Posted by Capture on Jul 17, 2007 · Member since Jul 2007 · 3981 posts
Hey Everyone,
I found this clip on youtube today, I don't know anthing about the show this comes from, but I get the impression that it tends to be right winged, however, they actually talk with someone from PETA and are being serious about the fact that going vegetarian/vegan is the best way to help the earth!
yeah, that is neat.
but... i thought that in al gore's film about global warming he did site reducing meat intake as something people should do? i might be wrong b/c i didn't actually see the film but i thought i heard that. maybe i just heard people that were mad that he DIDN'T say that? i don't know...
I thought about this Al Gore versus global warming and his still eating meat.
Thank you for this.
If everyone else was as media savvy as conservatives, we'd have made much more progress in the world.
The host, Glenn Beck, is a conservative television host trying to undermine global warming issues. Because Al Gore is an omni, the host says he's not qualified to address any portion of global warming and asks the PETA rep if there are vegetarian/vegan people who, "have the credibility to address global warming." Al Gore addresses global warming issues. If there are other issues, he or someone else can bring them up, it doesn't cancel out the points Gore has made.
The host doesn't have any interest other than to dismiss Al Gore, the front name in global warming. The goal is to turn people off of the only person with any real audience discussing this issue. If it's not in the forefront of our thoughts, then we won't be as opposed to big business polluting more. Conservatives are very effective at divide and conquer techniques.
I still think Al is a credible persone to discuss global warming, I'm pretty sure he knows more about it then most people, however the fact that he is still eating meat is a little concerning. I got the impression that the "host" of this conservative talk show is just trying to discredit a libreal, but hey, at least he is admitting that vegetarianism/veganism is the best thing you can do for the environment. too bad he is still a jerk and wont actually do it himself...if that clip encouraged at least one persone to vege then hey, it's one more to our side!
On another note, here are some really dumb kids "torturing" an onion...
I agree. Not everyone can do everything
It would be a great move for Al Gore to go veggie, but even if he doesn't, I think he's doing a great job of educating people on the environment.
Glenn Beck makes my blood pressure rise. >:(
I was just ranting about the host. I actually liked that he gave so much positive TV time to the issue of being vegetarian or vegan. His support was tongue-in-cheek, but at least it didn't have anything to do with abused children.
It would be a great move for Al Gore to go veggie, but even if he doesn't, I think he's doing a great job of educating people on the environment.
I agree. And frankly PETA and veg*ns who go on and on about Al Gore pissed me off.
It's not his JOB to promote veg*nism. It's too bad he's not. And to ask him why he didn't etc is fine and good but to go on and go totally undermines his film is ridiculous because then he's getting hit from PETA and oil companies don't even have to do anything to undermine him. PETA just paid their bill.
It think if regular Americans watch the film and take on green practices... they will logically come across Veg movements while trying to be more green... their spectrum will shift and they will see veg as more realistic.
I mean most people who see this movie say, "YOU WANT ME TO CHANGE MY LIGHT BULBS??? GOD!!! I CAN'T DO THAT!" Can you imagine if Al told them to not eat meat??? He'd be a crackpot to America.
I think he is great, I think he is a politician who really wants to help, not to make money (I'm not saying he hasn't made money, I'm just saying it's not number one on the agenda) and I think the movie is great.
*Okay I have to admit I only watch about 2 minutes of the video link because that Glenn guy is jumping around in the shot like a monkey and his voice hurts my brain.
I saw this and posted it on my myspace yesterday, thanks to Dominique.
I think the guy is a right @sshole to be honest, but I like that he raises the issue that going vegan/vegetarian will help global warming. However, he really is just trying to diss Al Gore in front of an audience. For what, though? Whats his agenda? Why is he against the global warming issue?
And I LOVE how, when the Peta spokesman suggests he can go vegetarian, he's like, 'No way, not gonna happen.'
ASS-HAT! >:(
Wow this clip is great! I think that I will send it around to all of my onmivore friends and family. Nobody is a big fan of Al Gore that I know. Yes, the video dismisses Al Gore and discredits him, but it brings up the solid point that eating meat contributes to global warming, and taking a simple step as to go vegetarian, or better yet, vegan is the largest step humans can take to stopping global warming, even more so than buying high efficiency hybrid cars or low-watt light bulbs, and it is cheaper, so everybody can do it. I am so relieved to find that there is a movement, however small, for people to get the truth out there, and to know that some people are finally starting to pick up on it and realize this truth.
Wow... that PETA rep did a great job of remaining calm and very informative in spite of Glenn Beck's cutesy, juvenile meat jokes. Bravo to him. I don't think I could have kept my composure for 5 seconds.
I think he is great, I think he is a politician who really wants to help, not to make money (I'm not saying he hasn't made money, I'm just saying it's not number one on the agenda) and I think the movie is great.
While I think he does feel that global warming is an important issue, he also sees a profit in his whole campaign. He gave his "Inconvenient Truth" presentation at my university last spring and it cost $100,000 to bring him there. Luckily, the university only paid $3000-4000 and there were a lot of wealthy donors in the Phoenix-metro area that pitched in for the rest, but I think if you are in it solely for the purpose of educating people, then $100,000 is just a bit on the ridiculous side.
I agree. And frankly PETA and veg*ns who go on and on about Al Gore pissed me off.
It's not his JOB to promote veg*nism. It's too bad he's not. And to ask him why he didn't etc is fine and good but to go on and go totally undermines his film is ridiculous because then he's getting hit from PETA and oil companies don't even have to do anything to undermine him. PETA just paid their bill.
This is the type of attack Gore has been enduring for a long time on a large number of issues he has addressed, not just global warming. His opponents love the logical fallacy outlined below (from the Nizkor Project):
Fallacy: Poisoning the Well
Description of Poisoning the Well
This sort of "reasoning" involves trying to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information (be it true or false) about the person. This "argument" has the following form:
Unfavorable information (be it true or false) about person A is presented.
Therefore any claims person A makes will be false.
This sort of "reasoning" is obviously fallacious. The person making such an attack is hoping that the unfavorable information will bias listeners against the person in question and hence that they will reject any claims he might make. However, merely presenting unfavorable information about a person (even if it is true) hardly counts as evidence against the claims he/she might make. This is especially clear when Poisoning the Well is looked at as a form of ad Homimem in which the attack is made prior to the person even making the claim or claims. The following example clearly shows that this sort of "reasoning" is quite poor.
Before Class:
Bill: "Boy, that professor is a real jerk. I think he is some sort of eurocentric fascist."
Jill: "Yeah."
During Class:
Prof. Jones: "...and so we see that there was never any 'Golden Age of Matriarchy' in 1895 in America."
After Class:
Bill: "See what I mean?"
Jill: "Yeah. There must have been a Golden Age of Matriarchy, since that jerk said there wasn't."
Examples of Poisoning the Well
"Don't listen to him, he's a scoundrel."
"Before turning the floor over to my opponent, I ask you to remember that those who oppose my plans do not have the best wishes of the university at heart."
You are told, prior to meeting him, that your friend's boyfriend is a decadent wastrel. When you meet him, everything you hear him say is tainted.
Thank you KBone! I was going to respond to this as "Kill The Messenger" but it's the same arguement model.
More people need to be aware of this tactic (hell, just more media literate in general) as it is a BIG one used by some especially nefarious parts of the political spectrum.
Update article below was originally found here:
At least the fish the Gore's ate " had come from one of the world's few well-managed, sustainable populations of toothfish, and caught and documented in compliance with Marine Stewardship Council regulations."
I know a lot of people here will probably say "so what, they ate animal flesh" but at least this shows Gore is not the hypocrite that some folks in the media would like us to believe he is.
Al Gore's fish dinner turns out green
By Catherine Elsworth
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 19/07/2007
Al Gore, the world's most high profile green campaigner, was at the centre of an embarrassing row yesterday after the serving of a rare fish at his daughter's Beverly Hills wedding.
Just one week after Live Earth, his global musical spectacular to raise awareness of environmental issues, the former vice-president attended a rehearsal dinner for his daughter's marriage that featured Chilean sea bass. Sarah Gore, 28, a medical student, was married to the Los Angeles businessman Bill Lee at the Beverly Hills Hotel on July 14.
The night before the wedding, People magazine reported, the Gores were at a dinner for 75 at the nearby Crustacean restaurant where a six-course tasting menu included Chilean sea bass - also known as Patagonian toothfish.
The reaction was swift: writing in in the Australian Daily Telegraph, Rebecca Keeble of Humane Society International, a conservation pressure group, complained of the danger to the species from "from illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing activities".
She noted that "more than 50 per cent of toothfish traded is illegally caught, and includes juveniles vital to the ongoing toothfish population". She called on the US government to help crack down on illegal fishing by sanctioning Spain for allowing its nationals to fish illegally for the species in conservation areas.
And in the meantime, she acidly suggested, "Al Gore could choose something else to eat". Her attack on the former vice-president, and his implied hypocrisy, were rapidly picked up by bloggers around the world.
But the fish enjoyed by the Gores were not endangered or illegally caught.
Rather, the restaurant later confirmed, they had come from one of the world's few well-managed, sustainable populations of toothfish, and caught and documented in compliance with Marine Stewardship Council regulations. The Gores' spokesman, Kalee Kreider, admitted that the fish has been on the menu, but said: "The Gores absolutely agree with this humane society and the rest of the environmental community about illegally caught Chilean sea bass.
"The problem is huge. This is unfortunate, we have been in touch with the society today. The really important thing is that people become more aware of this issue."