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Ouch! Stomach pain after eating a certain food

Hi everyone,

So, a couple months ago I went to this awesome restaurant ( ) that served both vegan & non vegan foods. The first time I got a veggie burger on a whole wheat bun and it was excellent, but right after I had horrible HORRIBLE stomach pains. It was super sharp and lasted for about an hour. I didn't have to go #2 and there wasn't too much gas. I went to this restaurant again last week and I got the exact same veggie burger. (Oh, and they define their garden burger as "a patty of mixed veggies served on a whole wheat bun with eggless mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, tomato, and red onion.") And I got the same stomach pains! That totally ruined the little date I had with my boyfriend..  :(

What to you guys think? I'm not sure whether it could be a food allergy? Or just a really weird coincidence??

Do you know for sure that the veggie burger is completely vegan?
If it has any eggs or milk in it, that might be the cause.

Over the summer, a friend of mine had a barbeque and had specially purchased vegan stuff for my husband and I.  I was so touched, that I didn't inspect what she had gotten us, I just ate it with blind faith.  Not a good idea.  The hot dogs that she bought were MorningStar, which have eggs in them (I didn't realize this until I saw the wrapper in the trash and we had already eaten like 3 of them).
I was sick that whole night and next morning, even though my husband didn't seem to have a problem.

But there are plenty of vegan substitutes that give me digestive issues the Gimme Lean Sausage gives me horrible, painful gas and nutritional yeast gives me diarrhea every single time (but I bear it because I'm addicted to my mac and cheese)


Thanks for your replies!

I am quite tempted to call the restaurant and ask what ingredients are in the burger. I've never had a dairy/egg allergy before, so I don't think it's that. Maybe there is some type of soy in it though. I can't eat TVP because it is sooo harsh on my stomach, so maybe that is it.

I'm definitely not going to order that again though......even though it was sooo good.


I was going to suspect a TVP reaction.  I can't eat that stuff, and it's really not good for you (highly processed).  I'd definitely call and ask just so you can rule out an allergy to something or to have them clarify on their menu if their veggie burger isn't actually vegan.


Might be an offending veggie in the veggie burger? Was the burger homemade or a commerical brand?

This restaurant near me has a great veggie burger, but.... I would always have a horrible stomach reaction (some serious, insane gas and pain!).  At first I just thought it was a coincidence but then it happened multiple times so I gave it up. I was thinking that there could be some super-high-fiber or otherwise offensive in large quantities vegetable in it (as it was a homemade veggie burger patty).  A homemade patty can have a ton of veggies in it, so I'm thinking it was a fiber overload or maybe cabbage or beans...


Since I have upped my raw intake allot I notice
most processed foods affect me.

I ate out last week at chain place called Moe's
tasted good just gave those terrible pains.

I notice with breads you get at restaurants allot of them have refined enriched flours and HFCS in them.
Just these two things will cause you some distress.
Two things I will never touch again as long as I live.


i get that from nutritional yeast and TVP. especially the nutritional yeast, though...GOOD LORD! the gas is ridiculous! haha! but i love the recipe for "melty cheese" on this site so much, that i indulge every now and then anyway.  >:D


I get some discomfort from eating the veggie burgers they serve at school. I work for the dining commons, so I know they're vegan, but I think it's mostly because I'm not used to eating greasy food anymore. "The Grill" (burgers/fries) station is the only place where food is guaranteed greasy, and I can't really handle that stuff anymore (on the rare occasion I eat veggie burgers, I make them at home or at a particular restaurant that clearly microwaves them instead of sautéeing). Apparently fat slows down your digestion, potentially giving more time for the bacteria in your intestines to ferment all the stuff you can't eat (any of the soluble fiber in the food), creating more gas/intestinal discomfort. I blame my bacteria.

Though I love them in other respects  ::)


It could be a Wheat (Gluten) reaction


I second the wheat/gluten reaction. You should be checked for that. I have celiac disease and what you describe is all to familar. If the reaction keeps getting worse definatley get checked for celiac. At this point eating wheat makes me vomit.


Interesting.  I'm sure at your age you would know if you had a gluten allergy that was that severe.  Does it happen any other time with any other foods, or just this particular veggie burger?  Weird.


Hi. when you go to a restaurant that serve vegan and regular food is more easy that you can get a cross contamination food. Or you have an alergic reaction try to eat wheat a long and then check. you can have a celiac problems. hope you feel better.

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