Where did I go wrong?
I posted a "green" formula for a kitchen surface cleaner that also repels ants. I posted it during what must have been vacation time, because it was when lots of recipes were backing up. A couple of weeks later, I posted a stir-fry recipe.
The stirfry appeared, but no cleaning formula, so I resubmitted it. It's still not appearing.
Is there anything "un-vegan" about not wanting black ants marching all over your counters and cupboards? We've had a real invasion this summer due to local construction work.
Here's the formula in case anyone's interested:
2 c. water
1 c. vinegar
1/4 baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Few drops each lavendar and tea tree oil
Place ingredients in a spray bottle, close tightly and shake. Spray surfaces, wipe dry.
Tea tree oil is a good grease-cutter and the lavendar keeps ants away (they hate the smell). I am ant-free for at least 5 days after each use. You don't need to rinse it off, it won't damage surfaces, and it leaves a wonderful perfume in the kitchen!
1/4 baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Is that 1/4 cup baking soda?
Doesn't sound "un-vegan" to me.
Same thing happened to me. I posted three vegan recipes and only one was posted. That was 3 weeks ago. No idea why. Oh well :-\
1/4 baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Is that 1/4 cup baking soda?
Doesn't sound "un-vegan" to me.
Yes, sorry, that's 1/4 or 3-4 tablespoons. Do be careful to close the spray tightly because due to the foaming it could "pee" all over out the spout...ask me how I know this... ;D
Thanks for the kitchen surface cleaner Di! I love using the "green" alternatives and have found a lot of success using vinegar/bicarb mixes for all sorts of things.
I can't wait to try the lavander and tea tree - I hate the fake lemon/chemical smell of the commercial cleaners. We've also had probs with ants in the past and I know how frustrating it can be to clean like mad and then wake up in the morning and find a million ants climbing over one miniscule crumb :-\
For those with ant troubles be sure to stay away from the "natural" orange sprays too - the ants LOVE it.
How long can this sit on the shelf? Or do you have to make up a fresh batch every time you clean?
i posted a recipe for "fruity toast" and its not up either?? 3 weeks later...
How long can this sit on the shelf? Or do you have to make up a fresh batch every time you clean?
No, you don't have to make it fresh, it will "keep". I've had it last over a month in summer heat to no ill effects.
MISS JONES: Di is Diver-Di. They call me anna who do speak to the yabbit.
Thanks for the ant recipe! Our ants hve been pretty bad this year too!
I'm so happy the site is getting so much new traffic--I mean I wouldlove to see the new recipes--but knowing more and more people are contributing and creating a lag is cool too! Soon we will take over the world...Muhahahahaaha! Mine is an evil laugh!
Only three out of the six or more that i have submitted have been posted. I do not get how they determine what to post, honestly I quit trying to post recipes which is sad because that is one the reasons that I frequent this website
just so you know - i just saw your anti-ant spray listed in the new recipe section. congrats! (anti-ant spray has a nice ring to it, if i do say so myself) :)
Yup, I saw it today too. THANK YOU ADMIN. I think Yvette has probably been away/busy/both and has a lot to go through. All recipes are hand-viewed before posting because they've had trouble in the past with some people not understanding that Veg*n means no meat or meat products! and also some smartalecks sending in gross "recipes."
I realise "hand-viewed" isn't a word but most people don't understand the word "triage" outside an episode of MASH.
I have indeed submitted it twice...wonder if it will show up again?
Yabbit, how is lavendar sold? Would Whole Foods have it, anyone know?
Yabbit, how is lavendar sold? Would Whole Foods have it, anyone know?
Lavendar essential oils, and tea tree oil, are sold at health food stores or herbal stores. Sometimes you can get your pharmacy to special order them esp. if they are the "drugstore" type that sells magazines and other stuff with the pharmacy down the back. Ours carried all kindsa stuff...batteries, they even had a record section!
i had some recipes "lost" as well, and i contacted yvette...she said they are very busy and backlogged...
hopefully she is out enjoying some sun as well!
so i guess we just need some patience, or to stop coming up w/ incredible recipes!! :P
Hey Yabbit!
I saw your Ant recipe on the vegweb! It's Up!!! :D
Hmmm...I'm not sure I went about this correctly. I added my water and vinegar and few drops of oil to the spray bottle first, then the baking soda. It was like the 3rd grade volcano science experient all over again! :D Should I have added the baking soda first? Also I halfed the recipe because I didn't have a very big spray bottle (so I only used 3 Tbsp of baking soda instead of 1/4 cup)
I love the smell, but it left a film on my formica counter tops. What did I do wrong, did I used too much tea tree and lavendar oil?
I wonder if it might make it easier if the recipes were self regulated. Maybe if when someone submitted a recipe if it automatically got posted and then if people found a problem w/ it they could let admin know that it needed to get looked at. It might make a lot less work for Yvette.
Or maybe a program that would just flag a recipe to get looked at before it went up if it had any key words like 'cheese' or 'chicken' etc. Just putting it out there. I know Yvette has tons of work.
Yabbit, how is lavendar sold? Would Whole Foods have it, anyone know?
Yes whole foods has it but you can also find both of these at a regular Walgreen's too.
Yup, the baking soda should go in the water, because it dilutes the reaction somewhat. And you need to cover that puppy quickly and well!
Maybe you need a bit less soda, or give the counters another bit a of a wipe. Do remember to rinse and wring your cloth between surfaces, or if you get in anything particularly gungy.
eeek! Sorry YG! ;)
I love the smell, but it left a film on my formica counter tops. What did I do wrong, did I used too much tea tree and lavendar oil?
Maybe the tea tree or lavendar you got weren't pure oils?