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Veggie 1 Month Anni ^_^

I've been ovo-lacto-veggie for one month now, I was at a wedding in Houston and spent 2 weeks with my meat eating and meat-insisting parents and stayed meat free ^_^ I gained weight a little from the vast amounts of sweets and wedding cake (my gran was staying with us too, and she made a LOT of banana pudding <3) I even taught my mom about buying cage-free eggs.

1) Though my dad kept complaining about it and my mom was concerned I wasn't getting enough protien, I bought tofu and veggies and ate mostly that for lunches and dinners. I even made them chicken parmesan one night with a tofu prepared the same way with me (will post recipe.)

2) At the rehearsal dinner, was at a italian restraunt with no veggie options but I ordered the shrimp dish. The dish had all the shrimp on one end of the plate, then brocolli and pasta with tomato sauce (no meat I noticed) not touching it, so I put the shrimp on my mom, aunt, and cousin's plates and ate the pasta and brocolli and some fried cheese and spinach stuffed fried mushrooms

3) At the wedding, they served little sandwiches, veggies, bread, and fruit buffet style. So I skipped the sandwhichs and had veggies, fruit, bread, and cheese. And wedding cake later. And beer. Much beer. ^_^

On the plane the only one that served me food was serving breakfast, easy :) Total, Banana, and Banana Muffin. :)

Don't you just feel so pleased with yourself? you should! You got thrown into  tempting situation early on and resisted!!! Remember that! Its possible!


i've been vegetarian for 3 years now. and vegan for 9 months. yay!!

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