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Toronto Apartments?

So I don't know how many of you remember but I was searching for a roommate not long ago. Well, guess what? I never found one. So now I'm being evicted...

...and I have no where to go. I'm really upset. I can't sleep or eat properly. I've been searching and looking at places and nothing is working out and everything is too expensive. I don't think I'm being too picky. I've lived with rats and cockroaches, I've lived with a junky, I've lived outside of the city, I've lived with a$$holes...everything. Is it too much to ask for a decent affordable place with some cool people? I don't think so.

I know this isn't really the place but I'm really getting deperate. Like really. Anyone on here from Toronto or know someone is Toronto that has a place or can think of a place near them that might be cool? I've tried, craigslist, NOW Magazine, veggieroommates, I buy the Star every morning nearly...I really don't know what I'm going to do.

Can anyone help me out? Or at least send on over some positive vibes of some sort because I'm feelin' really down.

Thank you.

Is there a university in Toronto?  A lot of schools have roommate listings.  Look to see if any grad students have listings.


there is a website called that has a huge listing of apartments in and around the Toronto area

i hope that helps  :)


I don't know what part of Toronto you're living in, but viewit had places like this.  It sounds like roommates approve each other, but you rent your room individually for $450, so if someone moves out you aren't stuck.


I'm sending you some good vibes and a hug! (((((HUG)))))

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