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NVR- Digital cameras and a poll....+

Hi guys,

I am not into digital cameras.  Still use an SLR camera with lenses and it is not auto focus.
I would like to look into getting a digital camera (not giving up my current one) for an extra camera as they are excellent in certain situations.  At this point, I am not looking for one with added lenses although I would like people to answer the poll as who knows about the future and others might be interested as well.

So here is a new poll.

1:  What camera do you have?
2:  How many pixels?
3:  What scenes are available?
4:  Does it have an underwater scene and is there an underwater housing available for it?
5:  Why do you like about it (advantages)?
6:  What don't you like about it (disadvantages)
7:  Ease of use?
8:  Is red eye a problem?
9:  Clarity of pictures?
10: Price range.

I have been looking at them but as I know nothing about digital, the information out there is a little overwhelming.

Thank you so much!


Hi Di,
I have a KodaEasyShare Z740 k and here are my ansewrs:

2:  How many pixels? 6
3:  What scenes are available? children; party; beach; flower; fireworks; snow; backlight; close-up; night portrait; landscape; night landscape; manner/museum; text; self-portrait
4:  Does it have an underwater scene and is there an underwater housing available for it? no
5:  Why do you like about it (advantages)? takes great photos; 10X optical zoom and 5X digital zoom
6:  What don't you like about it (disadvantages) none that I can see - uses batteries quickly but they all do - I just always have rechargables ready. I love this camera!
7:  Ease of use? very easy
8:  Is red eye a problem? no - it has a red eye flash setting
9:  Clarity of pictures? excellent
10: Price range. $249 Canadian


Thanks for the info!



1. I borrow my brother's Kodak Easy Share camera deal.
2.  I  don't know how many pixels
3.  It only has one mode, automatic.  It doesn't even have a macro mode (close ups) so it sucks for taking food pictures!
4. I doubt it.  (We're talking a basic, POS here)
5. I like the fact it connects well to both macs and PCs.  The software I have on both computers for organizing pictures automatically opens when I attach the camera.  No drivers or CD's are needed, you don't need to install anything.  It also transfers pictures really quickly.  It's small.  It's cheap.
6.  It eats batteries.  Only has one picture taking mode.  Often takes blurry pictures if you *barely* move when photographing.  The settings reset whenever you turn the camera off.  Takes pictures very slowly (click the button..........picture takes......picture stores.......screen combacks up.......screen you can take another picture)
7. Very easy to use
8. Yes
9.  Sometimes blurry, takes really great far away shots though.
10. Cheaper than most...but not too sure.  Under 200 US dollars


1:  FujiFilm F440
2:  4.1
3:  macro, night, landscape, portrait, sport, manual... oh, and automatic!
4:  I'm not sure
5:  I like the large screen size, the pocketable size of the camera itself, the quality of photos, the battery lasts a long time
6:  As with most digitals now if you break the screen (like I did!) you're up the creek 'cause you can't change any settings, Fuji cameras use a different memory card than all other camera companies so I wouldn't recommend buying one 'cause then you feel like you're stuck with them if you want to replace it and still use the memory card.
7:  very easy and fun to play with!
8:  not too much
9:  awesome
10: about $300 CA

Things I would look for in a camera if I were shopping for one... I love having a night setting which I've used in all kinds of low light setting (both indoors and out), it's important to me that the screen is large and the camera is small, I like being able to take black and white photos, and I would look for at least a 3x optical zoom.  As for megapixels... I honestly don't even need the 4.1 megapixels I have, but I don't blow up a lot of pics.

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