OMG help me, please help, I need support!
Posted by SnowQueen690 on Jan 18, 2008 · Member since Jun 2005 · 1569 posts
I just found out that I am pregnant! I keep shaking, I am so scared. The father of the baby can't help me at all, he lives far away, it was only one little mistake over New Year. I can't believe that I am pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test and I got the two bars. OMG I am so terrified! I don't know what to do. I am seriously considering abortion because there is no way I can take care of a baby right now. Came at the wrong time.
also, didnt you take the morning after pill? I seem to recall that you did in the other thread
ask the doctor how often that doesnt work, Id be interested in hearing his answer and the efficacy rate of the morning after pill
Yes I went to the doctor and got a confirmation from the blood test. They didn't tell me how far along I am, but I already know that, I am 3 weeks pregnant, 5 weeks since my last period. My mom is having a cow because I want to get the abortion. She is pro life, but I can't see any other choice. I want the embryo gone. I don't have the time or the money to take care of an infant. Quiete simply, I don't WANT to have a baby. I am not ready for it.
My mom is having a cow because I want to get the abortion. She is pro life, but I can't see any other choice. I want the embryo gone. I don't have the time or the money to take care of an infant. Quiete simply, I don't WANT to have a baby. I am not ready for it.
If your mom is pro life...tell her not to have an abortion. You just said that you do NOT WANT to have a baby. Read that sentence back to yourself.Repeat. read. repeat... Nobody should bring a life into this world unless they WANT to have it....and are ready for one...mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. Please read your own words again.... don't listen to anyone else. Though others have been in your shoes...they don't walk the same path as you in life. They are NOT you. Go with your first's usually the correct one.
Dear SQ,
I just got back from the long weekend and I had been crossing my fingers hoping you found out the home test was a mistake and you were just late. I am also glad you told your mom even though she is not supportive of the decision you have made.
I just want to add my two cents to the mix. You cannot make a wrong decision. If you look at all the possibilities here--and I see three of them--all of them have positives and negatves for you. The way I see it, they are all equal choices and you need to pick the one that feels right to you.
I'm just responding to the posts earlier about "hindsight" and making the wrong decision. Hindsight is really overrated. It only makes sense for purely quantitative things like the stock market or how much baking powder to add. Real life is too messy and there is just no way to predict what would have happened even WITH the benefit of hindsight.
So the only thing to do is go with your gut. And it sounds like you are doing that.
Yes I went to the doctor and got a confirmation from the blood test. They didn't tell me how far along I am, but I already know that, I am 3 weeks pregnant, 5 weeks since my last period. My mom is having a cow because I want to get the abortion. She is pro life, but I can't see any other choice. I want the embryo gone. I don't have the time or the money to take care of an infant. Quiete simply, I don't WANT to have a baby. I am not ready for it.
You have your answer then. Don't let anyone talk you out of what you feel is right for you. No one should make this decision for you.
I am sorry you are going through this.... good luck to you and hugs!
If your mom is pro life...tell her not to have an abortion. You just said that you do NOT WANT to have a baby.
Agreed. If this ever happens again before you are ready to have a child you might want to consider not letting your Mom in on it.
Yes I went to the doctor and got a confirmation from the blood test. They didn't tell me how far along I am, but I already know that, I am 3 weeks pregnant, 5 weeks since my last period. My mom is having a cow because I want to get the abortion. She is pro life, but I can't see any other choice. I want the embryo gone. I don't have the time or the money to take care of an infant. Quiete simply, I don't WANT to have a baby. I am not ready for it.
Although parents can provide much support/advice in times of need, they are NOT you. If your mom is going to treat you differently, judge you, disown you, etc., then she is making a very poor parental decision and it will be HER fault if a rift forms between the two of you. You asked her for advice and support during a very difficult time (and you didn't even HAVE to let her know) and instead she judges you. She should be supporting you in something that you feel is right, even if she whole heartedly disagrees with it. There are many, MANY things that my parents don't agree with that I've done, but they support me nonetheless even if they wouldn't make the same choices. Don't let your mom make you feel bad about this situation. You are a grown adult with goals and plans and a life of your own, and your mom really doesn't get a say in that (even though she may want to).
Yes I went to the doctor and got a confirmation from the blood test. They didn't tell me how far along I am, but I already know that, I am 3 weeks pregnant, 5 weeks since my last period. My mom is having a cow because I want to get the abortion. She is pro life, but I can't see any other choice. I want the embryo gone. I don't have the time or the money to take care of an infant. Quiete simply, I don't WANT to have a baby. I am not ready for it.
Although parents can provide much support/advice in times of need, they are NOT you. If your mom is going to treat you differently, judge you, disown you, etc., then she is making a very poor parental decision and it will be HER fault if a rift forms between the two of you. You asked her for advice and support during a very difficult time (and you didn't even HAVE to let her know) and instead she judges you. She should be supporting you in something that you feel is right, even if she whole heartedly disagrees with it. There are many, MANY things that my parents don't agree with that I've done, but they support me nonetheless even if they wouldn't make the same choices. Don't let your mom make you feel bad about this situation. You are a grown adult with goals and plans and a life of your own, and your mom really doesn't get a say in that (even though she may want to).
Perfectly stated, kbuettne! ::clapping::
SQ, I think everyone here has given you great advice. Listen to your instincts. Do what is right for YOU.
I posted because this afternoon on NPR's "Talk of the Nation," they were discussing abortion (in observance of Roe v. Wade anniversary). I immediately thought of you. I don't know if you've definitely made your decision, but there were some guests on the show that had a lot of good insight (no matter what choice you make). They recommended books, counselors, and the like. wasn't propogating abortion or no abortion (I hate the term "pro-life"). Anyway, here is the link to the online re-broadcast if you're intersted...
Again, you're in my thoughts.