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Rock on, vegwebbers! :D

So, my friends and I all have boyfriends who like to geek out together on Tuesdays by playing a game of D&D-- that's Dungeons and Dragons, for those of you, who ya know, shower daily and DON'T live in your parent's basement. :P It's a pretty dorky game. Anyway, my friends decided that we'd surprise everyone with baked goods tonight at the Magic Shop. (Yeah, that IS actually what it's called. :P That's where they play.) So, I decided that since my goods would be the only ones that would be suspected vegan (I had already decided that I wasn't going to tell them until they were eaten, because I know these guys, and nobody has allergies.), so mine had to be twice as good as everyone else's. :D So, since I don't actually bake desserts, and have therefore never tried any of the site's baked goods, I put all my trust in all of YOU guys, and relied completely on the best-rated and reviewed cake and frosting recipes for my cupcakes.
And you were spot on-- they rose fantastically, my icing (what little I licked from my fingers when I was making a mess, any way) tastes amazing, and I don't expect them to have any idea that they came from the cud-munching treehugger. :D

Recipes used:
Easy Chocolate Cake
Basic White Cake
Vegan chocolate Frosting (split between two bowls, cocoa only added to one of them, extra vanilla to the other bowl.)

The best part was decorating, as I topped them with 20-sided dice and D&D figurines. :D :D :D
Even if they don't taste AMAZING (which I know they will), they'll still be the most popular, because they look so fun. :P
Pictures and raving recipe reviews will follow shortly.

Thanks again, fellow post-punks-- you rock!

I vividly remember my 1985-86 routine consisting of half-day kindergarten, coming home to eat lunch, play outside, and then watch my 2  television shows (my mom def. limited tv to 1 hour) which were He-Man and then Superfriends.  Does anyone else remember Superfriends?  I had beg my mom to let me watch the He-Man movie.  She thought it was way too violent for a 6 year old...which it probably was....


BTW, Dave, I graduated in 1987, so in all fairness, you were probably just more mature than my friends and I were in high school.

I highly doubt that! I was just an "out of control" musician with crazy long hair down to my butt.....not much has changed. :D Well, maybe just a little..... ;)

(missing the hair part these days) ::)


BTW, Dave, I graduated in 1987, so in all fairness, you were probably just more mature than my friends and I were in high school.

I highly doubt that! I was just an "out of control" musician with crazy long hair down to my butt.....not much has changed. :D Well, maybe just a little..... ;)

(missing the hair part these days) ::)

Most of my close male friends in high school were musicians with crazy long hair (us girls had crazy long hair, too, come to think of it  ;)).


Well, it's confirmed. Nobody can kill a perfectly good thread like I can.

Mizzoukitten, I hope your D&D buddies enjoyed your cupcakes! Keep us posted on what you decide to cook up for your next gathering. I enjoyed the D&D cupcake photos very much! Fun stuff. :)


These muffins are freaking adorable!! I love the sword ones - I'll have to use that idea for a pirate party. :D


Can I just say that there is NOTHING dorky about He-Man or She-ra! Not when I was 7 & most definately not now!

Some of you may call it dorky to have bought a she-ra bubble bath bottle on ebay.
Some of you may call it dorky to have bought the He-Man & She-ra christmas special on DVD, completed with graphic art postcards.
Some of you may call it dorky, but you would be wrong. It's freakin cool goddamit & so is He-man & She-ra & Battlecat & Swiftwind & Skeletor, the scariest looking yet most cowardly villain in animated history, & me! I'm cool!


Lovely cupcakes. I want one (batch).


LOL!  Who said there was anything un-cool about being a dork?


Can I just say that there is NOTHING dorky about He-Man or She-ra! Not when I was 7 & most definately not now!

Some of you may call it dorky to have bought a she-ra bubble bath bottle on ebay.
Some of you may call it dorky to have bought the He-Man & She-ra christmas special on DVD, completed with graphic art postcards.
Some of you may call it dorky, but you would be wrong. It's freakin cool goddamit & so is He-man & She-ra & Battlecat & Swiftwind & Skeletor, the scariest looking yet most cowardly villain in animated history, & me! I'm cool!


Lovely cupcakes. I want one (batch).

Suddenly I feel so vindicated...  ;D LOL

AND I have a Skeletor bubble bath bottle....(no really, I do!)



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