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well...I gave two weeks notice today...

At the nursing home. I've been needing to do it for a long time and so I just had to bite the bullet and do it. I've been working 65 hours a week since April. Seven days a week...two of those were 17-20 hour night shifts per week...and for some reason I physically cannot sleep during the day, so that actually meant I just skipped two nights of sleep per week. And its a little bit of a failing business so there have been periods of up to 6 weeks where they have not been able to pay me. So I've really been struggling finacially.

But this week I just had to realize its causing me so much stress and taxing me so much physically  that I'm compromising my health. Actually---my health is in the crapper.  :-\ I've been passing out,  and my mood has been erratic. Different body systems giving me grief too. But I don't have insurance so I have not been to see a doctor. Id hate to see what they had to say right now anyways! If I am just working at the fruit shop my income would be low enough that I'd be able to get public health coverage...I dunno how I feel about that though. I am a young, healthy (okay really not healthy) person...I SHOULD not be using the government that way... But, I have three months to decide anyways---thats how long Id have to be out of the nursing home job to be eligible for help. I feel like a failure!

I'm really sad about leaving the home though. I believe in the work I'm doing there- it has ALWAYS been about more than a paycheck to me. (in fact I got the fruit shop job so I could keep working here)...and I live in a city I'm not really familiar with; I have zero friends in and this is like my second home. :-\ I think I'll still come to volunteer a few times a month, but I'm not sure...I need to focus on my health right now.  :'( I need my vegwebbers support right now!


I think this is a step in the right direction. Your health should come first. Take care of yourself.  :)


Don't worry, Zealia! I don't have too much to say other than that, but I am sure you made the right decision! And you know that, too... :) You have to take care of yourself first & foremost, and once you have that under control, you'll be able to give even more to all that you do! And I'm sure the people there know it was more than a paycheck for you. If you end up really missing it, the door for volunteering will always be open. In the meantime, worry about getting your health back on track & then you can concentrate on what you feel is right job-wise!


I think you did the right thing in giving your notice. What did they think you were going to live on?

A failure is someone who failed at something. You didn't fail at anything. You just need to regroup. You need a different road to go on. Things do happen which means I know your happiness was at the nursing home but they are suppossed to do something for you also. The minute they didn't then I think it's better to go a different road.



Know that you made the right choice, even if it may not feel like it right now.  Don't be so hard on yourself . . . .you have to take care of yourself - this was probably the best thing you could have done for yourself physically and emotionally.

Hang in there and know that I'll be thinking about you!


You did what your body, mind and soul told you to do.  It's good that you listened to it... and things will work out, you've got a good spirit. :-)

Do you have a myspace Zelia?  Or if you don't care about posting it on here, what's your email addy?


Firstly, do not feel like a failure.  You are so not one!  As well, don't feel like you are taking advantage of the government.  We all pay taxes.  For life.  So, when you need some help, let your tax paying dollars help you.

I think you did the right thing.  For your health and peace of mind. 

While you are working at the fruit shop, you can reevaluate your life, goals and look for a job where you are totally satisfied with normal hours.  Not hours that put your health at risk. 

This is just the beginning for you!  You always have a sounding board on this site and we are all here for you.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Way to go!!!!!!!!



It seems like the hours at the nursing home job have been exhausting you physically and emotionally.  When there's that much stress, it's natural for the body to react.  I'm happy to hear you're being proactive.  Hopefully some sleep will help.  And don't worry about public support.  First of all, it's there for us when we need it - that's the point of it.  Secondly, if we had universal health care (like we should) we'd all have access to medical care when we need it (like we should).


yeah...guess its not the end of the world... myspace is bla bla bla / realzeal.... you and i might already be friends on it though, saby...i cant remember! ;)

I love this board!


Best wishes in all that you do.


Zealia! you are such an amazing person--don't think that just because you need to take care of your self you're a faliure--you are so not! It's actually more of a positive, successful thing that you realized that you need to go, and now! I'm not worried about you at all, you are so strong you are sure to do well! Plus you have your chickens to help you out!!!


Relying on some government help while you get it together better is NOT a failure.  In fact, this is what it was intended for, short term help while you regroup.  There are, of course, those people who have made a career of how they can get help and keep help and not take care of themselves in any way.  THis is not what you are doing and I would not beat myself up about it.

I am glad you gave notice and I know it is the right thing.  Do what you have to do to regroup and get things in better order, perhaps even relocate.  At least, take the time to make a few friends.  Having friends will improve your health (no joke). 


YES.  Health first!  It's wonderful that you've been doing so much great work, but it sounds like you need a vacation...

Hope you feel better.

Take care of yourself.


((((( Zelia ))))))

You do so much for so many.  It's time for you to do what you need to to take care of yourself both physically and mentally.  As guilty as you are feeling right now, know you've done the right thing! 

Do not feel bad using our public health system.  Like the others have said-- that's what we have it for and why everyone pays taxes.  It's not as if you're one of the types to purposefully abuse and take advantage of our gov't programs either. 

I hope you make some good friends soon too.       


Zealia - I'm so proud of you!! You made a strong, corouageous decision that is good for you! Look at how great Dragonfly felt when she made the job change too!

If you get to a point in your life where you feel strong enough (physically, financially, etc.), then you can always volunteer back at the old place for one day a week or something.

As for finding a new job - perhaps there are some nice veggie restaurants in the area...or a veterinarian needs someone...or your local ASPCA hostpital. Those places have great perks like free health care for chickens!

As for the health care - I work in health care and know plenty of people who use the free care. From a purely logical point of view, it's in the government's interest to offer if because if you use it for preventive (ahem!  ???) care, then it uses less resources later down the line to treat something more serious. From a personal p.o.v. - you've paid taxes sistah! Use the services that gives you!

As for the friends - yes! We're here! Also working fun places (like vets and food places) you get to meet people with the same AWESOME values as you! Perhaps craigslist has a poetry group? Or has a vegan group? You never know all the people out there who are going to be lucky enough to get to know you! Don't deprive them!  ;)


Good for you VHZ. You made the only choice you could. 65 hours a week of working is inhumane - and when you're not getting compensated well that's even worse. Take care of yourself and something good will come along for you soon, I'm sure.

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