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Vegweb Product Review Club!

Hey All,

I've been reading (and contributing) to a lot of the threads about tofu dogs, toothpaste, shoes, egg replacers, deodorant, lotions, makeup, etc. and it got me thinking. I know we all use vegweb for the loads of great recipes, but of course veg*nism is more than just food - unfortunately animals are exploited for a great many products.

So how about them product reviews?! 

Does everyone just look at how people rank products on vegan essentials and I'm out of the loop? Is BP going to start a Product Review club? Is the Diva cup even on there?

If there's not a secret source elsewhere on the internet, let's start a campaign to review every purchase we make!

Edit: updated title per BP's comments

Dudes! Now that the Product Review section has rad photos, we need to!

Hey, you folks on the yummiest soy thread! Come tell the world in the Dairy Alternatives section of the Product Review!

And also, consider this a massive shout out to anyone who's tried a mock meat product! Yves? Gimme Lean? Bac'uns? Tofurkey? If you've tried 'em - tell us what you think!

Okay, end of public service announcement, feel free to post here if you have requests for product reviews or are psyched about one that you've done. As soon as I figure out my silly camera, I'm going to post pics of my sexy ah nee mähl's!

Go forth and review!!!!  :D :D :D


Yo vegwebbers, I know I've been super-duper out of the loop, but as head cheerleader for the Product Review Club, I'm totally confused about all this VegShopping nonsense. How do I add a vendor? How do I add a product? Do I really have to cut and paste ALL of my product reviews into the new system by Saturday?! <pouty face> :ouch:


I've been out of the loop as well.  I didn't even know there was a product review site.  I just added one for Veganu soap, but couldn't add a picture.  Cool.



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