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Please tell me this is a plant...

There being no WTF icon, the question mark has to do...

A friend of mine is a pharmacist and she sometimes gives me samples. Well she brought me a sample of "body milk with Omega 6 and 3". I read the ingredients: Water, Rice oil, Glycerin...Emu oil??
Did someone name a plant "emu"? The blurb says "Emu oil has a very peculiar in its rich similsebaceous composition..." Peculiar is right!

Please tell me it's a plant, because if it isn't--I don't even wanna think about how you get oil from an emu... ::)

NO!!!! Emu is NOT a plant. It is a type of bird, large like an osterage, but smaller.  Emu oil is popular for some reason but can't remember why.  Some people raise emu's for their oil, some raise them for their meat, some for both. 

I kind of like Emu's, my mom used to have some.  They tend to be...not friendly really, but not aggresive, where osterages are very mean.  They lay these really pretty, LARGE, green colored eggs. 

I will find a picture and post it.


I found a picture, lets see if I can post it here:

They are kind of cute

They stand about 5 ft tall and have cool feathers.  When my mom raised them, I used to collect the feathers that fell off and attach them to dream catchers.


Emu oil comes from the rendered and refined fat of the emu bird. The emu is similiar to an ostrich, a member of the ratite family. Most of the birds are raised in the US by emu farmers, and then sent to be rendered and refined. This type of farming is similiar to cattle farming. One of the things we know about the emu is that they have wonderful immune systems. The emu can be close to death from injury and in a few days be good as new. It is this wonderful healing properties that they pass along through the emu oil. This is why the emu oil is good for so many things. Click here for a partial list of benefits.

EWWWWWWW!  :waa:


I've found that a lot of HFS have emu oil supplements.  It's also supposed to have anti-inflammatory properties for arthritis, for example.

Yeah, kind of icky, but probably not any grosser than the fish oil that people take  :P


I actually did know what the bird was...I was just hoping there was a plant out the harts-tongue fern, or the "mother in law tongue" plant!  (So called because of it's succulent, fleshy leaves with spines on the edges.)
I just couldn't believe that someone know. I'm sure the emu take a very dim view of it.
As my obnoxious hubby said, "How do you get emu oil? You take an emu and SQUEEZE it!!"

He is of course a carnivore... ::)


Ugggh - some people raise emu JUST for the oil?!?! That's. So. Wrong.  >:(  ...In order to sell emu oil supplements to health freaks who eat crap and then take HFS pills (made of animals or vegetables, no discrimination) to fix their bodily ailments? ARRGHHH!!!  ::) >:( ::) >:( ::)


Seems to me kind of along the lines of the "oysters are an afrodesiac" thing.  There was some kind of myth too for chicken legs but I cant remember, is it afrodesiac as well?  I think that I will stick with my tofu and seiten and stay away from emu oil, yuk.  My mom raised them as pets, they were cool, but wierd.  She only had two, but a dog, or dogs, got into the enclosure one day when we were gone and killed them.  She didn't get anymore.   


Ok, I don't really want to admit this, but before I was a vegetarian (this was over 10 years ago I think), there was a vendor at the local farmer's market selling emu meat, and had some prepared meat out as samples. My parents and I tasted it. Yep. I ate emu. I shudder at the thougt now, but I remember it sort of tasting like roast beef.

*eee* I feel icky just thinking about it.

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