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Whole Foods, Wild Oats, or Amazing Grace Whole Foods?

I have a Whole Foods AND an Amazing Grace store right next to each other here, about 20 minutes away from where I live. There's also a Wild Oats market a couple miles from those. Which store has the best selection (for you all, anyway)?

I don't know what amazing grace is, but I guess since whole foods and that are right next to each other you should go to those places?
I think wild oats is now owned by whole foods? I could be wrong. I just shop at my independent co-op and farmer's market.


yeah, wild oats is owned by whole foods now.


The prices at my local health food store are WAY better than at Whole Foods.  If you have the option, compare prices and chose that way.


The prices at my local health food store are WAY better than at Whole Foods.  If you have the option, compare prices and chose that way.

It can go either way w/ the local places. There's a co-op in my town that has really good prices, but then again there's a locally owned health food store and it's definitely more expensive than whole foods, and I've noticed that about most of the local ones I've been to. So you really just have to check things out. I'm a WF fan myself, I'd assume WO would have really similar prices, so you might just want to watch the sales adds and see which places has the items you need on sale.


My local HFS is also much cheaper and its locally owned. Plus its like 5 minutes from my house. WF and TJ's are way up on the east side, which is  about a half hour for me. Not that this answers your question...sorry...


The prices at my local health food store are WAY better than at Whole Foods.  If you have the option, compare prices and chose that way.

It can go either way w/ the local places. There's a co-op in my town that has really good prices, but then again there's a locally owned health food store and it's definitely more expensive than whole foods, and I've noticed that about most of the local ones I've been to. So you really just have to check things out. I'm a WF fan myself, I'd assume WO would have really similar prices, so you might just want to watch the sales adds and see which places has the items you need on sale.

same here. though usually, i find the smaller HFS have higher prices, though I know of one co-op with many cheaper things (especially bulk). It helps to shop around... and usually the most expensive are those same things at the regular grocery store. $4 for a package of soba o_O


My local health food store is way way way more expensive than Whole Foods and the later has way better selection.  But Whole Foods is an hour away.  So the costs are weighted differently.

If you compare all three then you will find what is best for your town.  Then you can share it here to let people know should they be in the area!

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