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Why do I have so much trouble putting a picture up? Not just here everywhere to send a picture it's just stands there like being frozen in time. In different groups that I'm in I can't put a picture up I have talk to the administrator first.

Now I'm not to computer savvy I admit it but I do know how to send a picture. I tried it with my internet provider I sent half a picture of me.

Maybe it is your computer itself. Have you tried sending pictures from another computer? Maybe you should have it looked at.


The file size of your photos might be huge. Anything 100k and under is reasonable for a photo on the web. Files larger than that can be okay, too, but they will just take longer to upload, etc. Trying to upload a large file would make your web browser appear to hang (depending upon the speed of your Internet connection). What is the typical file size of your photos? If you have Windows, you can use Windows Explorer (likely located under the Start button => All Programs => Accessories) to view the filesizes of your photos.

There are several  free web sites that you can use to resize your photos. But, obviously, if your photos are too large to upload, you will need to use a program on your computer. If you own a digital camera, chances are that the software that came with it included a program that can resize photos. My preference for photo resizing is PhotoShop.



Maybe it is your computer itself. Have you tried sending pictures from another computer? Maybe you should have it looked at.

I only have one computer at home though.


The file size of your photos might be huge. Anything 100k and under is reasonable for a photo on the web. Files larger than that can be okay, too, but they will just take longer to upload, etc. Trying to upload a large file would make your web browser appear to hang (depending upon the speed of your Internet connection). What is the typical file size of your photos? If you have Windows, you can use Windows Explorer (likely located under the Start button => All Programs => Accessories) to view the filesizes of your photos.

There are several  free web sites that you can use to resize your photos. But, obviously, if your photos are too large to upload, you will need to use a program on your computer. If you own a digital camera, chances are that the software that came with it included a program that can resize photos. My preference for photo resizing is PhotoShop.


The one that I wanted to upload is 2940x 1960 3.93MB. Is that to big?

And thank you guys both.


Most picture forums that I post on have a maximum of 600x450 pixels for images, and 175kbs.  Even 175kb is pushing it, most good quality pictures at that size will be about 60kb. Your images are HUGE (they are 4000kb), if you opened them in an editing or viewing program at 100% you'll see.  You should download GIMP (the best free editor) or use Photoshop if you have it, or most other photo editing programs can downsize your files & save them in .jpg or .gif for posting online.


That photo is jpg  but it doesn't matter it's still to big though right? And thank you.


Yeah it's way way too big for web use, about 5x too big in size and 40x too big in memory. Downsize it using a photo editing program, it's easy peasy.. feel free to tell me which program you're using if you need help. The tool to resize a picture will say something like "scale image" or "resize image" usually under the edit or image categories. 

Pretty much all photos taken from a memory card will need to be edited before you can share them online.  Cameras only save them in that huge size for printing and editing purposes.

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