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well fuck

So, my dog was barking all night long and I figured since we live in a wooded area, she was just barking at some deer in the yard. I wish. I ignored it and put her in my room when I finally was about to leave for work, I found a guy in my car and a truck in a ditch in my yard. I called 911.

Turns out the guy was drunk and was trying to steal  my car. Yada yada yada, he'll be charged with a felony and I hope he'll be responsible for paying for this sooner rather than later. But for right now, I have to spend hopefully not my entire income tax check having this shit repaired (we have only liability, not full coverage.Yay). This could not have come at a worse time. Oh and I had to call off work, so even  less money for me. Yay.

How have your guy's day been?

shit that sucks.  we've been having problems with rapes in our little town, and the third liquor store is opening up.  i think this recession is making people do more stupid things. 


First off I am sorry, sounds like a nightmare.

A few questions to help facilitate your ease.

Does your plan cover a uninsured motorist?
The game insurance companies play is 'non payout'.
If you only have liability, they you will need to proceed with a lawsuit, which is only a judgment, not cash on the spot.
You might want to speak to a second party, lawyer or such. His insurance might cover the damage, it will be a bending of policy.

Q- "Does my auto liability cover another driver doing something criminally wrong when the damage or injury occurs, Such as stealing a car and wrecking it?"

A- "If someone steals your car and wrecks it or injures someone, they are responsible for the damages – not you and not your insurance company."


That totally sucks..........


Okay, just got off the phone with the mechanic and he said the total (parts and labor will be around $300. I can totally live with that.


I am so glad to hear that the repairs are not too expensive and that he did not actually get away with your car!  My goodness!


Oh wow, sounds like a story on fmylife. At least it's only $300... I would have been so worried that it would be so much more (imagining a car in a ditch - I see a lot of damage!). It's not really a silver lining, but more of a mitigation.

Are you still going to proceed with a lawsuit/dealing with the insurance company?


Yes. I wonder if I actually have to take him to court or since he was charged with attempting to steal my car and there is more than enough evidence to prove he was trying to take it. But yeah, I took a deep breath of relief when he said $300 instead of $2500 or something. They actually jimmied it so it will drive for a day or two until the parts come in.


Yes. I wonder if I actually have to take him to court or since he was charged with attempting to steal my car and there is more than enough evidence to prove he was trying to take it. But yeah, I took a deep breath of relief when he said $300 instead of $2500 or something. They actually jimmied it so it will drive for a day or two until the parts come in.

Criminal court will probably not give you any cash, just gives him a jail time/parole/or a fine that would more than likely go to the city/state.

If you hope to get any cash from him, you will probably need to file a Civil Suit against him.


What the HELL!!!! that is just crazy messed up--I'm so sorry that happend! I really hope that DB get's is shit in order and you get yo money!!! <3


Wow that totally stinks!  I'm sorry that happened to you.  I found a drunk guy passed out in the back seat of my car one time, it really freaked me out too.  He wasn't trying to steal my car though, just wasted and whatever.  It was nappy time.


ledzep, that sucks. I'd be so freaked out. I'm glad it's not any worse though. (((ledzep)))

kfk, wow. that's just nuts!!!!


Plus side - he didn't actually take the car! Glad the repairs aren't prohibitively expensive :)


That sucks! Hope its all resolved by now
I just wanted to say I love the title of this thread.

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