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Seriously, who cares about this Nina Planck person anyway...?

I found this article in the NY Times and on the left are three sound bytes from Nina Planck about raw milk and lactose intolerance. Why is this woman suddenly a nutritional authority? Has she even had any formal nutritional schooling or just really good connections to people who will deem her an expert?

Yuck yuck and triple yuck.The law needs to get tougher.

And how do you ship milk across the country anyway? ??? Ewwwww


Yuck yuck and triple yuck.The law needs to get tougher.

And how do you ship milk across the country anyway? ??? Ewwwww

By consuming craploads of fossil fuel to have refrigerated trucks or planes transport it  >:(


She must have a special deal with the NYTimes or something....that paper is cracked to keep putting her in.


Sounds like some of the "flavour of the year" presenters on BBC TV. No matter what their line of work, you find the same person on a comedy news show, presenting an antique auction show, or doing a home-improvement thing, or at a zoo. After a few years everyone is so sick of them they disappear and along comes the next golden child to weary us.


Methinks the only way people should be able to get raw milk is if they milk the cow(s) themselves. Then it's up to their own conscience as to whether or not they can stomach this particular animal product. *shrug*  ???

But as we're none of us baby cows... or even baby humans... why should we need milk?

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