Sandwich/Panini Maker
Posted by abqvg on Mar 30, 2009 · Member since Oct 2007 · 10 posts
Anyone have any experience making veggie/tofu/bean kinda sandwiches in those sandwich/panini makers?
I saw an infomercial for GTXpress on TV and it looks like we could make some cool veggie sandwiches/pockets with it, but the review online aren't so hot. I'm especially interested in using pita bread and/or vegan tortillas since vegan bread is SO tough to find at the store.
Any great products you can recommend?
Thanks in advance!
If you have a waffle maker, you can use that as a panini press! Otherwise, I'd get one of those things that can also be a folds up I think. I'd find a pic, but I have to leave for a test! I'll try to find one when I come back.
I use my George Forman Grill as a sandwich perfectly!
Found it!
It looks super fancy pants.
If you have a waffle maker, you can use that as a panini press! Otherwise, I'd get one of those things that can also be a folds up I think. I'd find a pic, but I have to leave for a test! I'll try to find one when I come back.
thats an awesome idea Pony!! using a waffle maker! i never thought of that!
i have the GT 101 xpress...its useless. It doesnt get a nice crust on it, you have to fill the chambers waaaay too much. i did make a "pancake" in it, it came out fluffy and halfmooned shaped, it was ok, but not worth buying the thing.
there is a blog called "semicircular food" or something where she makes all this halfmoon shaped veg foodz. its funny.
otherwise, you can use a second hot cast iron pan to smoosh your sandwich down. Just take one larger cast pan (those work best) put in your sandwich, then have a second, smaller cast pan (or weighted other pan) thats been warmed in the oven to smoosh the sandwich down. hopefully, if the second smaller pan is warmed enough, you wont have to flip it over.
Thanks for all your responses! And thanks, ponycakes, for finding the grill online!
we use a foreman can find them in thrift stores for a couple of bucks. ;)b and they work just as good as an expensive panini maker.