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valentines day FAIL

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so....everything valentines day is SUCKING! came home from school and ate ALL their valentines day candy somewhere between 3:20 when they walked in the door with their mom and 3:45 when I walked in the door to "take over." The table was COVERED in wrappers and the kids were buzzing like you would expect them to be...They were monsters the rest of the night. :-\ That is just not a nice thing (feed candy to kids) to do to ANYONE, never mind nanny you supposedly like...FAIL

2. So, Ive never been dating anyone around valentines day before...well long distance stuff is all now I have been seeing this guy a few weeks and TOTALLY didn't think of a gift till he mentioned he was "working on my surprise" So I thought, no big deal, its only been a few weeks, I don't have to do anything big, just a "token gift."  So he mentioned he LOVES green apples so I decided to cut some in wedges and dip em in chocolate....a get freaking water in teh chocolate...its 10 at night, the kids are in bed and Im fresh out of luck becasue I dont have time tomorrow. I'll have to get some apple wedges at Edible arrabgments but if eels like a total cop out....FAIL

3. I decided to make "pasta something" for the New England/New York vegantines day pot luck...well...I royally F*cked that up too....I ended up having to turn it into pasta salad and Ihave never seen anything so ugly in my life...I tried dying some of the pasta pink...I was gonna do some purple too and leave some white...and make a nice white sauce, with a few red bell pepper and sun dried tomatoes, and purple onions. No, didnt work....ended up making a pasta salad and it is the most ugly thing I have ever looks like hell puked into a dish....I have no idea what it will taste like.....FAIL

4. I've gained SOOOOOO much weight in the last few days since getting over being sick...and I honestly think its all from not being able to go to the bathroom (I know you all wanted bathroom story in this thread...) 'Im talking Ive gained SIX lbs in three days and I KNOW its not from eating a lot. Although, the last few hours Ive been eating the chocolate spoilage and pre-cooked pasta like no tomorrow, and have now probably gained as much weight in fat....hummm...well, I FEEL like I am going to explode if I don't go to the bathroom soon!....FAIL!!!!!

5.and I have a test in Algebra tomorrow (yes i have classes on Saturdays.) enoough said there...FAIL!

KMK...if you were not having this kick ass party tomorrow, Id be taking off to slumber in a tent in the woods until society forgot about
Valentines day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you for making it something other than a waste!!!

Edit to add: I didnt mean that sarcastically, KMK...I really am looking forward to tomorrow! ^-^

1. That was unfortunate, but entirely not your fault. That's a horrible thing to do to anyone.

2. Getting the apples out is not a big deal. I know that it feels so much better to give something home made, but he will be pleased that you care enough to give him something. And to top it off, that you remembered that he likes green apples!

3. I'm sure the pasta doesn't look as bad as you say it does. And as long as it tastes nice, who cares what it looks like? The thought was there.

4. The weight gain, I'm sure, is from being backed up. Water weight, if you will. All that "stuff" has to be somewhere.

5. All you can do about algebra is study and try your hardest. That's how I made it though.

Today was Friday the 13th, after all. I sincerely hope that your actual Valentine's Day is better than today. Keep a positive outlook, and things will at least feel better. And remember that no matter what, we all love you.  :)>>>


aha! Thats it Friday the 13th!!!! :D that explains everything! I love you Courth! ::)


Z. You are such a sweet person.  Everything you mentioned was something you were doing for someone else. There is no way to fail at selfless acts.  :flower:


4. The weight gain, I'm sure, is from being backed up. Water weight, if you will. All that "stuff" has to be somewhere.

Word. I gained like a pound last week, and have lost almost 3 this week. It was water retention aggravated by being "bound up." An unexplained gain (as in, you know you haven't been porking out) is usually systemic and not your fault. I repeat, NOT your fault.

(uuuuh..."pork out" isn't veg*n. You haven't been fakin bakining out...or something...cuz "vegging out" is already taken and means something else.) ;D


Awww Zealia!  I feel the need to give you a big hug when we get to the potluck.  Poor thing.  Sometimes its better to just ignore the silly things and enjoy the good things.  Like potluck foods!


I'm sorry that your V-Day has been so crummy.
I hate to sound like the tagline to a disney movie, but there always is tomorrow. I wish I could give you a hug. lol

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