was a thread about the dog who got left in a car. There were comments there that people were happy the dog's owner was beat up. Those same people who attacked me posted on the other thread, also, but didn't attack the people in the other thread for being happy someone was beat.
Does is seem "fair"? Nope. Did it the disagreement carry over into other threads? Nope. Do we all still get along. Yep. I think that's the sign of a pretty healthy board. We disagree, sometimes strongly, and move on.
BTW - I like your comments and I'm glad you're here. There are some people who don't post much who responded to your post. Your comments brought people to the board. It might have been to disagree with your perspective, but they're voices we don't regularly hear and it's nice to see them join in.
So this is all SO good I am waiting for the dung pile to fly my way!
LD1 - It's good to hear you got some jobs, but not so great to hear you're so tired. If you ever need people to help you kick the crap out of, well, crap - come find us. We won't let it get ya. Hopefully the work will level off to something manageable soon - 15 hours at a computer would get me, too.
I read the boards on occasion but rarely post. I feel it's hard to "break in" on any message board... maybe it's poor social skills on my part, I don't know. I think it just depends on the person. I've been a vegetarian for over half my life but I really don't feel the need to discuss most aspects of it. I like looking at recipes and hearing what people have to say about new products, but as far as talking about dining out with meat eaters and such, I'm not really interested.
Anyway, that's this lurker's story.
I read the boards on occasion but rarely post. I feel it's hard to "break in" on any message board... m
I feel the same way especially English is my second language. I have bad grammar and am a worst speller. There are grammar and spelling cops on this board (joking) that make me feel a lot of pressure to post. I read the board everyday and try only to response to food related post now. I think it is safe to avoid any possible confrontation.
I don't like the idea that this is 2 autoimmune disorders AT ONCE, I am angry. I am angry that I have to get my head around the idea that I won't ever be a normal healthy person again and that maintaining health adequate to do the things I need to do is taking so much of my time and thought processes. I like to do whatever I want to, eat what I want to, not what I don't, not have to think about pills or supplements, not have to sleep 6 to 8 hours a night or practically die the next day...all of this is TMI.
I can totally relate to how you feel. It sucks when your daily routine consists of pills, pills and more pills and having to deal with everyday activities when you just feel beat down to nothing. When I think about the ten's of thousands of pills I've taken over the last 13 years it's almost depressing. The only thing I can say is let go of the anger. It doesn't help and will probably make you feel worse because of the negative energy you are placing on yourself. Take care and I hope things get better/easier for you.
Just wanted to chime in and say hi to LadyD and even though I've never said it, your posts are the ones I tend to read the length of and agree wholeheartedly with! I hope things work out well in your life.
Also- this board is not cliquish at all compared to most. This forum has virtually no trolls, and for the most part is agreeable/understandable with anything people say, unless it is offensive or meanspirited. It might seem like a clique just because people are so damn nice to eachother, I dunno. We've got athiests and christians, omnis and vegans, people from all over the world, and it still remains a civil place with very little drama.
You sound slightly angry/hostile. Most people here are just trying to be friendly and informative. If a newcomer thinks the board is a little cliquish (which is a common experience for new posters) their feelings are not invalidated by anyone else's. In your own words "If people don't have opposing views how is one to learn?" Clearly JKL has an opposing view yet she's being shot down for it. Not everyone has had a warm, friendly welcome. I see many so-called "cliques" on this board. However, none of them are mean-spirited or designed to alienate anyone else. They're just groups of people who clearly have stronger bonds. That does not mean they're not cliques though. So what I learned is that people want to feel included so it's important recognize not only the posts of those you agree with but to say "hi" to new posters too. Remember what it was like when you first got here. :)