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Who are they? Are they affliated with the dairy industry.?  Lately I have been reading people pointing out the benfits  of milk and butter by siting their research.


As far as I know, they're not officially affiliated with the dairy industry, but there are many small farmers who are members because the Weston Price foundation supports organic farming.


Well, I don't really care who they are.  Exploring their site, I came across this:

The Standard Days Method (SDM) was developed in 1999 at the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University. SDM is inspired by surveys that show that well over 60 million women worldwide report using periodic abstinence to avoid pregnancy--though they don't usually know when they are fertile. By using CycleBeads, a color-coded string of beads, women whose cycles are usually 26-32 days long are able to identify the days when they can conceive, and the days when conception would be very unlikely. SDM takes about 20 minutes to learn, and is more than 95 percent effective when used correctly. It's currently offered by state health departments, Planned Parenthood clinics, church-based groups and private providers in the US and internationally. While SDM provides no information about how the body works, nor indicators of gynecological health, I think this method is a good option for couples who don't have the time to learn Fertility Awareness, for women who aren't inclined to be intimate with their bodily processes, and for those who don't have literacy."

Not exactly the kind of reproductive information I expect to see from a REPUTABLE source.


;D  State health departments offer a color-coded string of beads for birth control!  I'm laughing so I don't have to cry.


I really like how they suggest that if you are not literate, you have no interest in or ability to learn about fertility and contraception.

Because, you know, it is just so d@mn hard to understand the "condom on a banana" visual aid.

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